How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 90.1

Chapter 90.1 – Yeran City

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Lu Tinghan said, “Shi Yuan, look at your feet, there is a small trash can there. I wanted to throw the paper ball in.”

He just threw it away casually, and the ball of paper flew accurately to the trash can.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yuan suddenly opened the door.

Unexpectedly, it hit Shi Yuan’s head so coincidentally.

Shi Yuan looked at the ball of paper fixedly, his eyes widened, as if he hadn’t heard it.

Lu Tinghan explained again: “Really, the trash can is at your feet.” He even stammered, “I…I… you wait for me to come over, I’ll throw the garbage in.”

He got up and walked quickly towards Shi Yuan, his footsteps unprecedentedly tense. He wanted to take the ball of paper away from Shi Yuan’s hand, but Shi Yuan turned around, turned his back to him, not letting him take it.

Lu Tinghan said behind him: “Shi Yuan…”

Then, he watched as Shi Yuan’s tail scales blow up little by little.

The tip of the tail was swinging fast, and the scales made a metallic scraping sound. Lu Tinghan felt that it took Shi Yuan a lifetime of cultivation and love for him to not let the tail knock on his head.

“Quality…too low,” Shi Yuan murmured, “It’s really too low, it’s too much.” He turned his head and stared at Lu Tinghan, “Lu Tinghan, you took the initiative to clean up the garbage and help take out the garbage at home. I thought you had made progress, but I didn’t expect you to have never changed!”

For the first time in his life, General Lu was unable to refute.

Shi Yuan threw the waste paper into the trash can and announced his conclusion: “I’m angry.”

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It was decisive and final.

This was the first time Shi Yuan had been angry with Lu Tinghan since he entered the city.

He was angry before because others were impolite, such as broken copper and rotten iron, rotten fish and rotten shrimp, and rotten clothes… This time, it was different. First of all, this was Lu Tinghan. Secondly, Lu Tinghan’s old habits were difficult to change, and his nature was difficult to change. Once you lack quality, you’ll never have quality. What’s more, he even got worse and threw garbage directly on top of his head.

Shi Yuan didn’t dare to think about what Lu Tinghan would do next.

The more Shi Yuan thought about it, the more angry he became.

For a whole day, his tail was blown up.

Everyone else noticed.

When Shi Yuan was in the room, Adjutant Bing quietly asked Lu Tinghan, “General, what’s the matter with him? Is he uncomfortable?”

These people all knew Shi Yuan’s identity and his relationship with General Lu.

The aircraft was in autonomous driving mode. To be safe, at least one person would be left in the cockpit. At this time, the engineer was in the cockpit, and the doctor Chi Yongge was drinking water, and hearing this, he quietly pricked up his ears to listen.

Lu Tinghan leaned against the wall and was silent for two seconds: “It’s kind of psychologically uncomfortable.”

Adjutant Bing had been with Lu Tinghan for many years, and he was very familiar with him, and then tentatively asked, “What happened? Didn’t we just set off now?”

When Shi Yuan got on the aircraft, he was still glued to Lu Tinghan’s side happily. In just half an hour, the two of them became like this, and Adjutant Bing was really confused.

Lu Tinghan raised his head and looked at the white ceiling.

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He looked solemn and slowly said, “Everyone participates, every family benefits, garbage does not fall to the ground, the city is more beautiful, do not leave anything but footprints.”

Adjutant Bing: ???

Adjutant Bing: “Huh?”

Lu Tinghan went back to the room without changing his expression.

Chi Yongge had been pretending to be indifferent, but now he turned his head suddenly: “Brother Bing, what does the general mean?”

“I don’t know.” Adjutant Bing looked confused, “What garbage, where do we have garbage here?”

—Obviously, the end of the world hindered the inheritance of knowledge. Neither of them had ever heard of the “slogan of littering civilization.”

“Is it a metaphor?” Chi Yongge pondered, “Let me think about it…for example, ‘garbage’ refers to ‘monster’.”

“Oh!” Adjutant Bing suddenly realized, “So what the general meant is to call on everyone to participate in conscription and prevent monsters from landing in the city, and then for us soldiers to leave only our footprints without taking a shot!”

Chi Yongge clapped his hands and said, “That’s what it means! Definitely!”

“He deserves to be the general, who is worried about the city all the time.” Adjutant Bing touched his chin, and the stubble that had just grown was a bit thorny in his hands. “This slogan is quite interesting, especially the sentence ‘If the garbage doesn’t land, the city is more beautiful’. When I return to the city, I will find a master of calligraphy to write it and frame it at home.”

“I want it too,” Chi Yongge deeply agreed, “Just hang it in the study, above my head, for everyone to see!!”

Lu Tinghan didn’t know what brainstorming the two subordinates had gone through.

When he returned to the room, Shi Yuan was sitting at the table, holding a pencil to fill in a sudoku game – his scales were still blown up, and the tip of his tail swayed uncomfortably.

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Lu Tinghan sat by the bed and told Shi Yuan: “I’ve already written down those slogans.”

Shi Yuan: “Oh.” He didn’t even raise his head and continued to study Sudoku.

Lu Tinghan watched Shi Yuan think hard, and filled in two more numbers. He asked, “Do you want to take a break, do you want me to touch your head?”

Shi Yuan’s pencil paused.

Although it could be seen that Shi Yuan was fighting between heaven and man, he still said after struggling for half a minute: “No, I don’t want you to touch my head.”

Lu Tinghan silently counted in his heart: one, two, three…

In the third second, Shi Yuan said, “Well, you can touch it for a while.” He emphasized, “It’s really just a short while!”

Lu Tinghan touched his head.

Shi Yuan: “Purr, purr, purr.” The scales immediately smoothed a little.

Lu Tinghan hit the iron while it was hot: “Shi Yuan, Dr. Chi will make white radish soup tonight – not canned, but fresh radish.”

“Really?” Shi Yuan was a little surprised, “Where did the radish come from?”

“The food distribution office has prepared a lot for us. In addition to canned and compressed food, there are also fruits, vegetables, and meat. They are all frozen in the freezer of the aircraft, enough to eat for a long time.”

The smooth black hair slipped through Lu Tinghan’s fingers, and he continued: “We are the much-anticipated expeditionary force. The main city has given us the best things, including inhibitors, odor masking agents, firearms, and various instruments. We don’t know how the Empire’s technology is developing. If these things could help them, it would be best.”

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“I see! Purr, purr, purr.” Shi Yuan squinted his eyes in comfort, and his tail completely calmed down, “I hope the Empire people are all good too.”

“I have never touched the Empire, but if they exist, I believe we can fight side by side,” Lu Tinghan said.

In the midst of his happiness, Shi Yuan noticed Lu Tinghan’s words. He asked, “Do you think the Empire may be gone?”

Lu Tinghan: “Professor Luo said that the Empire took the initiative to join the communication channel. Even so, we never really talked to them, and we had to plan for the worst.”

“What if they really aren’t there anymore?”

“We’ll just go find the underground city ourselves,” Lu Tinghan said, “This will cost countless times more energy, and time is tight. We alone cannot guarantee that the city is really safe and suitable.” He took advantage of the situation and squeezed Shi Yuan’s face, “The main city only has one year left, it’s always good to give it a try.”

Regardless of the outcome, they must deliver an answer to their fate.

“Well,” Shi Yuan said, “I hope everything is fine in the Empire.”

His tail dangled at his feet.

Lu Tinghan glanced at it, feeling that the time was right.

He said: “Shi Yuan, there is one more thing. The trash throwing was really an accident, I—”

Shi Yuan’s tail blew up again!

He said, “I’m still angry!”

Lu Tinghan: “……”

He felt that he should not have brought it up again.

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