How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 93.1

Chapter 93.1 – The Secret Town

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They went down the dark stairs.

The spiral staircase was very narrow, and there was no way to walk side by side. Lu Tinghan raised his flashlight, Shi Yuan followed closely behind him, grabbing the corner of his clothes, and the sound of footsteps echoed.

Lu Tinghan maintained communication with the aircraft, and after confirming that the three of them were safe, he continued to go down.

Shi Yuan pulled very tightly.

Lu Tinghan asked in a low voice, “Are you afraid of the dark?”

“No,” Shi Yuan also whispered, “I’m afraid of bumping into people.” He looked under the stairs, “It feels like someone lives here.”

The path seemed to have no end. There was such a deep space under this small city and small church.

After walking for 5 minutes, Shi Yuan quietly asked, “How long will it take?”

Lu Tinghan: “I don’t know.”

After walking for 8 minutes, Shi Yuan asked, “How long will it take?”

Lu Tinghan: “I don’t know.”

After walking for 10 minutes, Shi Yuan: “How long will it take?”

“I don’t know.”

After a while: “Do you want to eat bear biscuits?”

“I don’t know.”

Shi Yuan: ??

Lu Tinghan: “…” He answered too smoothly, he coughed guiltily twice.

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Shi Yuan protested: “You didn’t listen to me seriously!”

No matter how Lu Tinghan coaxed him, Shi Yuan stopped sharing biscuits with Lu Tinghan.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Yuan slammed into Lu Tinghan’s back.

“Hmm?” He made a puzzled sound.

Lu Tinghan stopped, raised his flashlight, and illuminated a heavy door. The door was all metal, and the dark golden facade had exquisite reliefs engraved with the king, the queen, and the little princess in the flowers.

Surprisingly, this door was not difficult to open.

The two of them pushed open the door together, and it was dark behind the door, but when they took two steps, the light appeared.——

The light started from their feet and spread along the ground and walls, rushing out hundreds of meters in an instant.

The whole world lit up, with scattered buildings, exquisite and flat long streets, gorgeous street lights, fountains, gardens, small castles, and carousels…

The two of them froze in awe.

This turned out to be an underground town!

Several dark infected creatures were disturbed by the light and instantly burrowed into the ground.

Shi Yuan’s eyes widened: “Wow!”

Lu Tinghan surveyed the city.

There were not many buildings, but each one was very exquisite. It was carefully designed at first glance, and the aesthetics were very in line with…little girls.

The gardens were withered, and their original appearance couldn’t be seen. The carousel was also covered with dust. There was a marble statue of Alicia in the fountain. Looking around, there were five or six fountains, some of them had her dancing in skirts, some were sitting and reading, and some were holding a short sword… The castle was even more gorgeous, with dark red carpets and doors decorated with jewels, pink tassels hanging over the second and third floors, and the Empire’s lion flag still hanging at the top.

“I see,” he said suddenly.

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“What do you see?” Shi Yuan asked.

Lu Tinghan: “When I checked the history of the Empire, I saw rumors that since Anna was pregnant, Morton had begun to build a secret town to give to his child. But…everyone thought this was a rumor, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be true.”

Lu Tinghan said again: “In just 11 years, to create such a complete underground town, only the Empire could do it.”

He looked to the town’s solid dome, where the same painted mural depicted flowers and crowds of people, all of them clustered around a princess in a white dress, and said, “It’s a miracle that it’s still so solid after all these years, and that the lighting system works, a very extravagant and very great miracle.”

Shi Yuan’s eyes lit up: “Maybe, we can move here to live?”

“It’s hard to say, there were monsters on the streets just now, maybe the city’s defenses have been destroyed,” Lu Tinghan said, “But it’s worth taking a look.”

They contacted the people on the aircraft.

Adjutant Bing said: “Don’t worry about us, the group of sea creatures has already left, and we are hovering in a very safe place. The most important thing is to explore the town.”

Lu Tinghan said, “We will be back before dark. Feel free to contact if there is a situation.”

“Copy that.”

There were still five or six hours before dark, which should be enough.

Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan walked on the street.

The buildings here were not suitable for people, they were more decorative, had weird shapes, and were painted colorful. After many years, the paint had faded too much, but one could still tell that some were like Christmas trees, some were like candy canes, and some were like golden bird cages, and pumpkin carts.

Even the ground was patterned with white rabbits, ribbons, teddy bears, and night lights, and the street lights were tied with colorful ribbons.

All of it showed that this was a small town that belonged to one person.

This was a kingdom constructed by a monarch with all his strength, and it was the doting love of a father.

“So amazing,” Shi Yuan looked around, “How did they dig such a large space underground?”

“By relying on large robots,” Lu Tinghan said, “The Empire’s machine industry is extremely developed, especially in terms of mechanical automation – ‘Blazing Sun’ is just one of their masterpieces.”

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“Can we bring one back?”

“Probably not. It’s too big, and I doubt there are any intact robots left.”

The town was not very big, and it wouldn’t take long to walk around.

The walls were not visibly broken and the place appeared to be safe.

As they walked past the carousel on the edge of the small castle, Shi Yuan remembered the one in the northern district and glanced at it a few more times.

And Lu Tinghan discovered something new and called: “Shi Yuan, come here.”

Shi Yuan leaned over to him and saw another staircase.

Lu Tinghan said: “This town has more than one floor, it can go down.”

The town was small, but it was a multi-storey structure, and there was something else underneath.

They went down the dark staircase.

After walking for two or three minutes this time, the stairs came to the end. The lights came on again, lighting up a whole new area.

What appeared in front of them was the zoo and aquarium.

All the cages were broken open, the animals were probably infected, and then escaped. Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan and saw a huge birdcage, a rockery, a dry pool, and countless dead trees.

“Will there be camels?” he asked Lu Tinghan.

“There might have been once.”

“Oh.” Shi Yuan was disappointed.

Lu Tinghan said again: “Alicia was obsessed with animals for a while. Morton found her exotic beasts throughout the Empire, supposedly golden zebras, black tigers, and even the legendary unicorns.”

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Shi Yuan’s eyes lit up: “Is there really a unicorn?”

“Actually, no, it was just a farmer who stuck a plastic horn to the horse’s head,” Lu Tinghan said, “I don’t know how many years he was sentenced.” He thought about it again, “Maybe he died. “

Shi Yuan: “……”

They went to the indoor aquarium.

The said aquarium was actually not as big as regular aquariums, but several aquariums of different sizes were pieced together. The advantage was that they were cleverly designed and neatly arranged.

Lu Tinghan came in to investigate the situation, and Shi Yuan came in to watch the flowers. He took Lu Tinghan’s hand and looked around. The aquarium had long since dried up, and masses of sludge were piled up at the bottom of the box. It was unknown how many aquatic plants and fish bones were buried.

Going further, many fish bones and specimens were placed in the showcase.

The showcase was quite well preserved, and more than 70% of the bones were complete.

Shi Yuan leaned over, at first it was the bones of small fish, and then there were huge corals and skeletons of sharks. When it came to the specimen area, it was even more diverse, with turtles and walruses.

Sea horses and sea urchins…

Shi Yuan didn’t know any of them.

He asked, “What is this?”


“What about this?”

“It’s like a coral reef fish.”

“These two?”

“Electric eel and sea anemone.”

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