How to Feed an Abyss!

Chapter 97.1

Chapter 97.1 – The Lair

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The aircraft landed in front of the hills.

Douglas and Adjutant Bing sprayed a scent-masking agent on the aircraft.

Di Wen said hoarsely: “We will help watch the aircraft. If a monster approaches, we will definitely know.”

Adjutant Bing asked, “Don’t you live underground? How do you see the aircraft on the ground?”

Di Wen smiled: “Don’t treat us as normal humans, right now, we’re already watching you.”

The hills were quiet and still, it seemed that there was nothing there, but Adjutant Bing shuddered, always feeling that countless pairs of eyes were looking at him.

After the scent-masking agent was sprayed, the camouflage cloth was covered, Douglas stayed on the aircraft, and the others followed the mole people to the west of the hills.

There was a large area of messy long grass, almost reaching the chest of an adult male, it was a mutated variety, the edges were jagged, which could leave cuts and blood marks.

They were very beautiful with hidden murderous intent. They were fluffy and golden, and full of vitality under the morning light.

The military uniform was strong enough to resist cutting, and the mole people were able to move around flexibly thanks to their thick fur.

The mole people were hunched over very badly and moved forward with both hands and feet. When he entered the grass, Shi Yuan couldn’t see them at all, and his tail was bent in confusion.

He could only follow Lu Tinghan closely.

And Lu Tinghan walked forward, following the fluctuations of the long grass – when the mole people passed by, the grass bent softly, like a school of fish passing under a golden ocean. You can’t see the fish clearly, but you can catch their beautiful water marks.


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It was the rustling of long grass.

The deeper you go, the more you feel like you are in a boundless ocean.

There were undoubtedly many stories hidden in the mole people.

Without the army and the city, they still survived.

Going further.

If it weren’t for the hills in the distance, they would definitely be lost… Although it was not the right time, Shi Yuan felt that they were like the protagonists in the script, stepping into a mysterious kingdom.

“Lu Tinghan,” Shi Yuan called out in a low voice.

Lu Tinghan: “Hmm?”

“I like it here. If only it wasn’t infected, we could roll here together.”

Lu Tinghan touched his head.

Stepping on the golden grass, they came to a hill.

The mole people swarmed up and plowed out the soil with sharp nails. The soil piled higher and higher, and the entrance to the ground appeared, black and full of earthy smell.

“Follow me,” Di Wen said, “Watch your head.”

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Everyone quickly understood the sentence “Watch your head”.

The passage of the mole people was very short, and they had to bend forward and couldn’t hit the flashlight too hard. Shi Yuan didn’t dare to shake his tail casually anymore, as he would scrape the dirt and dirty the scales of his tail.

He whispered to Lu Tinghan: “I must wash my tail.”

Lu Tinghan: “I’ll help you wash it.”

Shi Yuan: “…forget it.” If he asked Lu Tinghan to help, it wouldn’t be as simple as washing his tail in the end.

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows.

And Adjutant Bing was even more unfortunate.

He followed behind Chi Yongge and walked with his back bent. The posture was so awkward that he straightened up when he wasn’t paying attention: “…ah!”

He knocked on the sharp stone on the top of his head, his skin broke and blood oozed out.

Chi Yongge quickly sprayed him with hemostatic spray.

“Hiss…how far is it?” Adjutant Bing’s forehead was hot.

Di Wen’s voice came from far ahead: “We’re almost there.”

After walking down for more than ten minutes, the passage suddenly opened up.

A spacious space, they were at the bottom.

Looking up, this space as a whole was an irregular circle. Layers of soil were its walls, and it was riddled with holes everywhere. There were countless entrances to underground passages, leading to somewhere unknown. At first glance, it looked like a messy and orderly honeycomb nest frame.

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Lu Tinghan raised his flashlight.

The dim light swept across and there were more than a dozen pairs of reflective eyes at the entrance of each passage.

Countless mole people huddled high in the sky, silently scrutinizing the visitors.

This was their dynasty.

At this moment, Chi Yongge was covered in goosebumps.

Di Wen blew a long whistle and the mole people overhead scattered. And the mole people at her feet ran out and began to sort out the cans and guns they had brought back.

“Di Wen!” A voice came, and another mole with a rickety back jumped out of the tunnel and walked quickly, “Who are they?”

He was a male mole person with clear speech, much more rational than ordinary mole people, and the same as Di Wen.

Di Wen replied: “People from the Alliance.”

“Alliance?!” The man was incredulous, “Does the Alliance still exist?”

Lu Tinghan said, “Right in front of you.”

The man repeatedly looked at Lu Tinghan and his party, his cloudy eyes almost fell out, and he stammered, “You guys, how did you come here? Why did you come here? How is the Alliance? How many people are still alive? Are there any abyss and monsters there? Is it—”

Di Wen interrupted him: “Don’t ask so much, let’s first sit down and then talk about it. This is General Lu Tinghan,” she looked at Lu Tinghan and the others again, “This is Gerald.”

The man said, “Ivan Gerald, I used to be a teacher, and I still am.”

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They followed Di Wen and Gerald through a narrow passage.

The passage was the most primitive passage, surrounded by soil, and occasionally there were a few wooden boards supporting the passage, other than that, there were no reinforcement measures.

Adjutant Bing touched the soil, which was unexpectedly hard. He asked, “How did you strengthen the passage?”

Di Wen said, “Saliva.”

Adjutant Bing retracted his hand and wiped hard on the corner of Chi Yongge’s clothes.

At the end of the passage was another space, about the size of an ordinary living room.

Several Empire military flashlights were hung on the earthen wall for lights, they were dim and flickered now and then as if in a horror movie. And right in the middle was a low table, a few stumps that served as chairs, and an old kettle next to it set on a small fire, gurgling and bubbling.

They made a fire here.

The lack of oxygen underground made it difficult for flames to burn and consume oxygen quickly. But the air here was unexpectedly fresh, and there was even a faint wind blowing over the head.

Shi Yuan saw that there were two passages on the top of his head, vertically upward, going to the ground.

“We studied for a long time before we ventilated this place,” Di Wen sat on a tree stump, “The air vents on the ground are hidden in the most secret place in the grass, guarded by our people. It took so much effort to get a hot drink and a hot bite.” She pulled the corners of her mouth to smile, “This is only slightly like a human being, right.”

“I developed this ventilation duct.” Gerald lifted the kettle and poured water into the cup on the table, “Please sit down, all. I won’t invite you to drink tea. You must not be used to it.”

The cup was tattered, filled with what looked like tree roots and leaves, and there was an uncommon light fragrance coming out of it.

He and Di Wen took a cup each and drank slowly. Di Wen sighed for a long time, and her whole body relaxed a lot. Everyone found a place to sit down separately, and Shi Yuan also found a tree stump he liked.

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