The Duke of Reston passed through the entrance to the Empress Palace.

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The Empress Palace was quieter than expected.

For the past few days, the Emperor stayed here and it was bustling because of the maids and servants running around, but today the atmosphere has calmed down.

‘I heard that the Emperor is still in bad shape.’

The servant who poisoned the emperor had already been killed. The Duke of Reston heard the news from inside the palace through another servant. He said the Emperor’s condition was slowly deteriorating.

For some reason, the poison’s final effect was slower than he expected. He thought the Emperor would be out of breath at this time.

‘Is it because he is still young and healthy?’

He’ll die in a few days anyway.

Even if it isn’t because of the poison, if he lays down for a long time unconscious, he has no choice but to die from losing a lot of stamina.

Astelle had summoned the pharmacist she knew to the Empress Palace to treat the Emperor.

Astelle thoroughly kept the emperor’s doctor in the Empress Palace and prevented him from even taking a step outside the palace.

‘If the emperor’s death is delayed, I will make Astelle use her hands.’

The Duke of Reston thought so and entered the drawing room where the Empress was waiting.

“Father, I’ve been waiting for you.”

Astelle stood up and greeted him.

Astelle was waiting for him alone, without one of her maids.

“I’m sorry for calling you this late.”

Duke Reston carefully observed Astelle’s tired face. There was no sign of hiding anything on it.

He felt satisfied when he saw Astelle’s light green eyes were still shining.

Although many things had happened in the past, Astelle was definitely quick to judge the situation.

She was soberly judging who she had to join hands with to survive when the Emperor was dying.

Above all, the Duke liked that his cheeky daughter was being obedient again.

“Where is our Crown Prince?”

Astelle answered with a smile again this time. “He’s in his bedroom. Should I call him?”

“No need. Children should go to bed early.”

The Duke of Reston asked as he sat down without the empress’s permission. “Why did you suddenly ask to see me?”

Astelle sat across from him, pretending to be anxious.

The situation was much more complicated than expected. Astelle could not reveal that her father, the Duke of Reston, was responsible for this.

If that happens, Astelle, Fritz, and even Theor will become descendants of a traitor.

However, the ministers cannot be punished either. Most of the ministers who took part in the rebellion believed that the Emperor would die after listening to the Duke of Reston.

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If they are captured, they will surely testify in unison that the Duke of Reston took the lead.

‘Thus, incidents of poisoning or treason cannot be uncovered.’

A new crime should be created that will not harm the duke family.

Astelle organized her thoughts and brought up what she had prepared.

“Sir Seibel is secretly bringing the Knights of Lanberg.”

The Duke, who was sitting leisurely, paused at those words.


“I heard from Sir Lyndon. Sir Seibel is bringing the knights in without telling me. He also hid his troops around the capital.” Astelle explained the matter to her shocked father.

The Duke asked, “Aren’t you pretty close to him?”

“I was. Because he was Theor’s teacher. But he hid from me that he was secretly bringing in the knights.”

That means Seibel is suspicious of her. In the first place, the Lanberg Knights were loyal to the Emperor, not Astelle.

“Aren’t there still the Guards Division in the Imperial Palace?”

“Yes, but I’m not sure if I can trust them. If Count Ecklen and Seibel turn their backs on me and suspect me, who will Sir Lyndon side with?”

The Duke of Reston pondered for a moment and then burst out in anger.

“What the hell is your brother doing? Can’t he properly manage this matter himself?”

“It hasn’t been long since he became the minister. He’s done his best.”

When Astelle defended Fritz, the Duke laughed.

“You defend him so much because he’s on your side.”

Astelle pretended not to hear and changed the topic.

“When did you say the Knights of Rosewood would arrive?”

Anxiety also crossed the Duke of Reston’s eyes.

“It will take three or four days at the earliest.” He answered with a groan.

Astelle acted as if thinking deeply and then said, “I think… … we have to get rid of Sir Seibel.”


“And if we get rid of the knights waiting outside the capital, won’t that be fine?”

The Duke of Reston stared blankly at Astelle.

“Do you think the Emperor’s knights are toy soldiers? The Knights of Lanberg cannot be wiped out at will.”

“The Capital Guards can move freely because Fritz is here. And don’t other nobles, including my father, have knights in their mansions?”

“Although there are Duke’s knights, they are not powerful enough to get rid of the Emperor’s knights.”

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“It’s not like Sir Seibel brought all the knights,” Astelle replied in frustration.

She continued, “We just need to get rid of Sir Seibel. He only brought in some of the knights, so we can easily get rid of them now. Sir Seibel doesn’t trust me, so I’m sure there will be problems when all the Lanberg Knights arrive in the capital. We’d better take action before he brings all the knights back to the capital.”

“What about the Guards Division? Will they stand still?”

“I’ll keep Sir Lyndon in the palace. Lyndon is guarding the Imperial Palace anyway, so he doesn’t have time to worry about going outside the capital.”

The Duke of Reston was troubled when he heard that.

His fingers gently tapped the armrest of the chair.

Astelle paused for a moment before advising him.

“But don’t use our family knights.”

“Of course not.”

“Never give orders in the name of you or Fritz. What will happen to our family later when things go wrong?” Astelle asked several times worriedly.

She looked like a person suffering from anxiety, afraid that something would go wrong.

The Duke of Reston had no doubts about her words.

After thinking for a while, he made a decision.

“If what you say is true, I must take immediate action. Until the Knights of Rosewood arrive, we must prevent any danger from entering the capital.”

Astelle thanked him with a sincere smile.

“Thank you, father.”

Before getting up from his seat, the Duke looked back at Astelle and gave advice.

“When this is done, settle the emperor’s matter as soon as possible. The longer you hold it, the more problems you will have.”

“I will, father.”

Astelle answered, struggling to keep her smile.




As soon as she opened the bedroom door, the quiet and warm air greeted her.

Because it was the patient’s room, the fireplace was filled with firewood, so there was a warm atmosphere.

A cozy light enveloped the luxurious bedroom.

Kaizen was sitting by the window, looking at the documents. Astelle sighed and walked over to him.

“Are you awake again?”

Kaizen looked up at Astelle and made a bad excuse.

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“It’s hot.”

That’s what he said, but next to him was a pile of papers. It was a document that Astelle handled instead.

“You need to rest more.”

As Astelle nagged him, Kaizen closed his eyes and laughed softly.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You talk to me like you do to Theor.”

At his unexpected reply, Astelle looked at him in bewilderment.

‘Well, at least Theor listened to me.’

She wanted to say that, but she held it in.

Kaizen smiled while looking at Astelle, put down the documents, and stood up.

“Has your father left yet?”

Less than a day had passed since he took Gretel’s medicine and woke up. Nevertheless, Kaizen seems to have recovered his stamina to some extent.

“Yes, he just left.”

“Did he have any doubts?”

“Not at all. Everything went well.”

Kaizen was still supposed to be in bed, unconscious.

Only a few people, including Astelle and Gretel, knew that he had woken up.

Kaizen couldn’t take a single step out of the bedroom all day.

‘You must be frustrated because you’ve been in the bedroom all day.’

Astelle approached Kaizen and apologized.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

“What do you mean?”

Astelle avoided his gaze in embarrassment.

“I have to solve it this way… … .”

Originally, once the Emperor came to his senses, he would summon all the knights back to uncover the mastermind behind the poisoning incident and punish him according to the law.

But Kaizen was acting this way for Astelle.

“Don’t say that. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”

His hand gently stroked Astelle’s cheek.

The low-pitched voice has been conveyed with a sympathetic echo.

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“I’m sorry I’ve been giving you a hard time.”

“… … don’t say that.”

The light from the fireplace added warmth between the two of them.

Red eyes filled with deep affection looked directly at Astelle.

Astelle looked at Kaizen’s red eyes and smiled.

I don’t know how many times I prayed to God to let me see those eyes again.

My feelings for this man are still so complex.

Nevertheless, only one thing was clear. Astelle was genuinely happy that Kaizen came to life.

That was the only clear truth.

knock knock.

A brief knock broke the silence in the room.

Astelle quickly took a few steps back. Kaizen looked at her with a little regret and withdrew his hand.

“Come in.”

The door opened. Lyndon, Seibel, and all the people involved in this work, including Fritz, came inside.

“Your Majesty.”

Kaizen looked at the three of them, and he asked Seibel first.

“Seibel. Did you bring back all the knights waiting around the capital?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Everyone has entered the capital.”

“When will the remaining battalions in the North arrive in the capital?”

“They say they will be near the capital soon.”

Kaizen heard the report and ordered Lyndon.

“As ordered, keep the Guards Division secretly on standby and then raid the scene.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Astelle was silently listening to their conversation. She has already prepared herself to do this.

If the Duke’s army moves to attack the knights waiting outside the capital, the Guards Division will immediately attack and arrest them.

If the nobles attack the knights and try to take control of the capital during the emperor’s illness, those involved could be punished without revealing the poisoning incident.

Even from the point of view of the nobles involved in this incident, this crime was far less severe than the attempt to poison the emperor.

‘Please, it should be resolved safely.’

Astelle clasped her hands to suppress her rising anxiety.

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