Story 01 Skill Bonus

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After that, every morning, woken up by the sister, I made the kids’ breakfast, then I clean the building together with the kids throughout the morning, after doing that, I make the lunch, in the afternoon I became the kids playmate, when it’s evening, I prepare the dinner, then I slept.In the blink of eye, one month has passed. 


As expected, when a month had passed I would got accustomed to that kind of livelihood, I became able to understand other’s words to some degree.Though the pronunciation was still weird, I was able to convey what I want to say.The grammar is similar to Japanese language, where the verb is comes out at the end sentence type, and the pronunciation has similar feeling to English.If I were able to just remember the word, the established conversation will be comparatively smooth.If you only look at my pronunciation and/or the verb conjugated form in detail, it was still not quite there but, it has turn into a level of foreigner that talk brokenly. 


Because of that, I heard a lot of things from Father-sama.It seems that here is a small frontier village called Teres, that’s located on the southwest part of Galest Continent, inside the territory of Earl Garen of Albania Kingdom.....From that, I have fully decided that this is an another world.First of all, so that the talk didn’t became complicated, I forcibly explained to Father-sama & co. that I have lost my memories, and when I realized, I have already been here. I have already become loss on who I am, and I also didn’t understand the words.Honestly, with the exception of me don’t have any memories, I feel that all of it is true but......For now, I will have the Father-sama & co. to assent with that explanation.By the way, as expected, here is a church, and it’s a religious church that belief in earth god called Apol, and the Father-sama is called Father-sama and the Sister is called Sister.The kids is, a children that became an orphan because of the civil war that happened on 5 years ago in the Albania Kingdom, and because the one that brought them up were missing and they were struggles to life, Father-sama gathered the abandoned child and raising them up.With the Church operational budget money that 50% of it came from the Church main office, 25 % from the feudal lord, and 25% came from the village, they were barely living from it.By the way, going out with the stereotype of another world, it seems that besides a village, monster is also exist in here, basically it’s a world of sword and magic.

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Thus, having passed a month, I made a discovery.That happened at the night of the 35th day since I came to this world.When I look at the ceiling while I lie on the bed, I noticed a thing like touch panel button at the upper right side of my view was *twink twink* glittering around.At first, thinking that I should just ignore it, I brush it off with my hand, then suddenly, a thing like translucent window expanded before my eyes, there were button named Status, Equipment, Item, Skill on the right side vertically.The heck is this? Thinking like that, I push the button. The screen in front of me was changed, Yoji Tanaka; 27 y.o.; LV 1; Skill Bonus 2, various parameter value was displayed.STA 1 STR 2 SKL 2 SPD 1 MAG 2  “ LOW!?” I understand from the start myself by various aspect that I don’t have any talent but, isn’t this excessively too low, right? was what I thought.Similarly, I try to push the Equipment, Item, and Skill button.

When I look at the Equipment, Upper Sweatshirt; Bottom Sweatpants, is written in Japanese. 
When I look at Item, nothing was displayed.
For now, I insert the pebble that was on the bed to my pants pocket and then, *pi* the Pebble was displayed in the Item Field.

Finally, when I press the Skill button, it became a vertical and horizontal screen, a large quantity of <?> button displayed side by side.

Various arrow mark connected from left to right. 
First of it, I try to press it casually from the upper part but, there was no reaction.

Gotten worked up by it, I slide the right side button from the upper part using my index finger like I was licking it.T/N:.....pervert - Arahetta~...There is no reaction at all

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T/N: what? you want it to say “ahn” or something? - Arahetta~When I continuously keep on pushing the button ‘till the end part, at certain point *pi* kind of sound was heard, because of that I slide the scroll button to upper side in a hurry.Wherein, there was one button twinkling.<Hawk Eyes> were displayed on it.Because it’s called a skill so I’m certain that it has some sort of abilities.From the name I can guess that it means we can use <A Hawk Like Eyes>.

For now, I opened the wooden window and look outside. 
Because it’s perfectly at full moon days right now, despite that it’s in the middle of night, it’s quite bright.
A person shadow is reflected in the distance. 
When I strain my eyes, wondering who is it in this midnight, my focus center was magnified instantly, and I’m able to distinct the other party face.
It was an old man that reside nearly three building away, that humming a song while gotten drunk and was walking with a tottering step.

  “Awesoome!!” The heck, is this an auto telescopic function? “Are the magnification around 30 times?”

It became zooming in when I focused to the target, and it became normal when I not focused on the target.

When I loosened my consciousness, my view became the same as the usual.It’s a super-high performance autofocus telescope.t/n: peeping suddenly become not that hard anymore~ - arahetta~

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With this, if I use it on various “mufufu” situation…, I intuitively thought like that.t/n: yappari of my favorite mc - arahetta~When I facing the Skill screen, and push the <Hawk’s Eyes> button once again, it turned dark.Somehow, it seems that it possible to On Off it.When I look at the entire screen, at certain point, I notice a field under something written Bonus Skill.I found out that when I push <Hawk’s Eyes> button the value become 2→0.Somehow, it seems that the Skill Button is influenced by the Skill Bonus value. “The heck, isn’t this the so called cheat chlicé?” 


Afterwards, I try to push all the Skill Button, and I’m able to activate 1 more Skill.That was a skill called <Display Status>.At that night, in the end, I’m unable to grasp the effect regarding <Display Status>, oh well, for the time being, let’s sleep.The next day, woken up by the Sister, I’m able to understand the meaning of <Display Status> for the first time.On Sister Head,  
Aria LV. 2

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Women Human
16 y.o.  
Skill Bonus 2



things called window was *puyo puyo* floating around.

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