How to Raise a Silver-Haired Loli – [Chapter 1 Part 2]

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“Yu Fei, do you want to grab something to eat?”

“No thanks, I’m already going with someone else.”

After replying, I begin to head towards the roof, swinging my lunch box back and forth as I walk past a few ‘Background Characters’ that tried to greet me.

It’s been a month since high school started and I finally got a chance to meet my ‘Main Character’.

“So slow…”

I leaned against the wire mesh surrounding the edge of the rooftop, my eyes staring at the only entrance. Since I knew why he was taking so long, it wasn’t much of a surprise. I decided to just open up my lunchbox and eat while waiting.

^^^ Checked and Approved

He didn’t disappoint either and appeared with drinks after I finished my lunch.

“That’s why Hao Ran should go shopping me with after school!”

“No no, Hao Ran should follow me home and cook with me.”


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Listening to the noisy conversation, I could tell that he has arrived.

The “main character” that I’ve decided on, Wang Hao Ran. It wasn’t a baseless decision, he is good at quite a fair bit of things.

What do I mean? He has looks, wealth, strength, intelligence and charm.

For looks, I actually look better than him (this isn’t self-praise but a fact), average looks and a head of black hair with bangs. Pair that with the school uniform and it comes out pretty decent.

For wealth, he’s slightly better off compared to me. I remember hearing somewhere that his father and mother are very busy, so they leave him at home with a sister that isn’t related by blood.

Why is she not related by blood? That’s because their parents have remarried.

For strength, he is said to be a fast runner but no one knows how he trained that.

He’s about the same as me for intelligence as he tends to score a little higher than me in exams.

His EQ on the other hand… That is a worrying thing, otherwise, he wouldn’t be stuck in such a situation.

As the for charm… I’m sorry but I still can’t pin it down after so long, but he gives off this feeling of impressiveness.

“Ah, Yu Fei.”

After seeing me, the silent Hao Ran ditched the 2 girls who were still arguing and ran to join me.

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“I’m saved.” he sighed.

“It’s really tiring to be you, isn’t it?”

A passed the extra can of soft drinks to him. He took it and took a swig out of it before replying me, “It’s fine, I’m used to this anyways.”

After saying that, Hao Ran looked towards the 2 girls who were still arguing. I followed his gaze and looked towards them too, feeling a little helpless.

The 2 people were his childhood friend and his sister. If I remember correctly, his childhood friend’s and his sister’s names were Tian Ling and Wang Yue Yao respectively.

The petite girl with brown hair and a cheerful personality is his childhood friend. The girl with long flowing black hair, radiating an aura of elegance is his older sister.

With this, it should be clear why he’s my “Main Character” now.

Busy parents, a beautiful onee-sama and a childhood friend that has been with him since young. He’s the perfect example of a harem anime protagonist. (Smiles)

I’m not going to feel jealous though since it doesn’t really involve me and I happen to be enjoying the current situation.

“By the way, why are they here? Sister Yao should be a sophomore and Tian Ling should be in the next class right?”

“It’s a long story…”

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Hao Ran laughed wryly and capped his drink before explaining the situation to me, “I wanted to go to the toilet then come to find you immediately, but I got stopped by Tian Ling and then met my sister after that.”

“It must have been tough, but didn’t you say your luck was pretty good?”

“Fine, I guess my luck isn’t all that good then.” Hao Ran shrugged, saying lifelessly, “I can’t do anything about them.”

Not only can’t you fight back, you’re essentially being dominated!

I thought of this while staring at the 2 girls who were still bickering. At last, I opened my mouth to ask Hao Ran who was sitting beside me, “Shouldn’t you do something about that?”

“It’s gonna continue anyway, why should I go and stop them?”

“So that we can enjoy a peaceful lunch break?”

“I guess that makes sense.”

After being convinced by me, Hao Ran stood up and went over to stop the fight. I took a swig out of the can and followed him to go join the “battle”.

“Tell us Hao Ran, who are you going to follow?”

Tian Ling pointed at Hao Ran, asking him to answer the question, “

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“Ara, are you going to be two-timing?”

“Can you not tease me?!”

“Let’s all calm down yeah?”

I decided to be the good guy and tried to stop the quarrelling.

“Not you too!” Tian Ling shouted at me before turning around to face Hao Ran and asking him, “Choose. Do you want to follow me and go shopping or follow Sister Yao to go cook!”

“Is there even a need to choose?”

Sister Yao walked over and pushed Hao Ran against her chest, gently saying, “Of course he’ll be going home with me.”

“How could that be! Hao Ran, you’re going to follow me to go shopping, right?!”

“Uh… Eh… Yu Fei! Help me!!!”

“The weather seems nice today.”

I covered my ears and casually looked at the blue sky.

I am Lin Yu Fei and this is a common scene in my peaceful life. However, this changed after the appearance of one person.

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