Protected: How to Raise a Silver-Haired Loli – [Chapter 2 Part 2]

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“Haha, I see you guys are still as lively as ever.”

I looked at their disappearing figures and chuckled.

The class was also used to me and Hao Ran fooling around.

From my right side came a crisp and clear voice, “You guys are really close aren’t you?”

“I guess… He is an interesting person after all.”

From the unique voice, I could tell who was the one talking without turning to look.

“Are you sure it isn’t interesting because you can tease and play pranks on him?”

“Prank? I wouldn’t call that a prank.”

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I turned and looked towards my right, seeing the loli smiling at me while cupping her chin in her hands. Her silver hair was spread across the table, so she had to frequently tuck her hair back behind her ears.

“You really are beautiful.”

“Ehhhhhh? I’m… I’m not beautiful…”

Hearing my praise, the loli blushed. Embarrassed, she tried to push me away using her hands.



“… Hahaha.”

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“Mou… Please don’t do that…”

“Sorry sorry.” I rubbed away the tears that had formed while I was laughing and apologised to her, “your reaction was just too funny.”

“Hmph, Fei Yu only knows how to tease people.”

Fei Yu?

I looked at the pouting loli.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

“My dear loli, I wasn’t teasing you.”


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Zhou Xue didn’t know who the “loli” referred to, so I pointed and her and nodded seriously.

She blankly pointed her finger at herself and tilted her head.


“That’s right. Loli.”

I spread my arms and smiled, “With such cute looks, of course, you’re a loli.” I said.

“Wuuu. Fei Yu is teasing me again.”

“No no no, I’m just speaking the truth.”

I waved my hands, denying her accusations. The loli was about to say something but she was cut off by the scream.

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“Waaaaaaaa, Fei Yu! Help me!!!”

Hao Ran appeared at the door screaming at me for help. Before I got a chance to understand the situation, Hao Ran took off again after glancing to his right.

In no time, another figure ran past us. With that, I understood what was happening.

“Ha, I’ll take my leave first, my dear cute loli”

“Please don’t call me that.”

“It’s fine it’s fine. You’re really cute after all.”

I flashed a bright smile and ran off.

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