After taking the medicine, Miao Muqing hurriedly asked the agent to apply it for her, she also constantly asked if there were any swelling.

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 Fearing that the greater her hopes, the greater her disappointment would be, Xiao Jiashu could not help but pour cold water, “Sister Muqing, although the effect of this drug is good and it’s able to reduce the swelling, it will certainly leave some bruising”


    Miao Muqing’s anger that had just subsided began to burn again and stabbed Lin LeYang fiercely. Her agent was so anxious and called the dermatologist quickly. The expert did n’t have a particularly effective method. In the end, he told him, “Well, why don’t you buy some medicine designed for the national team to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis from the Xiao Pharmaceuticals? It ’s very effective, even foreign football and basketball stars are all very much in favour of it, they also won’t ask for money as you would be helping them advertising it”. 

The agent looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and began to really cry.


 Xiao Jiashu couldn’t bear seeing people cry and gave some comfort, “Sister Muqing, don’t worry, the bruise left after swelling is very shallow, you can cover it with concealer. Or you just let the advertiser change the plan, directly ask them to take pictures of your nose and face swollen, and then apply the flawless makeup on camera, this can help better show the power of their cosmetics. “


    He was only joking, but Miao Muqing eyes brightened, she took the phone and left. Her agent quickly followed, and left Master Xiao, giving a thumbs up before leaving.



    Xiao Jiashu’s face was inexplicable, while Lin Leyang’s heart was surging. He was grateful for Xiao Jiashu’s siege for him, but he also understood that he was doing so for Ji-ge and Miao Muqing’s face and that he might be nothing in his eyes. He took out his mobile phone, flipped through the ridiculous messages of netizens, and felt a lot of suffering. Although Chen Pengxin bought the navy in time to guide public opinion, the effect was not significant. If he only looks at the appearance, he really can’t compare to Xiao Jiashu.


   As he was about to turn off the cell phone, Ji Mian stretched out his arms to hold him, and said softly, “Smile.”


    He habitually raised his face to reveal a bright smile. The picture of the two head-to-head, side by side, was captured. Ji Mian logged in to Weibo to send the pictures and wrote: @Lin LeYang, this is a little newcomer I signed myself, there is great potential, please take care of it.

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    He has tens of millions of fans, and they were extremely loyal. Lin LeYang used to be abused before, and now he has many supporters. One after another, flattering him, “Expand our little wings to embrace Yang Yang!”


    “I believe in Ji Main’s vision, in fact, the small newcomer looks very lovely and bright, and when he smiles, he reveals two small tiger teeth!” 


     “Super cute! Raising Meng to a new high! “


 There was such talk in the comments, almost immediately reversing Lin LeYang’s situation. Although there were still some unwilling to stop, they were quickly run down by Ji Mian’s fans and Weibo immediately became harmonious.



 Lin LeYang was still in a daze when Ji Mian beckoned to Shi Tingheng, “Come and take a picture.”


    Shi Tingheng understood in seconds and took a close relationship photo with Lin LeYang, and then posted on Weibo, and admired Xiao The newcomers performed well and had a bright future. The two great film actors came out to escort one after another, and Lin LeYang’s Weibo was naturally crowded by the admired fans. They all paid attention, and the number of fans exceeded one million in less than ten minutes.


    Ji Mian took Lin LeYang into the break room and called him a box lunch. He told him, “Let’s eat, finish your meal and film seriously. Don’t think too much.”


     Lin LeYang became undazed and his reddish eyes filled with tears. He wanted to say something to Ji-ge but felt that any words would seem weak at this moment. Ji-ge always did this, appeared when he needed the most help, and easily took him out of his predicament.

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    He nodded, and said cautiously, “Thank you Ji-ge, I will work hard.” In this case, Ji Mian often heard this from Lin Leyang’s mouth recently, almost without feeling. He took a deep look at him and said nothing.

TN: I was just about to comment about his “working hard” promises before realising that Ji Mian also fees the same as I do *rolls eyes*


 Chen Pengxin checked Weibo, his face was full of pride. This was the influence of Ji Mian’s superstar really and in less than a minute, he solved the problems that he couldn’t solve in the morning. It would be nice if LeYang could get to this level someday.


     But the next second, his proud smile stiffened on his face, only because Xiao Jiashu came in with a boxed lunch, and naturally said, “Ji-ge, Heng-ge, would you mind taking a picture with me?”


    What do you like best after taking a photo with a star? Send it to Weibo, of course! Chen Pengxin almost dumped a box of cold preserved eggs on Xiao Jiashu’s face. Why are you everywhere? People post Weibos, you also post Weibos, others are enthusiastic, you are also enthusiastic, you don’t stop, do you?


  Lin LeYang’s face was also not very good-looking. He understood that if Xiao Jiashu posted and @Ji-ge and Heng-ge, the two would definitely respond, and their relationship with him would not be bad at all. If Director Luo saw it, he might give a few words of encouragement. These days, his appreciation and love for Xiao Jiashu were well known.


    Shi Tingheng boasted that his “acting was excellent” was a bit of an exaggeration, but I would be appropriate on Xiao Jiashu’s head. These big stars would pop up one after another to respond, and Xiao Jiashu would soon outshine him. Seeing that the situation that was difficult to reverse was going to get out of control, Lin LeYang became irritable. He really hated Xiao Jiashu a little.

Xiao Jiashu knew nothing about anyone’s thoughts and looked at Ji Mian eagerly. Ji Mian hesitated for two seconds before he said, “Where do you want to take it? Everyone’s lunch is here, and they probably won’t look good.” “That’s what I want.” Xiao Jiashu smiled and immediately held the boxed lunch next to Ji Mian, to the assistant he said, “Just take a picture of us eating.” 

“Okay.” The assistant took a few pictures and was about to show Xiao Jiashu. But he had already run over to Shi Tingheng, holding the boxed lunch and posing. Shi Tingheng was also very cooperative. One newcomer is pushing, and two newcomers are pushing. Anyway, they are from the same company, so it wasn’t a big deal.


 After taking the pics, Ji Mian and Shi Tingheng waited for Xiao Jiashu to post Weibo and @them, but he didn’t expect that he just took a look at the mobile phone, and then picked up the rice. Xiao Jiashu stayed abroad all year round. He didn’t even have Weibo before he returned. Why would he post the pictures to promote himself? He took them just for the sake of taking pictures. It was stored in his album. What Weibo?

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     After dinner, Miao Muqing came back and said with a smile, “Okay, the advertiser was very interested with my suggestion and re reworking the plan. Xiao Jiashu let’s have dinner later.”



“No need Sister Muqing. My mother bought pork ribs and winter melon which will be stewed. If I don’t go back for dinner, she will eat me. ”


  Miao Muqing didn’t force it, and found that Shi Tingheng and Ji Mian joined forces to push up Lin LeYang, and said with a sneer, “Xiao Shu, let’s take a picture.” After taking the picture, she sent the picture directly to Xiao Jiashu and waited for him to post it on Weibo so that she could then respond to it, adding a little bit of heat to him.


    If Huang Meixuan had not warned her not to entangle Xiao JIashu into a scandal, she would have posted the picture to Weibo herself.


    She refreshed the webpage while eating her lunch, but unfortunately waited for more than ten minutes and still did not see Xiao Jiashu’s movement. When she looked at him, she found that the other party had added another bowl of rice and was eating deliciously. Why you haven’t you posted on Weibo? Do you understand the hype? Miao Muqing really hated iron for not becoming steel[1].

[1] iron for not becoming steel: feeling resentful for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement.

    Lin LeYang and Chen Pengxin were secretly relieved but did not dare to relax, for fear that Xiao Jiashu would send out a photo after eating. Right now, netizens have guessed from the group photo that he, Ji-ge and Heng-ge were shooting “The Apostle”. They were bragging about his resources and starting point, and they have overshadowed Xiao Jiashu. If Xiao Jiashu sent the same picture here, it would be a face-slapping scene!


  How could Xiao Jiashu think of posting on Weibo, everyone was having inner dramas but this meal was delicious. At that moment, Ji Mian raised his eyes and glanced at him, he also stared back and gave a bright smile without hesitation.


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     Ji Mian’s face was taut, and he couldn’t help laughing. Do all dedicated people live a carefree life? No, maybe it would be more appropriate to say that you’re out of your mind?


    After Xiao Jiashu finished eating, he picked up the phone and played with it, but did not post Weibo. Instead, he registered a number, which was used for stalking. He thought about it, and took the nickname “Don’t bow your head, the little crown will fall off.” Ji Mian’s fans call themselves “Little Crown”[2]. The name was there, and everyone would know who his fans are.

[2] This is because Ji Mian’s name is literally translated as: Season Crown

   After paying attention to Ji Mian, he began to browse today’s news and found that Ji-ge pushed Lin LeYang. He quickly switched to his main account to praise the post and Shi TingHeng. He had no idea that Lin LeYang was compared to him by the netizens. Even if he knew it, he would not think too much. He only cared about filming, and he doesn’t have many fans, popularity, influence, and other benefits. It was completely out of his consideration.


    He always believed in one thing-for an actor, good work represents everything.



   After using the main account, he switched back to the small account and continued to browse through. He found that netizens compared Ji-ge and Shi Tingheng, from looks to body, from body to temperament, from temperament to acting. Xiao Jiashu rarely paid much attention to domestic news. He had never seen such drama and couldn’t help but watch it with relish. After watching it, he wrote: “I’m not exaggerating, but Ji Shen’s acting skills are currently unmatched in China. There are very few international rivals. Each of his films can be called a classic, Kong Yan in “The Troubled Times”, He Yunlei in “The Last Ocean” …


    After exaggerating a lot of things, he proudly declared: “Mian is better than StingHeng why? Because he is comprehensive enough, there’s almost no role he can’t command. In contrast, Shi Tingheng has been repeating himself over the years. When it comes to tough guys, heroes, and decent people, the first thing everyone thinks of is his role. He is already stereotyped and his plays become very narrow, which is his biggest weakness.


    I’ve seen his filming “Montenegro”, which tells the story of a small employee with a wimp character who had been blackened under the oppression of his boss and the betrayal of his wife. The ending was tragic, with a little black humor mixed in. It’s one of his worst grossing movie and the worst in reputation. But I want to say that Shi Tingheng, who got rid of the heroic image, fully exerted his superb acting skills. He is a severely underrated actor, and can actually manage more roles, but no one is willing to trust him. He did not lose to himself, nor to Ji Mian, but to the fans.


    After typing, Xiao Jiashu sneaked a glance at Shi Tingheng and then clicked send.


    Ji Mian looked at Master Xiao while eating, and his eyes were complicated.

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