How To Say I Love You

Chapter 41.2

“You! come back!” Lin Le Yang was shocked. He wanted to stop her, but Chen Pengyu had already run away.

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Chen Pengxin also said to himself, “ Ji Zong is our boss. His input would still be needed for someone to get rid of her. Who was Xiao Jiashu?

Lin Le Yang was stunned by this sudden change. After a while, he recovered and quickly chased after her. He had just arrived at the door and could overhear Ji Mian’s words. “The person who wants to fire you is me, not Xiao Jiashu. From now on, you are no longer an employee of mine. This is your salary.”

Chen Pengyu’s face was burning like a fire, she couldn’t help but stare at the money on the table. She came from a poor county town and was only a high school student. How did she earn two thousand yuan for such a short while? This was two thousand yuan in two days, how much would it be in a month? As she thought more and more, she became unwilling. She tried to explain but Ji Mian had no patience for her. He signalled to the two assistants, “send her back.” Greed, selfishness, vanity, laziness, such a person was not suitable for any work at all.

Lin Le Yang watched Chen Pengyu being sent out and watched her break away from the assistant’s hold. She ran back and took away the two thousand yuan. Before she left, she stared fiercely as if he was the chief culprit who caused her to be driven away. It was really unclear what the gaze was about.

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Afterwards, Chen Pengxin hurriedly chased after his sister and asked him, “What are you doing? Let go of Xiaoyu…”

The noise gradually faded away, and Ji Mian lit a cigarette, smoking silently.

Lin Le Yang raised his eyebrows, “Jie Ge, I observed that you’ve been smoking very often recently. Didn’t you promise me to you would quit?”

“I told you to dismiss Chen Pengyu, why did you say it was Xiao Jiashu.” Ji Mian’s sharp eyes firmly locked into him.

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Lin Le Yang embarrassingly, whispered, “I was afraid that Xiaoyu would hate you, so I said that it is Xiao Jiashu. Pengxin still has to work in the company, and it wouldn’t do for the relationship to sour.”

“I can’t say that I understand your logic, but I must warn you that being a person, especially as a man, there must be a sense of responsibility, one mustn’t shirk his own responsibilities to others. If Chen Pengxin hates me, he can also walk away. I am the boss of a company, not a small family workshop. Le Yang,” Ji Yan said one by one, “You have recently let me down! If you feel that our feelings are a burden to you, I feel that I have given you pressure to let you sacrifice yourself for me, you can also leave at any time.”

Lin Le Yang panicked and hugged Ji Mian, pleading, “I am wrong, Ji Ge, please don’t break up with me. You are not a burden, you’re my salvation. I want to be with you for the rest of my life.” He was really sincere. He really did want to live with Ji Ge for a lifetime, maybe it was originally for the sake of repayment, but how can there be no true feelings in all these years? What’s more, Ji Ge is such a good person, it was too easy to fall in love with him!

Yes, he loves Ji Ge and was willing to adjust his sexuality for him. He has worked very hard, could you not see that Ji Ge?

The frost in Ji Mian’s eyes slightly melted, but there remained a trace of gloom. After a while, he hugged Lin Le Yang back and said tiredly. “After a while, you will go to apologize to Xiao Jiashu.”

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Was this forgiveness? Lin Le Yang nodded and broke into laughter.


The next day, Chen Pengyu did not appear again. Xiao Jiashu learned from Lin Le Yang about the incident and was simply speechless. Dismiss if you want to dismiss, why involve me? Am I one to be used? But he did not say anything and also accepted Lin Le Yang’s apology. Chen Pengxin also became very strange. He always looked at him with hateful eyes when he was not paying attention. When he saw, he smiled politely.

Xiao Jiashu subconsciously stayed away from this person. Two-faced, sinister and deceitful, are the most dangerous kind of trashy people.

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Three days later, Director Luo took out a big red envelope and shook it. “Xiaoshu, do you see this? If you can finish the last shot without ng, the red envelope is yours, and if you can’t, then no money for you.”

The last scene was about when Ling Feng learned from Annie that the real money-making business of the Ling Group was to drug trafficking. He expressed disbelief, in his denial, he hacked into the company’s network to check the secret account book. His three views became broken and almost collapsed. Ling Tao appeared at this time, Ling Feng had to converge on his surging emotions, to cover up his discovery.

Director Luo said and as he stressed, “Ling Feng is a young man with a strong sense of justice. He certainly can’t accept this fact. Xiao Shu, make good use of every muscle in your face and try to convey his complex inner emotions. He doesn’t want to believe the facts at hand, but he has to believe it. The disbelief, fear, disappointment, anxiety, and so on.”

Xiao Jiashu pondered for a moment and nodded. “Director Luo rest assure; I will definitely not save you money.” The reason why he was so confident was that he suddenly thought that if Ling Tao was replaced by his brother Xiao Dingbang, he could imagine the Ling Group as Xiao Pharmaceuticals, and suddenly one day he discovered that his best and most capable brother actually made his fortune through drug trafficking. What kind of mood would he be in?

For a moment, Xiao Jiashu’s blood froze all over his body.

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