How To Say I Love You

Chapter 43.2

“An illegitimate child?” he asked hopefully.

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“No, was born in the family. He went abroad when he was ten years old. He only just came back this year.”

It was Xiao Qijie’s main house, not Xue Yu? Ding Zhen completely dispelled the dirty thoughts. Don’t mention Xiao Dingbang and Xiao Qijie. Even Xue Yu was someone he could afford to offend. The people of Guan shi, Ruishui and Jiahe were also more powerful ones he couldn’t offend.

He shook his head regretfully, he turned around and soon noticed another male artist. At the age of twenty-five, wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, his appearance was just beautiful, and when he smiled it was like a sudden blooming flower. He fell in love at once and whispered, “Who is that?”

“I don’t know either, Mr Ding, you wait and I will ask for inquiries.”

The assistant quickly left, Ding Zhen said the toast, and then announced the beginning of the banquet.

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Lin Le Yang discovered Xiao Jiashu but Xiao Jiashu did not see Lin Le Yang. He was standing and chatting with a chunky middle-aged man, Huang Meixuan told some jokes from time to time to amuse the man which made him laugh.

Chen Peng Xin Chong over there, whispering, “Do you see? Xiao Jiashu also came, he’s talking with Director Hu Ming, who just got the film rights of “The Lovers.” I dare to bet on my head that Xiao Jiashu wants to play the “No. 1″ male lead. This is the relationship, I didn’t lie to you. At Ding Zhen’s reception, you can meet many people and get a lot of opportunities. let’s go around. Turn around.”

For the first time, Lin Le Yang saw what it meant to be in a vanity fair. He walked aimlessly in the hall. Because no one introduced him, the big directors would not give him any attention. Not even a positive look.

This made him frustrated, but it also aroused his fighting spirit. He doesn’t have a family background like Xiao Jiashu, but he can work harder than him.

As he tried to socialize with some people, a strong figured middle-aged man came over and asked with a kind smile, “Is this the first time coming to my reception?”

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My reception? Is he Ding Zhen? Lin Le Yang’s heart jumped, but his face was neither humble nor overbearing. “Hello, Mr Ding, This is indeed my first time.”

“I haven’t seen you before?” Ding Zhen questioned whilst handing him a glass of champagne.

“I just debuted, and I don’t have any fame yet.”

Just debuted? Ding Zhen’s expression was more eager, and he began to use his rich knowledge to guide this conversation and used this way to explore Lin Le Yang’s bottom. His assistant walked over to him and said a few words to the ear. He nodded. When he looked at Lin Le Yang, he was no longer cautious. Instead, he was sure he would catch the prey.

However, Lin Le Yang did not have an inkling about it, he was even happy from the attention.

“Is that actor in your crew? He looks quite familiar.” Huang Meixuan pointed behind Xiao Jiashu. Xiao Jiashu turned back and his expression immediately tightened. He still had some good feelings about Lin Le Yang. He felt that he was very serious about filming and his talents were good. However, he had been respectful to him since the last incident. He felt that this person was different and did not take responsibility and was not worthy of deep friendship.

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But the relationship was neither good nor bad, the key was that he couldn’t just stand by watching someone fall into the fire pit. He handed his glass to the waiter and slowly walked over. Huang Meixuan followed

Director Hu Ming to go to the lobby outside to chat.

They did not notice that Fang Kun also attended the cocktail party with a female artist tonight, and saw Lin Le Yang being stared at by Ding Zhen. After several struggles, he finally managed to pick up his mobile phone to inform Ji Mian who had just finished talking about a very important investment. He was already physically and mentally fatigued when he heard the news from Fang Kun. He was silent for a while before he said, “I am nearby, help me look after him first, I’ll come right away.”

Fang Kun repeatedly agreed and was preparing to take Lin Le Yang with him, but found Xiao Jiashu walking over. Ding Zhen found excused himself and Xiao Jiashu dragged Lin Le Yang to follow him and the two went out of the banquet hall. Chen Pengxin quickly chased after them and soon disappeared.

“You didn’t ask the driver?” Lin Le Yang asked with patience in the elevator.

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“Yes, but today is the Huang Jie brought me and she still has something to do. I can’t drive drunk so I’ll have to trouble you.” Xiao Jiashu said.

“I can’t leave because I have something to do. You can find another driver. There are plenty of options.”

“They are not as safe. I am a star after all.” Xiao Jiashu shook his head.

What kind of star are you? You only have a million fans and currently no established work. Who knows you? Your popularity is still not as high as mine! Lin Le Yang was not happy as he waited or the elevator to descend to the ground floor. “Xiao Jiashu, I am really not familiar with you. You have to go home, should I find someone to send you? I am not your subordinate Or younger brother. I don’t need to obey your orders.”

“Let’s go to the parking lot first, it’s not convenient to talk here.” Xiao Jiashu looked at the guests coming and going, after all, it was not easy to speak. He can’t tell Lin Le Yang what Ding Zhen wanted from him in public.

However, Lin Le Yang seemed to be annoyed by him. He said that he would return to the banquet hall. The two men were at a stalemate. A tall man with sunglasses walked over and sighed. “What are you doing here?”

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