Lin Le Yang immediately cancelled the like, holding his mobile phone and cried, “It’s miserable, Ji Ge. I really didn’t mean to do it. What should I do now?”

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Ji Mian rubbed his face and said helplessly, “Quickly send a post to clarify, saying that your hand slipped, and by the way express your support for Miao Mu Qing.”

Why should I support Miao Mu Qing? Lin Le Yang was very reluctant, but he didn’t dare to say it, so he said euphemistically, “I’ll make a draft first, and go through it with the people in the department to help me see if it’s suitable.”

Moreover, Miao Mu Qing has been very tricky since her debut. Every once in a while, someone will try to tear her down. They either scold her for her debauchery, or for playing big cards, or even for trying to suppress newcomers. They also say that she had slept through the entire the cast for the sake of being in the top position. She has never responded to such filthy remarks. This time, it must have been treated coldly. If I endorse her, maybe I too will be scolded by netizens. Why can she look down on others, but others still have to hold her feet?

In this way, Lin Le Yang was even more unwilling to speak for Miao Mun Qing, but Ji Ge’s orders can’t be ignored. It was really frustrating! He was not comfortable in his heart, but he still had to hold up a bright smile on his face. His mind was full of twists and turns, and he suddenly realized that he had gone into a misunderstanding?

Ji Ge said that all the relationship problems had been caused by him. Was that really the case? But what has Ji Ge done recently? He dismissed Xiao Yu regardless of his wishes and almost drove out Peng Xin. Now he deprived Peng Xin of his right to work and his endorsement, so that his every move would be under his control.  Ji Ge pretends that he is doing all this for his own good, but in fact, he has strictly restricted his freedom.

Now, every movie he films, every step he takes, and even every word he says are being pulled by Ji Ge, and if he was dissatisfied or resisted a little, it turned out to be an expression of inferiority!

The more Lin Le Yang thought about it, the more unwilling he was. Then he regretted his clumsy speech. If he could understand these truths earlier, he would tell Ji Ge that day that he was not defending his “ridiculous” self-esteem, but freedom! Ji Ge wants to control everything. Should he be manipulated like a doll? Just because he’s poor and had no background? He was still a person! He has the right to decide what he should do and say!

Lin Le Yang became angrier the more he spent thinking about it and he couldn’t get it out of his head. He still felt that this relationship was unfair. On the surface, Ji Ge is being good to him, but in fact, he doesn’t treat him as an equal individual at all. What’s so sweet about “you just need to concentrate on filming, and I’ll pave all the roads for you”? But when you think about it carefully, it’s not like that at all!

Lin Le Yang was afraid that his angry expression would be seen by Ji Ge, so he could only immerse himself in editing the post on Weibo, but after writing and deleting several times and still not done with it for several minutes.

Ji Mian originally wanted to take him out to have a quiet meal, but now he was no longer in the mood. “Forget it,” he showed an impatient look for the first time. “No need to clarify. You can deal with it as you like, but I have to remind you that this public opinion war is a bit strange, and it is likely that the wind will turn around.”

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How to reverse this? Miao Mu Qing is used to blackmail and has never be seen to come forward to clarify. What’s more, there are no so-called favours in the entertainment industry. Besides the fool, Xiao Jia Shu, who would stand up and speak for Miao Mu Qing? Besides, Director Luo, Heng Ge and even Ji Ge didn’t respond, did they?

Lin Le Yang dismissively turned off his Weibo, not posting a single word after all.

Ji Mian took out a cigarette and smoked it silently.

“Ji Ge, you promised me to give up smoking.” Lin Le Yang helped him with a bowl of soup and said with concern, “You’ve been smoking more recently than you’ve had in the past. It’s not good for your health. Shall I buy you an e-cigarette? ”

Ji Mian stared at him for a while and suddenly asked, “Le Yang, do you think I’m too lenient?”


“Why? Ji Ge, you are doing it for my benefit especially as you’ve experienced all this before. You eat more salt than I eat rice.[1] With you, I can avoid many detours. ” Lin Le Yang looks directly at his boyfriend with a sincere gaze.


“Heh…” Ji Mian chuckled and said nothing else.

The smoke in the private room was so choking that even the food seemed to have changed its flavour.

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Miao Mu Qing was the type to attract hate easily. This was because she was very daring and hardworking therefore, many big directors loved working with her. However, this quality of hers has led to the inevitable blocking of other people’s way. So, every once in a while, whenever there are sunspots[2] it is usually magnified to a large scale though it has never knocked her down. Instead, it made her soar to greater heights.

It took her only three years to go from a low-level Z-list to an A-list star, and the sunspots made great contributions in that regard. Since then, the entertainment industry has produced a new term – black red[3]


But this time, Miao Mu Qing was not willing to keep silent. She wants to return all the slanders she had suffered, so that the general public can know that some people are used to keeping silent not because they are guilty, but because they are upright and not timid.

However, the time for clarification should also be grasped. It should not be too early or too late. If it is too early, the influence is not great enough. If it is too late, the heat is gone, and no one would care. It needs to be done at the climax. Fortunately, Miao Mu Qing’s black powder (anti-fan) was awesome, and the photos she had deliberately released began to revel and maintained the highest popularity for three consecutive days. It also caused Xiao Jia Shu to be abused.

In the president’s office, Xiu Chang Yu and Huang Mei Xuan put Xiao Shao in the middle, ready for some severe criticism.

“Look at the comments on the Internet. They can say stuff they know nothing about! Now you know the price of helping others out. Director Luo, Shi Ting Heng and Ji Mian are all silent. Where is it your place to speak? ” Huang Mei Xuan took a few photos on the tea table. “How do you explain these pictures?”

Xiao Jia Shu didn’t bother looking at the photos. Instead, he was eager to defend Ji Mian explain, “Ji Ge never responds to anything on Weibo. He only sends work-related Weibo. It’s normal for him not to speak up.”

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“Take a good look at the photos and forget about Ji Mian, OK?” Huang Mei Xuan reached to pull his ear.

Xiu Chang Yu quickly blocked for him, and tried to persuade, “You talk well, but please don’t scare him.”

Huang Mei Xuan felt like she was going crazy and could only grab at her hair. Mr. Xiu, you can’t be like this even if out of love! Do you just like to help the Little Tree clean up the mess?

Xiao Jia Shu glanced at the picture and became stunned. As a young man, he knelt down beside a destroyed sports car, with a dilapidated body lying in his arms. Several foreign policemen drew up a barricade, and many passers-by were watching in the distance. Car parts and blood were all over the place, and the scene was very tragic. This happened when he was 16 years old, he rushed to the scene of a car accident. Why did Yi collect his body? Who would have photographed this and sent it back to China?

He suddenly became dumb, not because he couldn’t explain clearly, but because he was too sad to speak.

Huang Mei Xuan saw that he covered his face and seemed to be very ashamed. She couldn’t help but be anxious, “Have you really killed someone by speeding in a foreign country?”

As soon as her voice fell, someone from the PR department called in and said that a big had occurred. V broke the news that Xiao Jia Shu took drugs, drag raced and killed someone whilst abroad. Now even the pictures have been sent out, asking General Manager Xiu how to deal with them. The picture of the scene was very clear. Not only Xiao Jia Shu and the police appeared in front of the camera, but the body on the ground was also very conspicuous. To make matters worse, it was clear that he was a minor (underaged) at first glance.

How to punish juvenile delinquency has always been one of the most concerning social problems in recent years. Once the news comes out, it would undoubtedly arouse widespread public attention. This incident was really not a small matter. This was not to smear Xiao Jia Shu, but to trample him to death!

But the question to ask is, who would be so hostile to him when he just debuted?

Huang Mei Xuan’s cold sweat came rolling down and Xiu Chang Yu remained as indifferent as before. He patted Xiao Jia Shu on the shoulder and said softly, “Little Tree, let me handle this matter. If you don’t want to say it, you don’t need to. Uncle believes that you couldn’t have done those things. ”

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“Thank you, Uncle Xiu…” How could Xiao Jia Shu bear to let his elders suffer for him? Just as he was about to tell him what happened in the past, another phone call came in. The other party was the CEO of Chan Yue Hot Spring Resort, declaring that Xiao Jia Shu’s moral character was flawed, and they will give up their cooperation with him.

“I’ve let the news out. How can you go back on the deal? Even if you go back, you can’t make such a statement! You’re falling into trouble… ” Huang Mei Xuan was about to appeal but the other side had already impatiently hung up the phone. Upon opening Weibo, the contract termination letter of Chan Yue Hot Spring Resort had been widely reposted by netizens. Xiao Jia Shu’s stardom path had been completely blocked by the word “Moral quality is flawed and there will be no cooperation”.

That is Da Ge’s hotel. Was it Da Ge’s intention to make such a statement? What’s more, was it Da Ge’s plan this time for making an issue? Does he want to plunge himself into the abyss and have no way to compete with him for his family’s property? Xiao Jia Shu knows that he shouldn’t, but he can’t help but think like that.

A few photos to make groundless accusations will not take him down, but in the end, he lost his fighting spirit completely. Now he just wants to find a place to hide, not wanting to see anything or hear anything.

Xue Miao immediately called Xiu Chang Yu, he gave Xiao Jia Shu a pat on the shoulder and went outside to answer the phone. Huang Mei Xuan was also trying to contact people here and there, just wanting to suppress the negative news as soon as possible. Xiao Jia Shu slipped away while they were not paying attention and climbed down the stairs one by one. When he got to the 26th floor, he finally couldn’t hold it in and sat down on the ground. Then he buried his head in his arms and wept silently.

Maybe he shouldn’t have come back, and he shouldn’t have any more wishful thinking to be loved by his father and elder brother. Both of them are the real family, mother and I are just extras, only if he didn’t have any expectations then only there won’t be the disappointments he has now.

The phone kept vibrating, there was Xue Miao’s phone call, also his assistant’s, there was even Miao Mu Qing’s, but there wasn’t any from his father or elder brother. Xiao Jia Shu waited quietly for a while and turned off his phone in the end.

[1]You eat more salt than I eat rice: An idiom which means that one has llived longer than I have, i.e. have more experience.

[2] Sunspots: anti fans making trouble

[3] Black red: black means that someone is being criticized/scolded and red means that someone is popular. Essentially, in her case, the more she is scolded, the more popular she becomes.

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