How To Say I Love You

Chapter 55.1

Even after many years, Xiao Jia Shu could still feel the pain when reminiscing this scene. He turned his head away from the huge display and his clear eyes gradually started to tear up. To prevent tears from suddenly falling, he had to look up at the ceiling and then clench his fists tightly.

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The reporter rushed to film his reaction, focusing on his tear-stained eyes and the veins popping out of his fists. There was a moment of silence from the netizens watching the live broadcast. The truth was already obvious, the so-called drug addiction was fake, the so-called spoiled rich kid was also fake, even the hit-and-run was fake, Xiao Jia Shu, the scum that was condemned by millions, was the real victim in the end.

How ironic is this? How ridiculous is it? Who spread all these rumours? Aren’t they just f*cking playing with us? Treating everyone as idiots?

Obviously, the people behind the scenes did not expect things to go this far either. They did not know that Xue Miao had divorced Xiao Qi Jie a long time ago and had given up all her property, so she was no longer under Xiao Qi Jie’s control either. Now she is a lioness in a rage, vowing to bite to death anyone who hurts her children! She does not care about the throne of the Xiao family’s wife, nor does she care about what Master Xiao thinks, nor does she care about the Xiao family’s property, so she won’t quietly send her son away when the bad rumours break out.

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Hiding your tail and behaving yourself? Bend over for that little inheritance? No way! If she wants a war of words, then go ahead, she’s been in the entertainment industry for years, who is she afraid of?

This is not the first time Xue Miao has said this, but it was not until now that someone remembered what she had said. Her repeated emphasis was not to highlight her son’s innocence, but to announce to you all – since she had submitted the evidence, she was ready for a lawsuit. As for the defendants? Those who were involved in the rumours and defamation of Xiao Jia Shu should know for themselves.

At the same time, people on Weibo were cleaning up the page on a large scale, but Xue Miao already predicted it and sneered, “Don’t be busy, I have already saved all the evidence that should be kept, so please sit and wait for the court summons.”

The “moral pioneers” who cursed the most were so pale that they almost went through the screen to Xue Miao and bowed down to her. But the situation got worse as Xiao Ding Bang immediately updated his Weibo account with a single sentence – I’m ready to fund the lawsuit, @XueMiao, @ZhongXiangLawFirm and @XingKai.

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Anyone with common sense knows that Zhong Xiang Law Firm is one of the top law firms in China today and Xing Kai is the firm’s gold medallist lawyer, unbeaten since his rise to fame. He is the most expensive, but he is also the best.

Xing Kai quickly reposted and tagged Xue Miao’s personal lawyer. It was the first time that two of China’s top and rival law firms worked together, and it was for a small civil lawsuit, which was quite an intimidating scene.

The anti-fans and rumour spreaders have long since gone into hiding, and only those bystanders who are watching the action keep shouting on Weibo – hey, I say that XXX, are you scared? Have you peed your pants?

Of course,  they are afraid, how can they not be afraid? But only a fool would stand up and respond. The internet, which had been so noisy, was now silent, and when you listened carefully, you could still hear the sound of the cold wind blowing through.

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Xue Miao did not have time to look at her phone, therefore not knowing that her stepson was silently supporting her. She glanced at her son to make sure he has calmed down, before continuing, “Four, about endorsements. This is a screenshot of Ruan Ling Yi’s private chats with certain certified Weibo blogger, along with their records of buying anti-fans. Obviously, Ji Guang Entertainment is the main initiator of this defamation campaign, and I will pursue the legal responsibilities of the people involved according to the law.”

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” Lastly,” she finally smiled her first smile of the day, “I want to clarify one thing for my son. He’s not a bad actor and he’s not incapable of hardship. He’s serious and hardworking, and he’s always approached his acting career with the utmost enthusiasm.”

The PPT has been presented and a video starts to play, four youths appear on the screen, namely Xiao Jia Shu, Jesse, Jin Shi Jun and Lin Le Yang. They went up to the podium and drew lots in turn. Xiao Jia Shu drew the beggar, and then the camera panned out to show him in a wig and a fake beard, wearing dirty and shabby clothes, blending in with a group of beggars. He is initially confused, and it takes a while before he picks out an older beggar and wanders after him like a heel. He sat down on his butt when the other man sat on the ground; he went through the rubbish when the other man picked it up; he knelt down and bowed when the other man asked for food from the passers-by, with humility and pleading in his eyes ……

Xue Miao thought she was strong, but when she saw this scene, she couldn’t help it after all, and hurriedly looked away and tilted her face up, to prevent the tears from falling down. This time it was Xiao Jia Shu’s turn to pat her back, saying silently under his breath, “Mum it’ s okay, I’m sorry mum.”

Xue Miao glared at him fiercely, then forced herself to continue watching.

The next day, Xiao Jia Shu seemed to have gained experience and picked up a snake-skin bag from somewhere, collecting the plastic bottles thrown on the roadside and in the rubbish bin, taking them with him. He didn’t know where he could sell the bottles, and when he asked other beggars, they wouldn’t tell him, so he continued to starve. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he ran into the back alley of a restaurant and searched through the rubbish bins for food thrown away by customers.

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