How To Say I Love You

Chapter 56.2

Lin Le Yang found his smile dazzling and was about to change the subject but when he caught him staring at the computer screen, his expression gradually became solemn.

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“What’s wrong Ji-Ge?” He walked to him and bent over to look at the computer and then found a line of red letters on the live platform broadcast – Miao Mu Qing will hold a press conference in the live broadcast room on XXXX ten minutes later to clarify the previous rumours. Please, dear netizens look forward to it.

Miao Mu Qing who has never paid attention to rumours, actually stood up to clarify for herself for the first time. It must be said that she was influenced by Xiao Jia Shu, who also got to the point where Xiao Jia Shu was completely blackened. These two were really brother and sister, now that Xiao Jia Shu’s trouble just subsided; Miao Mu Qing has once again stepped in, it is precisely when the heat and attention are highest that the citizens who still remain in the live broadcast platform for a big discussion immediately swarmed and got the public’s attention.

Lin Le Yang’ face paled slightly, and he said nervously, “Ji Ge, what will Miao Mu Qing say? I slipped and accidentally gave a thumbs-up, will it matter?”

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Ji Mian didn’t even look at him, and directly picked up his phone to dial Fang Kun, “Let the PR department pay attention to the publics’ opinion, if necessary, buy the navy to change the topic and don’t talk about Le Yang.”

The other side seemed to agree. Ji Mian put down the phone and said deeply. “I warned you before that the direction of public opinion may be reversed. And you should post on Weibo to explain. Anyway, Miao Mu Qing is your predecessor. She is older than you. You should at least respect her. But it’s too late to say anything. Let’s see what she will say first.”

As with Xue Miao’s case, Miao Mu Qing also made a PowerPoint to explain. After entering the live broadcast room, she pointed to the big screen and joked, “Learnt a trick from my goddess, let’s see if it works.”

The reporters in the audience burst into laughter before listening to her, and the atmosphere was very relaxed. Netizens even dared not to casually send bullet comments, for fear that they will witness another earth-shattering reversal and be slapped in the face. They hadn’t forgotten how they blackened Miao Mu Qing before and then burned Xiao Jia Shu.

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“Okay, let’s not talk nonsense, please look at the big screen.” Miao Mu Qing turned on the remote control and the images of her on-set playing appeared on the screen, all carefully edited by Director Luo, promising neither to leak the drama nor to fully embody her dedication.

She fell to the ground after being lifted up by a strong man, although with a protective pad on her back, she lifted her clothes to see a large purplish bruise. She was kicked in the chest by Shi Ting Heng, almost coughing her lungs out. After straightening her waist, she quipped, “Fortunately, I have a flat chest.” She was punched in the cheek by Lin Le Yang which became as swollen as steamed buns. He indifferently waved his hands and said, “Pay attention next time.”

There were many similar shots which almost corresponded to every wound on her body and also corresponded to every bruise in the commercial. This video had just been played and another video began. It was provided by Xiao Jia Shu and although the angle was different, and its picture quality was not clear, it can match many shots provided by Director Luo upon comparison. It proved the authenticity of the two videos.

Where was Miao Mu Qing not dedicated? As an actress, she didn’t use any substitutes, she went on stage and filmed all the scenes in person. She was bruised all over her body. If this was not dedication, then 90% of the actresses in the entertainment industry, perhaps including the male actors, were not dedicated? These people can continue, so why should Miao Mu Qing leave the entertainment circle?

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Netizens were already prepared for the reversal but now that it happened, they believed Miao Mu Qing. The dense barrage of comments that covered the live broadcast room and everyone supported her almost one-sidedly, and the impression of her instantly changed from ‘scheming b*tch’ to ‘desperate San Lang[1]’”.

After the video was played, Miao Mu Qing said concisely, “Someone asked me, how could you become a first-line actress in three years? You must be very good in bed, right? You must have slept with a lot of directors, and have a gold master behind you, right? Today I’ll tell you how I got to be a first-line actress in three years. I pay in sweat, tears and even blood.”

She raised the remote control and continued the PowerPoint, “This is the picture of me falling off the beam when I was shooting ‘Asura’. At that time, I had a concussion and needed to be taken to the doctor by a fellow actor but the outside world slandered me for climbing him in bed and hugging his thigh. This is a picture I took when I was filming ‘Super Speed Agent’. I ran into a barrier due to the speed of the car and broke my leg. The outside world slandered me for drunk driving…”

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Miao Mu Qing displayed the pictures one by one, and the fans’ exclamation and shame turned into a stream of comments once again covering the live broadcast room. They did not expect that Miao Mu Qing who was blackened as a ‘bus’ by the outside world would actually climb up ste[ by step in this desperate way.

The tide of public opinion has once again undergone a shocking reversal. Before, it was Miao Mu Qing was blackened by the whole network, now she was praised by them. The directors who have worked with her have stood up to support her and praised her as one of the most dedicated actresses.

Director Luo bluntly said, “Now you under why @Miao Mu Qing Black Powder has such as bad reputation, but we directors like to work with her? There are no so-called unspoken rules, everything Is only because of these words – Dare to work hard! Here, I also want to express my support for @LittleTree, as one of the most talented newcomers I have ever met, and his future is promising!”.

[1] Desperate San Lang: a metaphor for a man/someone brave enough to fight without fear of death

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