Rippo de Mille’s dress was simple enough to allow an ambitious movement. Still, it was far too light to travel through the harsh winter of April.

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Aden studied Rippo. He was used to liars, to people who showed their true selves only when afraid – the involuntary breaths, the twitches, the movement of the eyes . . . all the little signals they sent unconsciously to relieve the stress of their own deception.

But in this case… nothing Rippo said was groundless. There was an unwritten rule for the families not to violate each other’s territory. To not only do so but invade the Mistress’s room . . . that was a grievous violation, one that could create a huge problem between the Mille and Delrose families. That she would risk it implied that her words were worth listening to.

“…and also, Elo,” Rippo said after a pause. She breathed out the words almost in relief, as though she was glad to be rid of the weight of them.

“Elo is in contact with the monsters,” Aden said, less confirming her words than some unformed thought that he’d had since Elo, which seemed to just now surface.

Aden was not the trusting sort, and Rippo’s simple declarations would not normally be convincing (though he had, in fairness, told her to be brief). But he had been to Elo’s territory, and her words were landing more credibly than they normally would. His expression grew cold again.

“It’s only on the surface that the four houses work together,” Aden said. And just like that, the truth about Biflten that no one had dared speak aloud was finally said.

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“Bright Elo and Green Mille are in contact with the Yesters – that’s reason enough for the lady of Mille to come here, despite the risk. Still, it’s hard to put one’s mind around it,” he said.

He crossed his arms, his gaze dropping from the girl. His attention turned inward as he thought it out.

“That means they consider Nos and Delrose to be their enemy. Of course, they weren’t too friendly with Delrose to begin with. But it also means they’ve chosen to side with monsters against humans.”

That was the truth of it. Whether the houses were friendly with Delrose or not didn’t matter. Monsters were altogether different beings, and there was no accommodation with them. They believed, simply, that only the strongest survived.

And without tools and numbers, humans were not the strongest. They were no match for the strength or claws of the Yesters. There could be no partnership. Which means Mille and Elo had become their servants.

“I don’t understand how they thought this would make them victorious.”

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The greatest weapon against the monsters was the divine power gifted to Biflten’s master. Without it, defending the human territories would be almost impossible. If Elo and Mille, with their divine objects, had sided with the monsters, they could no longer be allowed to ascend to the master position. But the next succession was in just three years. Aden knew he had no way to take their divine objects – and their eligibility for succession – in that time.

But if they had become enemies, there was always his sword.

“I believe the current master’s power is no weaker than the previous.”

Indeed, his was considered the strongest of all the previous Dukes of Winter. It was ironic that his own father, the previous Duke, had been considered the weakest.

“Why would they do this now, instead of during the previous Duke’s era?”

“I…I don’t know,” the girl replied meekly, “but I know why they joined hands with the Yesters.”

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She glanced at Setoze, still laying where Ilyin had set it down.

“There is someone among the Yesters who … who can see the future.”

As soon as the words fell, Aden and Ilyin looked at each other as if on cue.


“I will leave Setoze to Delrose.”

Rippo was no negotiator. Eager to show trust, she gave away her only bargaining chip without reservation. The gesture left Ilyin, and Aden flustered, but they gave her a promise of safety for her and the people of Mille, so long as she remained in the Delrose’s territory for the time being.

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“It’s likely not a lie,” Aden said later, as he and Ilyin lay on the bed together. Ilyin’s favorite pillow covered her head. Aden hugged her close, sharing his warmth.

“I agree,” Ilyin replied, “she could have brought anything past the knights, but carried no weapon.”

He understood her argument that Rippo meant no harm, but his skeptical mind had to rebut it.

“You can do great harm without weapons.”

“I know. Still…”

Aden, for all his resistance, knew the truth of her words. A wisp of a girl snuck in empty-handed for an assassination? He knew better – that’s why he allowed her to stay. Of course, the 7th floor was off limits, and her movements restricted beyond that. But the girl seemed to have little interest in moving – she didn’t want to risk being spotted by Elo or Mille maids, he knew. And Delrose effectively had a hostage now if they needed one.

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