“When there is something to burn, it asks no more from you,” he said. “But I heard you started the fire in mid-air. That would be incredibly tiring.”

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Because I gave it nothing to feed it but myself, she thought.

“It’s this way with Delrose’s,” he continued thoughtfully, “but I’m not sure about the other divine objects.”

“I’ve heard that Shining Elo’s “Wall of Light” changes depending on the divine object’s circumstance,” she said. “Whether it’s cold, or warm . . .”

Aden tilted his head slightly.

“It also has the unique ability of admitting any who don’t oppose them,” he added.

“It seems to have many unique features,” she replied. It seemed she had a lot of research to do on the divine objects.

Aden turned to her, saw that questing look in her eyes as she stared at the fire.

“No matter how fascinating it may be, I hope you don’t use it,” he said. He brushed her cheek like an apology.

“Other than an emergency?” she asked with a slight smile.

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“That’s . . . “the words seem to fumble and be lost. Would I ever let you find yourself in such an emergency? He sighed, brushed her hair gently once.

“I don’t want to see you hurt.”

Ilyin looked as though she was about to speak but pursed her lips as though stopping her own words. Aden leaned in swiftly and kissed her, then leaned his forehead against hers.

“Leave all that is hard or dangerous to me,” he said. “Use me, as I told you.”

He kissed her again.

“Promise you would use it only in an emergency,” he said.

Ilyin stroked his chest, watched her hand graze lazily over his heart. She thought about his own power, what pain he felt in that heart when he used it.

“I promise,” she said quietly.

She continued to watch her hand, her face blank. She remembered feeling in awe, watching him use his power . . . never understanding the cost of it.

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What in this world didn’t have a cost?

“Does it still hurt you?” she asked. Her face seemed to darken. Worry, he thought, she’s still worried for me.

“I’m fine,” he said. Eager to change her mood, he laughed suddenly.

“Would you like to see?”

He smiled, grabbing her hand. With his free hand, he began unbuttoning his shirt. As the Duke of winter, he didn’t need to bundle under layers – beneath the shirt lay only his bare chest.

Ilyin blushed, making Aden laugh again as he adjusted the light by the bed. His wife was always like a new bride. At least the worry had faded.

“Why are you so shy at something you’ve seen so often?” he asked. He raised her hand to his chest, placed it on his heart.

“How does it feel?” he asked.

Thump, thump, the rhythm of life that reverberated in her hand was strong and steady.  He opened his other hand after freeing the last button, and the blue light of divine power burst in his hand. Ilyin had to shield her eyes from it with her other hand, then felt Aden place his other hand over hers.

For just a moment, she felt as though she’d been transported back to the warm region. The room became hot. Ilyin shifted aside the cotton blanket.

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She gently pulled aside the hand covering her eyes. Aden’s face was still calm, undisturbed. His heart still beat just as steadily.

“I’m fine,” he said. “Always.”

So long as he wasn’t making significant changes in the temperature of the wider region, he was fine. Even before the succession ceremony with Ilyin, he had been fine – though since then, using the power had been much easier.

“So,” he smiled, “don’t worry.”

Take care of yourself, he thought, keeping the mask of the smile carefully in place. Please, care for yourself more than me.

He held her tightly, feeling the long, thin hair tumbling down her back. Feeling her melt against him. Hearing her gentle breath, like the mild breezes of the warm region, and the light, almost musical whisper in his ear as she spoke.

“Then shall we talk about something else?” she said.

Aden smiled. The light vanished as quickly as it had been summoned, and the room’s temperature fell back to normal. He gently pulled the blanket back up to her chin.

“What do you think?” he said.

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“About?” she asked, though she had already guessed what he meant. She knew he had come here from interrogating the assassins. She also knew they had to have come from one of the three families. . . and Lady Rippo had just told them of how Shining Elo and Green Mille were in league with the monsters.

“About the Lady of Mille?” she asked.

Aden laughed.

“Yes,” he said, and a touch of pride crept into his voice.

Ilyin tilted her head slightly. She always tried to be careful at how she explored Delrose’s business. Aden said nothing, just went on playing idly with her hair while she thought.

“Is this April particularly warm?” she asked finally.

Unlike the warm region that saw four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter – Biflten saw only winter. It divided the season from January to April, with April being the coldest month. She had known that much, though coming from the warm region, she didn’t yet know the real April.

Everyone had said the same thing this year. That this winter was surprisingly warm.

“Yes,” he answered, wondering how best to explain it to her.

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