[The heir of the Terry tribe is on guard about Delrose’s recent expansion. It’s not like he doesn’t know that if something happened to the Yesters, they would lose against the humans in the long term,] the Milton said.

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[Yes, different circumstances from the Mollys,] the Yester’s heir chuckled. [Only the Yesters can beat the humans in April and reverse the situation.]

From what Ilyin was seeing, it seemed like the Milton and the heir of Yesters were on the same level, despite the Yester being the heir of an entire tribe. Perhaps the Milton held a high position among their own tribe as well.

[Spend the summer at Terry tribe’s territory. It’ll be better to hit Delrose next winter,] the Milton suggested.

Ilyin flinched as she heard the word summer. There was no being in this winter region that used the word summer so naturally. The region had forgotten about summer for 500 years.

[Sure,] the Yester replied, before starting to move faster. It seemed frustrated with the Milton, and so it picked up the Milton and started running, with the other Yesters following behind. There were barely a hundred of them.

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At that moment, the Milton looked up and scanned the area where Ilyin was hiding. Ilyin froze, wondering if the mobile on top of her head had given her away. But the Milton didn’t seem to notice her this time. Nevertheless, Ilyin’s palms were sweaty and she could feel the pain in her abdomen again.

Suddenly, Ilyin’s sight shook as the dream came to an end.


“Lyn, Ilyn!” Aden called out, shaking Ilyn gently by the shoulders.

Ilyn was disoriented, feeling as if the present and reality were blending together. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head, and finally met Aden’s concerned gaze.

“Den?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

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Etra stood behind Aden, looking worried.

“What happened?” Ilyn asked, trying to sit up.

“Are you okay?” Aden asked, gripping Ilyn’s hand tightly. Ilyn relaxed her hand, attempting to reassure Aden that she was all right “Did you have a bad foresight?” Aden asked in a low voice.

Ilyn shook her head. “It wasn’t a bad one…” Well, at least not in the traditional sense. But it could be seen as bad in a different perspective. She tried to sit up again, but Aden gently pushed her back down onto the bed.

“Slowly, relax,” he said, his hands moving to her chest in a soothing motion. The warmth of his touch was comforting. “Tell me,” he said, looking at her with concern.

Ilyn took a deep breath and opened her eyes, feeling as though she could see more clearly now. She hadn’t realized just how nervous she had been.

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“I saw the Yesters’ heir,” she said, frowning at the memory.

Aden’s frown deepened, and Etra’s eyes widened in surprise.

“The surviving Yesters, him, and the violet-eyed being were all together,” Ilyn explained, her voice laced with tension.

“Did you meet it?” Aden asked, his voice cold as he referred to the violet-eyed being. He had never forgotten the creature that had hurt Ilyn.

“Yes. It seems like they’ll be allying with the Terry tribe. They said Delrose is a threat… The Yesters are thinking about growing their power and attacking in April,” Ilyn continued, her brow furrowed in concern.

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“As expected,” Aden said, his mind racing with thoughts. “But,” he added—he was more concerned about something else. He grabbed Ilyn’s hand, noticing that it was cold to the touch. “Your hand is cold. Did he hurt you?”

“No,” Ilyn reassured him, shaking her head. She looked at her mobile phone, her mind racing with thoughts. “It didn’t see me,” she said softly, almost to herself.

But she had been scared. If the violet-eyed being had seen her, there was no telling what it might have done. She had been lucky last time, but she knew that she couldn’t rely on luck forever. Milton could attack her at will, but Ilyn wouldn’t be able to do the same. Even if she slept with a sword by her side, it wouldn’t change the fact that she didn’t know how to counter their reflexes in a fight. She would be vulnerable to their attacks.

“But you saw it,” Aden pointed out, a hint of worry in his voice. You were close, too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be this scared. Ilyn nodded, her fear still palpable. Aden understood how she was feeling. Ilyn, who wasn’t used to battles and blood, had been badly wounded before, and it was only natural for her to be afraid. He glanced at Etra, silently dismissing her from the room.

“If you need anything, let me know right away,” Etra said, bowing deeply before leaving the room.

Aden turned back to Ilyn, his hand gently brushing hers. “You must have been really scared,” he said softly.

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