Chapter 25: Cheating loses job [ex-wife’s father]

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 Misae’s father, Erazo Nagano , went to see Mitsuhiko Okaya.

 A few days later, Nagano was in Malaysia.

 It is an island country in Southeast Asia.

 The country is characterized by the scorching sun and blue sea.

“Hot……, why am I in this place……?”

 Nagano is in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

 It’s a city with a modern cityscape lined with high-rise buildings.

“I was supposed to go to my new company, but …… Damn! That cab ripped me off and left me in this place. ……!”

 Now, why is Nagano here?

 Originally, Nagano was working for a famous foreign company.

 But one day, he was suddenly told that he would be transferred to a new position.

“Nagano, I’m sorry, but I need you to fly to Malaysia starting tomorrow. I’ve prepared a management position for you at our subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur.”

 Although he was puzzled by the sudden transfer order, Nagano obeyed the order from the top.

 Even though it was a subsidiary, the parent company was huge, so the salary and benefits were good.

“Damn ……. Work starts tomorrow, so I guess I’ll relax a bit today. ……”

 Nagano walked along the sun-drenched beach and looked at the news sites.

“Wha ……!? What the hell?!”

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 The phone in his hand trembled.

 The site said that the subsidiary to which he was to be assigned had gone bankrupt.

“Ba……! Bankrupt! What the meaning of this!”

 But no matter how many times he reads it, it’s still the name of the Quaranpool subsidiary he’ll be assigned to.

“Damn it! What the hell is going on!”

 Nagano hurriedly made a call to his former workplace.

 A few calls later, the caller answered.

“Chief! What’s going on here?!”

 The caller was his former boss.

 The Chief said without any hesitation.

“What do you mean?”

“The subsidiary is going out of business!”

‘Oh, yes. As I thought.”

“You knew it?! You knew it was going bankrupt, and you transferred me?”

 This was nothing more than a simple dismissal.

“Please take me back to my original company right now!”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

“Why not?!”

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“I heard you were having an affair with a young employee of mine.”

 …… At that moment, the world seemed to stop.

 The blue sky and sun shone down on him.

“H-How did you ……that?”

‘What does it matter to you? The important thing is that you have been having an affair with a young woman. It’s damaging to our company’s image. You’re fired.”

“N-n-no way……! You’re being unreasonable!”

“What’s unreasonable? Isn’t this retribution for what you’ve done?”

“Ugh. ……! I-I’m sure other guys have done it too, at least cheating! It just one affair…….”

“Haa~……You see, cheating is forbidden by law. Don’t you know that?”

“B-But ……”

“Anyway, we have no intention of changing our mind about your treatment. Ah, yeah, yeah. Not only did you cheat, but your attitude was also terrible. You would pick on young girls. You were good at your job, so I left you alone.

“No way…..The other guys do that too! Why should I be the only one to be treated like this?!”

“Well. The only thing I can tell you is that you’ve been behaving badly and you’re getting what you deserve. See you.”

 The caller hangs up with a whimper.



 The next call came from Nagano’s wife.

“Dear, let’s get a divorce.”

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“Wha ……!? Divorce?!”

“I heard you were having an affair with someone at work, and that’s why you were fired.”

“!? How did you know……”

 The wife’s voice was cold.

 Her anger towards her husband was leaking out of her words.

‘I’m ready to fight in court, so remember that when you come back to Japan.”

“O-o-oi! Wait! Wait!”

“…… What?”

“Y-your husband lost his job, he’s in trouble! The wife is supposed to support him! Married couples are supposed to help each other!”

 But what came back from the wife was …….

“How can you say that”

 Misae’s mother said in a cryogenic voice.

“Do you remember what you said to Misae after she got caught…… by the police and came home after she was released?”

 That day when Misae stayed at the hotel without paying …….

Nagano, a family member, was contacted by the police.

 Nagano’s career as a company employee had been damaged by his daughter.

 He was so angry about it that he yelled at her out of emotion.

[Cheating is not something a human being would do! It’s disgusting!]

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“I’ll take those words right back to you, ……”

“Ah, no, …… that …….”

 Nagano is upset, but his wife continues.

“You have a wife and children, but cheating on them is not something a human being would do. It’s disgusting.”


“I’ll tell you what, I’m not as soft as Mitsuhiko-kun. I’ll take you to court properly. And I’ve got hard evidence.”

“E-evidence….? Where…..?”

“It’s none of your business. …… You’ve ruined our family. Goodbye.”


 She hung up the phone.

 After that, she sent him a message on LINE saying, “Sorry, I’m leaving you★”

 It was so easy.

 When it comes to himself, she yells at him one way and then hangs up on him, saying he’s not a human anymore.

“Ha, ha, ha. …… It’s over. ……”

 He slumped down on the white sandy beach.

“The company fired …….me. The family will collapse. …… My parents will disown me. …… It’s over~……”

 Nagano collapsed on his back.

 In contrast to the dark clouds hanging over Nagano’s future, a cloudless sky stretched out before him.

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