Chapter 31: The Love Story of the Kaida Family

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 Ichika was summoned by her boss, Kogen Kaida.

 Kogen Kaida

 He is the chairman of the multinational corporation, the Kaida Group, and has tremendous influence on Japanese politics and economy.

 Ichika is in the reception room.

Kogen and his granddaughter, Ryuko (Pen name Rushia), are sitting on the top seat of the extremely large Japanese-style room.

“Niekawa, You seem to be fond of Okaya.


Kogen began.

 Ichika was just about to report this to him.

“G-Grandfather ……, is it true?”

 His granddaughter Rushia’s rabbit-red eyes were round and round.

 Her eyes darted back and forth between her grandfather and Ichika in front of her.


Kogen, on the other hand, looked very calm.

 He nodded gravely, his eyes expressionless.

“Kogen-sama, Young lady, I apologize.

 Ichika bowed her head honestly.

“It’s nothing to be sorry about.”

“G-Grandfather, ……, but …….”

 Rushia panicked.

 She must have been upset by the sudden revelation.

Rushia suddenly knew that such a beautiful woman was in love with the man she loved. No wonder Rushia was upset.

Kogen nodded his head.

“Relax, Ryuko. they’re not in a relationship yet, right? Then there is no need to panic so much.”

“U~……, but~…….”

Kogenseemed to be smiling at the sight of his granddaughter struggling with love.

 She was expecting to be reprimanded, and while she was relieved, …….

 She felt bad for Rushia.


“Kogen-sama, may I speak?”

“It’s fine. Go ahead.”

“Who told you that I like …… Okaya-kun?”

“From Saburo.”

“…… I see.”

 Ichika clenches her fists tightly and decides to beat up Saburo later.

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“How does Kogen-sama feel about this?”

“You can do whatever you want. A person’s love for another person is not something that can be forced or controlled by anyone.”

Kogen seemed to take a favorable view of the fact that Ichika was in love with the same man as his granddaughter.

“The fact that he is favored by several women suggests that Okaya is a very attractive man. I would like to praise him for being the man who won my granddaughter’s heart.”

“B-But, Grandfather. I don’t think this is a good time to be talking about it.”

 Rushia asks anxiously.

“If I don’t, Niekawa will take Okaya from me.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you improve your feminine skills and attack Okaya to prevent him from being taken away? Hmm? Or not?”

“T-that’s ……..uugh~………”

 Ichika suddenly realized.

 It seems that Kogen is taking advantage of Ichika’s goodwill.


“Ryuko, why don’t you invite Okaya to go out somewhere? Wouldn’t a villa in Karuizawa be just right?”

 The Kaida family has many villas in various places.

 The villa in Karuizawa is one of them.

“Oh, Grandfather, …… does that mean we’re staying at ……?”

“Umu. That’s right.”

“B-but ……”

“Ryuko, love is a competition. If you don’t use your hands yourself, you’ll lose your precious man to Niekawa.”


 In other words, Kogen is probably trying to stir up a sense of crisis and promote relationship between Rushia and Okaya by using Niekawa as an opportunity.

“What do you think? Hmm? If you ask grandpa, I’ll make all the arrangements for you. Hmm?”

 …… Furthermore, Kogen seems to want his granddaughter to call him “grandpa” by pretending to support her love life like this.

“Uugh, u~”

 It seems that Rushia’s resolve has been decided.

“Grandpa. Please …… help me get along with Okaya.”

“All right! Leave it to me!”

Gyuuu, Kogen hugged Rushia.

“You can count on me, Ryuko! If you want, I can change the laws of Japan.”

“W-What do you mean, change the law?”

“In other words, I will allow polygamy. That way, I think everyone will be happy, including you and Niekawa.”

“”T-That’s a little too much. ……””

 Both Rushia and Ichika were dumbfounded.

“And in that case, you can call me ‘grandpa’ for the rest of your life.”

“No, thank you! Niekawa, let’s go!”

“Eh ah, yes.”

 Rushia left Kogen with anger in her voice.

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Kogen stops Ichibana.

“My first priority is Ryuko. But I also consider …… you and your brother to be like family to me.”

Kogen laughed like a good-natured old man.

“Your family has served my family for generations, and I consider you as if you were my daughter. So don’t worry too much about it.”

 She fell in love with the same man who was the granddaughter of the master of the house she was serving.

 She originally thought that her head could have been blown off.

 Ichika was admiring Kogen’s generosity.

“Well, to put it simply, no matter who Okaya ends up with, you or Ryuko, I will have an excellent heir or son-in-law.”

“I see. …… Everything is in the palm of Kogen-sama’s hand.

“And I’m not kidding about the double marriage. Tell Ryuko that if she wants to beg her grandpa, she should do it as soon as possible.”

“I’m afraid that you’ll have to address that directly to your granddaughter. Well then.”

 Ichika bowed her head and left the room.

After she left Kogen…..

 In Rushia’s private room.

“Saburouuuuuuuuuuu! You bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!”

“It hurts, It hurts, Sis! Stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttt”

 As Saburo collapses, Ichika gets on his back and applies the Camel Clutch (a technique that holds the jaw and folds it into an inverted shrimp twist).

“I told you not to talk about iiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt!”


 With a devilish expression, Ichika applied a technique to Saburo.

 After witnessing the gruesome scene, Rushia was in a state of shock.


“It’s broken aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gankun!”

 Ichika exhales as she steps away from Saburo, who has stopped moving.

 On the other hand, Rushia said with a pale face.

“N-Niekawa…..I-Is he dead?”

“No, Young lady, my foolish brother is just pretending to be dead.”


“Don’t you dare squeal or I’ll crush you.”

“Esukēpu furomu hia!” (Escape from here!)

 The big man rolled like a log and left Rushia’s room.

 Ichika sighed in exasperation, and Rushia’s eyes darted around.

” Young lady, may I have a moment of your time?”

“Y-yeah, …….”

 Rushia sits upright on her bed.

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 Ichika briefly told the story of her and Okaya.

 She told her story of how she went to the same university about ten years ago, and how they met again, with as little emotion as possible.

“That’s the story.”

“I see, you’ve been thinking about Okaya for more than ten years. ……”

 Rushia listened intently to Ichika’s words.

 There was no anger, no grumpiness.

 She just nodded her head in understanding.

“I understand how you feel, Niekawa”

 Rushiy was not as upset as she had been when she first confided in her, and she was taking the facts in stride.

“It’s a wonderful love story. I admire you.”

 There was no shade on Rushia’s face.

She could predict that Rushia genuinely felt that way.

 But from Ichika’s point of view, she felt sorry.

“You’re not angry?”

“Why should I be angry? Both Ichika and I fell in love with the same man. Isn’t that all?”

Ichika was impressed with Rushia’s attitude.

 In terms of position, Rushia is the granddaughter of Kogen and is above Ichika.

The fact that a woman in a lower position would come in from the side and say she liked the same man could be considered disrespectful.

 She could have asked her grandfather to fire her.

 Nevertheless, Rushia’s attitude was very mature.

“Ichika. You’ve been taking care of me since I was a little girl, and you’re like a real sister to me.”

” Young lady ……”

” When my parents died, you were there to cheer me up. I want you to be happy too.”

 But, Rushia said.

“I’m not going to give up on Okaya, either.”

 Rushia looked straight at Ichika.

 There is no cynicism, no hostility, just a straightforward look at her.

“In love, we are equal comrades in arms. You don’t have to worry about my position. You can approach him any way you want. I won’t lose.”

 The girl, who is ten years younger than Ichika, responds to her rival’s wishes with all the discretion of a schoolgirl.

 An 18 year old girl. She is the daughter of a large corporation, she and Okaya are partners in the publishing industry.

 Youth, age, status. In all of these, Ichika is outclassed.

 That’s right, she’s at a huge disadvantage.

 If she shy away, she will lose.

 If she want to stand up, she just has to attack without worrying about it.

“I understand. But …… I won’t lose either.”

“Yeah. Neither will I.”

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 Rushia reached out her hand, and Ichika took it and clasped it together.

 …… There was a large man watching the scene from a bureau.

“Big sister, young lady, a love rivalry that recognizes each other. This is going to burn.”

“…… Oi, come out here, stupid brother.”

“I’m not impressed with your snooping, Saburo.”

 Saburo appeared out of nowhere.

“Well, hehe. I’m sorry.”

“I still haven’t forgiven you for telling on Kogen-sama and the young lady, even though I told you not to tell anyone, Saburo.”

Pokipoki……Ichika snaps her fingers.

“HII! Young lady, help me!”

Saa, And the big man, who looked like a terminator, hid behind the girl, like a child.

“Well, Ichika, forgive him. I’m sure he didn’t mean any harm.”

“…… Well, okay. But you have not told anyone other than Kogen-sama and Young Lady, right?”

 Ichika asked, just to be sure.


“…… Oi.”

 Ichika said in a threatening voice.

“You did not……”

 Ichika felt her gaze on him and opened the bamboo bran wide.

Dodododo, a large number of black-clad men were rushing in.

“Y-You guys! What are you doing?!”

“………I though these black clothes need to be educated.”

 Ichika’s colleagues in black clothes had apparently been watching the exchange between Rushia and the others.

 They all looked at each other awkwardly, but then smiled and clapped.

“””Sister Niekawa! Congratuations!”””

 …… It seems that her co-workers have found out all about her love life.

 The culprit?

 That is, of course, …….


“No because! I thought it would be better to celebrate a happy occasion with everyone!”

 She pounced on his brother in a devilish manner and performed the Paro Special (a wrestling technique).

“It’s definitely happy occasion, rightttttttttt?!”

“I’m dying, I’m dying, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”


“My arms are broken aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

 …… But it is also true that thanks to Saburo’s unnecessary meddling, she didn’t have to feel small in the workplace.

 Ichika decided to forgive her brother.

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