Chapter 54: Kusuo Kisogawa’s Misfortune 3 [Cheating Partner]

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Okaya Mitsuhiko was living a happy life

 The man who had an affair with Okaya’s wife, Kisogawa …….

 It was a few days after he met with Ugematsu,the deputy editor. Late July.

“Haa!? What the hell is going on? What do you mean, you’re evicting me from my apartment!”

 That’s what Kisogawa was told out of the blue by the landlord of the apartment.

“It means exactly what it says. Please get out of here right now.”

“What!? Y-y-you’ve got to be kidding me! Why do I have to leave!”

 Kisogawa lives in an apartment building, and this morning, his landlord suddenly came to see him.

“You don’t have a job now, do you?”

“T-that’s …….”

 Ugematsu had started a new label, and he tried to get him to let him work there.

 However, he denied him and now he is unemployed.

 The landlord was right, he’s approached a number of other publishers, but all of them rejected him.

“I can’t rent an apartment to someone who doesn’t have a job and whose income is unstable.”


 But it was strange.

 It hadn’t been that long since he had been fired from his previous workplace, Takanawa.

 So how did this landlord know about it?

 And how is it possible that he should leave right after losing his job…..?

 …… Of course, it is because the Kaida Group is breathing down his neck.

 Kogen Kaida. Kisogawa was disliked by a man who has a tremendous say in Japanese politics and business circles.

 His anger spills over to the rest of Japan.

 It’s no big deal to evict him from his apartment.

“You’re unemployed at your age. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

“Haa!? I-I’m not unemployed! Don’t give me this crap!”

“Yes yes! Then, please get out of here. By the end of the week!”

“I get it! F*****g landlord! I’m getting the f**k out of here by the end of this week!”

……And It was Kisogawa that gave him a pause.

“Wha!? W-What do you mean you can’t rent me a room?”

 He came to the real estate office in front of the station, and what came back were these words.

 The receptionist shook her head.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t rent you a room here.”

“Therefore! Why not……!”

 …… Of course, it’s because of Kaida’s influence.

 The Kaida group is expanding its business throughout the country in various ways.

 They also have a real estate group.

“If you don’t have a job,….you know”

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“~~~~~~~~! Damn it! I’m not out of work! I’m just taking a break!”

“I don’t know. I wonder if a person with a bad attitude like yours can get a job.”

Kusukusu, the staff members whispered to each other.

Look ….., he is unemployed. …… Waa how miserable. “…..It’s bad enough that they won’t let him rent a room…….”

 The guests who came to rent the room also laughed at him.

“D-Don’t look at me! I’ll kill you!”

Kisogawa’s face reddened with shame and his voice raspy. ……



“Please leave us alone.”

 …… In the end, he went to several more places, but none of them were willing to rent him a room.

“Damn it! Why! It would be crazy if they wouldn’t let me rent a room just because I’m out of work for a while!”

 At dusk, Kisogawa was walking alone in the shopping district.

“Damn it! I’m going to have to find a job as soon as possible. ……! ……But first I need a place to live.”

Next week he will have to leave the apartment he is living in.

 But because he doesn’t have a job, he can’t afford to rent a room.

“I don’t think I’ll get a job anytime soon. …… I need to get a place to sleep for the time being.”

 Kisogawa grinned wickedly.

“Well, it’s alright. After all, …… I’ve got a girl!”

“ Kukuku ……! Laughing, Kisogawa pulls his phone out of his pocket.”

 He turns it on and opens the phone book.

 There was a large number of women’s contact information written on it.

“I don’t care if I have nowhere to live! I have a bunch of convenient pussies who will listen to me! Hahahahaha!”

 …… Kisogawa makes the most disgusting statement with a wicked smile on his face.

 It is true that his face is well-rounded.

 He is also quite good at sex, and a surprising number of women want to be with him.

“It’s easy with a girl if I ask.”

 That’s what he thought until this moment …….

 Kisogawa randomly made a phone call to a woman he had his eye on.

“Ah, hello~. It’s me, yeah. Can you let me stay at your place for a while?”

 But …….

[“I would rather not.”]

 Those were the words that came back from the other end of the phone.

“What!? What do you mean, “I would rather not”!”


 ……! The phone went dead.

“What wrong……… with her?  This is why women are so quick to snap. …… Well, it doesn’t matter. There are many more women out there!

 But …….

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[“I’m sorry, you can’t.”]

[“you can’t be with me.”]

[“Die in hell”]

 He has been calling women in the phone book in order starting from [A]. ……

“What the heeeeeeeeeell!”

 Kisogawa is in a coffee shop in front of the station.

 He had actually planned to make a decision quickly, but it took more effort than he expected, so he moved to a coffee shop.

“Damn it! Why doesn’t anyone accept my request, b*****s!”

 Gara…..He gritted his teeth.

“Why?! You were so crazy about me when I was with you! And now you’ve turned your back on me! Damn it!”

 Kisogawa angrily contacted the next woman.

“Toshie Jyunikane”

“…….I don’t like the idea of taking advantage of that old lady, but she has a lot of money, and she’s an old lady, after all. If a young man cries out to her, she’s bound to fall for it.”

 But …….

“Don’t give me this s**t. I refuse.”

“Why! Why?!”

 Even Jyunikane turned him down.

“You were so in love with me, you know! So why?

“I heard from Nojiri.”

“Nojiri……? Nojiri……”

 Although he was told, he couldn’t remember the name.

 At the other end of the phone, Jyunikane sighed.

“It’s your other fling from the editorial department, the one with the reputation of being the second prettiest.”

“Aah! Aah! Her!”

“…… You only recognize women by their faces and breasts, don’t you? You’re such a jerk. Why are you like this ……Haa”

Jyunikane’s comment irritated her, but Kisogawa said.

“What did that woman say to you!?”

“Nojiri-san told me. That you …… banged random girls and then threw them away.”

 The Kisogawa, even when flirtatious with Jyunikane, misae, and nojiri, …….

 He would talk to a girl he thought had a nice face and f**k her.

“Nojiri-san has a wide circle of friends. So I heard. …… You’re such a jerk. I hope you die.”

“W-What’s wrong with that?! It’s okay to do it once!”

“For you, sex may be like a sport. But for a …… girl, it’s one of the most important things in our life.”

“Haa!? What kind of fairy tale are you talking about, you old hag!”

 Haa…..Jyunikane sighed

“You know, I heard that you’ve lost your place and you’re hitting on every girl you can find. I also heard that you’ve run out of places to live and you’re calling out to every woman you can find.”

“H-How did you know that……”:

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“One of the women you approached was a friend of mine and Nojiri-san. …… You’re wasting your time.”

Jyunikane laughs at him

“It’s already known that you are an empty piece of trash with nothing but a face. Who would keep a piece of trash like you in their house?”

“S-s-shut up! Y-you old hag!  You’re too old!”

“I’ll give you some advice for the love of God. As long as you think of women as a convenience, you’ll never be popular with women in your life. It doesn’t matter how good you look.”

“Kee! Shut up, you trash! Listen up! I……!”

 That’s when it happened.

” Customer.”

 Someone snatched his phone with a snap.

“Aah?! …… you w-were from that time….”

 The person there was a beautiful girl with the name “Ina” written on her name tag.

 It was Ina Akari.

 Akari said smiling.

“This is a coffee shop, so please refrain from talking on the phone. It’s annoying for everyone.”

 It was a perfectly valid point.

 Looking around, he saw that the customers were frowning in annoyance.

“Ah, uhm…….”

“You can’t tell a girl she’s old or haggard, even if you think she is. That’s why you get rejected, isn’t it?”

 Akari puts her phone on the table.

 She looked down at Kisogawa with cold eyes.

“Y-You can’t order me around. Don’t tell me what to do!”

 Kizogawa gets angry and tries to hit her.

 Akari calmly …….




 She grabbed Kisogawa’s hand and, with the same momentum, threw him away.

 Kisogawa slammed his back against the floor with a loud crunching sound.

“I’m glad I learned self-defense from you, Ichika.”

 Kisogawa belatedly realized that Akari had thrown him away.

“…..Yaa, I can’t believe he tried to hit a girl.”

“…… That guy’s a pain in the a*s.”

“…… It’s just awful to be thrown around by such a weak girl.”

Kaa……Kisogawa turned red in the face and barked.

“Damn it, ……, you b***h! Don’t get carried away!”

 Kizogawa grabbed a nearby chair and stood up.

 He was about to throw it at Akari,……, then it happened.

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“Saburo. Do it.”

“Roger, young lady.”


 And a strong impact hit Kisogawa in the face.


 A powerful punch was slammed into his face.

Bekibeki ……! And then there was the sound of a broken nose.

 With a single spin, Kisogawa collapsed.

 There was a big man there who looked like the Terminator.


“Akari. I’m sorry for making such a racket. I’m just here for a cup of tea. ……”

 The writer, Rushia Kaida, had come to the coffee shop with her bodyguard, Saburo Niekawa.

 When she saw him raise his hand at Akari, Niekawa intervened and struck a blow at Kisogawa.

“Ha, nose-ha-ha~…… my, proud, face~……”

 As tears flowed down Kisogawa’s face, Saburo said with a sigh.

“Well, I don’t have anything against you, but… But since you’re the one who raised your hand, I think you deserve what’s coming to you.”

“Damn you~ ……, you lousy ……!”

 He stood up unsteadily and turned his gaze of hatred towards Saburo.

 But …….


…… Saburo’s fist pierces right next to his face.

Kisogawa slumped to the spot.

 Saburo’s blow had completely destroyed the wall of the coffee shop.

 And Kisogawa’s fighting spirit, too.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t show mercy to people who raise their hands against Young lady and her friends. I don’t mess with scum who raise their hands to women, do I?”

 He pulled his fist out of the wall.


 With tears streaming down his face and a pathetic voice, Kisogawa walks out of the coffee shop.

 Then, the moment he left ……, he went to …….

“Yes, brother, may I have a moment?”


 Multiple police officers quickly took him into custody and put him in a police car.

“There was a call, you see”

“No, but that’s crazy! Nobody’s reported anything!”

“Yes, yes. I’ll tell you about it at the station, okay?

 …… So saying, Kisogawa was taken away.

 Of course, the Kaida group reported it because he raised his hand to a friend of Kaida’s daughter.

 …… However, this is not the end of the retaliation against Kisogawa.

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