Humanoid Machine

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Trickster Game

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Behind Glasses, the alienation of woman’s face had become very serious.

Her cheek melted in distortion, her jaw almost fell to her chest, and her neck slowly lengthened, like a boneless soft snake winding around her shoulder, looking for prey. There were traces of fresh flesh and blood hanging from the sharp yellow teeth. It seems that they still have the warm smell when they were bitten down.

“How long have you been like this?” Glasses suddenly asked.

He did not look back, but still looked at the piles of corpses, as if he could not see the woman’s head approaching.

The head was hanging behind him, looking at him with a gloomy and venomous expression.

How long will the days of a brutal husband who returns day after day, countless slaughters and devours, and corpses piled up in the basement, almost squeezing out the door?

Or was this a horror movie that was trapped in samsara and will never have an ending?

Glasses turned around.

Facing a monster like woman, he was very calm. In contrast, Glasses seem to be a little more frightened when he saw the “mother” under normal conditions. Under the broken lenses, his eyes were calm, and the lenses reflected the woman’s almost twisted figure at this time, but his voice was very gentle.

“I will help you get rid of it.”

Get rid of this endless nightmare, and get rid of the extremely distorted family relationship.

He took off the glasses whose frames had been knocked askew, revealing his black eyes below.

The edge of the dilated pupil was slightly stained with scarlet, which looked like the burning color of the sun.

The “mother”, who was watched by Glasses, dropped down with her stretched neck. She stood where she was, as if she had become obedient in an instant. Her gloomy face seemed less ghostly.

Glasses came forward, and his slender fingers clasped her neck, tightening it more and more. The face of “Mom” suddenly showed a look of pain and fear, which was very strange for her monster like image, but still remained motionless—

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“Damn it.” Outside the film, Hei Pi swore softly and said, “He used a ‘talent’.”


After catching the word, Yuan Yuxue quickly turned his face and glanced at him, as if with a slight doubt.

Thinking that Yuan Yuxue was a newcomer, Hei Pi naturally explained in detail: “It is similar to power, which could be exchanged with points in the system store. However, the type of talent is randomly brushed, and the amount of points required is also terrible. Another possibility was to stimulate talents independently when making copies, which is generally useful -“

As he spoke, he looked a little strange.

“I seem to know who he is. If he is who I think it is, I have heard of him before.” Hei Pi said, “It was a newcomer who entered the dungeon at the same time as me. He inspired his talent in the second game, which was very famous in the forum at that time.”

“The specific mechanism was not clear, but it has something to do with his eyes… was he called a ghost controller or a ghost keeper?”

Compared with them, gifted people were much safer in the dungeon world.

Hei Pi subconsciously relaxed a little.

And Glasses projected on the huge screen were really playing a talent, killing female ghosts. Even if they do not know the specific ability of Glasses, they could also see that the “mother” was rapidly weakening, the degree of alienation was weakened, the scarlet tongue was sticking out, and the eyes were bulging. Those eyes, however, seemed to have lost the ability to capture the target, and they were gloomy.

It should have ended.

But at this time, a strange light gradually appeared in the woman’s fundus, which reflected the face of Glasses.

She raised her hand. Because I was very weak, the blue and white fingertips could not touch the body of Glasses at all. They just touched each other from a distance.

“… Mom loves you.” Her first sentence was too quiet. Don’t say that Yuan Yuxue, who was staying outside the film at this time, couldn’t hear even Glasses.

But she quickly repeated it again, much louder this time.

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“Baby.” She said, “Mom loves you.”

At that moment, the look of Glasses turned pale. He squeezed the female ghost’s hand more tightly, as if he could easily break the soft and sticky tissue in his hand, and the next second the monster would be pulverized in his hand. But the fact was that Glasses let go of their hands involuntarily, the body trembled slightly, bent down suddenly, and retched.

Out of trust in the gifted, Hei Pi did not respond to this scene, but suddenly felt uneasy.

But “Mom” would not be so lenient. She regained her freedom at the moment when the sight of Glasses deviated. The jaw protruded a long part downward, and the mouth opened strangely to the extent of visual shock. She exposed her scarlet throat and approached quietly, aiming at the soft but deadly neck of human beings—

Everything stagnated.

Yuan Yuxue pressed the pause button.

When Glasses appeared in the screening hall, he seemed to be unaware of the changes in the surrounding environment and was still vomiting violently. The sour smell of gastric juice filled his lips and tongue, almost drowning him.

Glasses just showed his talent, so that Hei Pi subconsciously focused on him. Looking at his trembling body, he frowned and shouted, “Hey, you…”

Yuan Yuxue didn’t look at Glasses.

He pressed the pause button a little late.

Sharp lips and tongues like blades could easily break the soft neck. Even if Yuan Yuxue replaced Glasses in the past, he should be very careful not to be caught.

Yuan Yuxue adjusted his position slightly, and his black eyes stared at a point in the void calmly.

Could’t blink, could’t have a little hesitation, leave him little reaction time.

He must be fast enough.

Hei Pi, who was distracted by the accident, finally realized that the current situation was not optimistic after seeing the bad state of Glasses.

He took a breath of cold air, reflecting how dangerous the scene was just now, “Yuan Yuxue, wait for me… Yuan Yuxue!”

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Hei Pi’s tone suddenly rose, with a sense of panic. He tried to step into the movie first, but in the weak light, the white fingertips had touched the play button.

Yuan Yuxue entered the film again.

This time node was too dangerous. Unlike the previous replacement, there was no chance of trial and error. At the moment when the scene shook in front of his, Yuan Yuxue’s waist bent back a little to avoid the fishy wind blowing in front of his. With this action, his legs kicked “Mom” violently, kicking her a little farther.

The “weapon” that he could touch recently was the concave lens that the lens of Glasses cracked and fell to the ground. It was a very thin and irregular lens, and it was also very small. But Yuan Yuxue found it very quickly. With the action of bending down, he picked it up in the palm of his hand, pinched the lens, and nailed it into her throat when “Mom” came close again.

The lens does not have a safe force point. The sharp corners cut the “mother”‘s neck, nailed firmly in it, and at the same time, it also sank into Yuan Yuxue’s soft finger abdomen in reverse, cutting out small and disorderly wounds. The blood almost immediately infiltrated the lens and dripped down the narrow sharp weapon to the woman’s neck.


She seemed to be in a thousand times of the previous pain, struggling violently, but was nailed to the spot by that small piece of lens. Yuan Yuxue leaned down and looked at her. His eyes were extremely cold and quiet, just like his human collaborators would give him a comment every time he performed a task before.

A human weapon without emotion.

But now the onlookers outside the film screen did not notice that his cold and unpopular eyes fell on his bloody fingers cut for the convenience of exerting force.

The hands, which had long bony joints and were very beautiful, could not find a piece of good flesh.

It hurts too much.

Hei Pi’s lips tightened into a line.

Maybe the talent of Glasses used consumed her. The woman became very weak. The fight back just now was just like the last struggle of a comeback. She was nailed to the spot, and the ghost disappeared, turning into a dead body without action .

Mother closed her eyes.

Her cheeks were still frightfully thin and looked terrible, but they barely possessed human features and shapes.

Yuan Yuxue was breathing a little.

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The energy consumption just now was a severe burden on Yuan Yuxue, who has already seen the bottom of his energy. This burden even directly feeds back to his physical function.

In the state of low energy, robots were just like humans infected with viruses, fever and colds, which were not fatal, but will be “uncomfortable”.

Yuan Yuxue had a rest in place.

This scene was seen by people outside the screen.

They also know that Yuan Yuxue was uncomfortable.

——He was a newcomer, injured, and still in a very weak state. However, the fight just now consumed too much for him. Even the old players of Iron Strike could hardly recover from the continuous task game.

He needs a rest.

Hei Pi was in a panic and forgot the seven minute protection time setting. He kept clicking the pause button, hoping to replace Yuan Yuxue as soon as possible.

And Glasses, which had recovered from retching, was wet with tears forced out of the corners of his eyes, and looked at Yuan Yuxue in the dim light.

One inside and one outside, separated from the screen.

The person who was originally in the film at this time should be him.

The corner of the lips of Glasses also pursed slightly invisibly, and his face became more and more ugly, falling into a strange circle of self condemnation.

Yuan Yuxue just had a rest.

He quickly stood up and locked the door in the basement to prevent those “dads” with broken limbs from climbing out to repair the knife.

After a pause, he moved the “mother” back to the bed in the bedroom.

The movie was over, and their game will continue. Yuan Yuxue calculated the time and began to look at the clues in the bedroom.

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