Humanoid Machine

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Trickster Game

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Skirt took a deep breath and said, “… Do you want to run?”

“No, if we’re just a little faster.” Yuan Yuxue said, “We can get rid of it.”

“Dog” was very fast. If it was kept at its normal speed, it will only take one minute to catch the player. Fortunately, every time it enters the secret passage, it seems to be a little slow, giving the two players more time to escape.

So far, in addition to crossing multiple areas and having more than one exit for flexible route change, the length of the secret passage has also been calculated to ensure that the “dog” deceleration state can be maximized.

At the beginning, Skirt noticed that the surface color of the Nightmare watch changed obviously, sometimes it was light pink, like a layer of fog; After a while, it turned into sharp scarlet again. The color almost made Skirt think that the ghost had followed its own back. They had been found and the game failed.

But fortunately, that fearful imagination never happened.

Yuan Yuxue deliberately detoured.

He needed to calculate the specific speed of the “dog” and the impact of different secret road terrain on it.

It was not necessary to use the Nightmare watch to determine the distance, since Yuan Yuxue’s detection mechanism could do this. However, due to the principle of double determination, Yuan Yuxue still took time to look at the prop on his wrist. From its feedback, it can be seen that the judgment was consistent.

The length, space and degree of meandering of the secret road have an impact on the tracking speed of the “dog”. The longer and tortuous the secret road was, the slower the “dog” was.

After passing through the secret passage once, the deceleration effect on “dog” will be greatly reduced. Maybe it will be completely ineffective when passing through again.

Therefore, the line cannot be a complete closed loop, and each secret channel has only one utilization opportunity.

After discovering this, Yuan Yuxue re-planned the route.

From this moment on, the Nightmare Watch had never issued a bright red “high risk warning”, and had almost always maintained a light pink state.

The most dangerous time, the “dog” seemed to be approaching, and the warning of the props also reached the high risk level.

Yuan Yuxue and his follower came out of the secret passage and came to the study with a high and wide dome and a lot of heavy paper books. Yuan Yuxue almost didn’t have time to respond. He immediately turned on the switch on the bookcase – it was just a hidden mechanism different from other secret passages. This time, the mechanism switch had to solve a chessboard!

At that moment, the cold sweat of Skirt had come down, and her hair stood up.

The time for thinking was too urgent. They have been blocked in the study. Unexpectedly, even the mechanism was cheating.

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But he didn’t wait for Skirt to calm down and see the chessboard clearly. In her sight, the newcomer’s slender knuckles and dazzling white fingers quickly moved the black flag. The next second, the secret passage behind the bookcase was exposed to them.

Skirt’s thought was confused, but the reaction ability was still very quick, and she immediately went into the middle of the tunnel with Yuan Yuxue.

At the moment when the entrance was closed, she seemed to hear that the door of the study was knocked open by something, and then the dense footsteps, like four feet crawling, fell behind her.

The feeling of passing by death was so vivid that she almost unconsciously ran out of the way, relaxed her tense spirit and took a breath.

Skirt’s lungs were so painful that obvious anoxic sequelae appeared.

Fortunately, they escaped.

Only then did Skirt have time to recall the scene that almost pitted them just now – fortunately, Yuan Yuxue’s chessboard was solved quickly.

A sense of admiration rose from the bottom of her heart, and Skirt’s eyes lit up in the dark secret passage: “Yuan Yuxue, you are so good, really excellent –“

“Thank you for saving me.” Skirt jokingly sighed, “If it wasn’t for you, I might not know how many times I had died.”

Yuan Yuxue has heard many people say that he was very strong.

Even his producer, the great man known as the father of the war robot, once looked at Yuan Yuxue with fanatical eyes and praised him crazily in his native language.

“You are my most perfect creation.”

“The most powerful humanoid weapon.”

The awe and vigilance of those from human beings and peers all well supported this point.

But no one has ever said that…… Yuan Yuxue was “awesome” and “excellent”.

Because he was supposed to be like this, everything was a part of his responsibility, and it was the destiny and reason for his birth. How can anyone feel that he was outstanding because he has done what he should do.

So this was strange to Yuan Yuxue.

Even more strange was the sentence “Thank you for saving me”.

Of course, he has saved many people, but no one has ever said that to him.

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No one will thank the tool.

Rather, there are many human beings, because the rescue was not timely, the loss of precious items makes their fear, grief and anger at the disaster be poured at the head of the tool.

“Why did you come here? What’s the use of coming here now? Why does the Empire want to keep these useless wastes in captivity!!”

“Disgusting machinery, stay away from me.”

“It’s always like this… Why on earth do people learn robot maintenance? Send them to be cannon fodders.”

Yuan Yuxue was a defective product. When his program was discovered to be wrong, he got even more hostile eyes.

So far as Yuan Yuxue was now, the only emotions that come from feedback are strangeness and doubt.

… Was saving mankind a thing to be grateful for?

The robot’s worldview has been impacted.

Yuan Yuxue was in a thinking state.

He thought it was obvious. Although his face was completely covered by the mask, his feather-like eyelashes would hang down to cover his dark eyes.

Skirt thought that he was thinking about the next hiding route, so she didn’t dare to disturb him. She even let down the sound of footsteps.

“… You’re welcome.”

After a while, Yuan Yuxue suddenly said.

This was his standard answer after searching some recorded human data.

“Huh?” After all, it has been some time since Skirt did not reflect that Yuan Yuxue was returning to her own words.

After she realized it, her psychological activities changed from: was Yuan Yuxue thinking about how to answer? No, no, no, he should be thinking about the route, so he had to take time to answer me when he was thinking. Was he really awesome? If not, I can’t disturb him anymore.

So Skirt hurriedly nodded, with a red face and no words, afraid of disturbing Yuan Yuxue again.

They went through the secret passage of the study.

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Before the game started, Andre had taken away their timing tools. The game time can only be memorized by mental calculation.

Skirt was not really sensitive to time, but it feels like twenty minutes was almost over.

They can win.

In contrast, the calculation time of Yuan Xuxue can be accurate to seconds – there are still three minutes and twenty-two seconds before the end of the game.

According to the current trend, it was almost a sure win to carry on orderly.

In the dark passage, the dial on the snow-white wrist was slightly brighter.

…… shouldn’t.

Yuan Yuxue thought.

According to the distance calculated by him, it was right now that it was not within the sensing range of the prop.

Besides, he always tracks and locks the “dog”, and the other side was really a safe distance from them.

Did the prop go wrong?

Yuan Yuxue looked down at it. His dark eyes seemed to fall into the bottom of a lake, cold and silent.


In order to save a small amount of energy, Yuan Xuxue only tracked the “dog” and did not continuously track other locations.

At this time, he searched the nearby map again and quickly locked in on the anomaly.

——Another “dog” came running towards them from the end of the road.

Andre never said that there was only one pursuer.

At this time, other players may be angry at Andre’s behavior that conforms to the rules and seems indecent and shameless. They may even swear at him. This was totally a trap, and it was still a very unfair competition.

But Yuan Yuxue didn’t feel much about it. After the situation changed at the scene, he immediately changed his response plan, readjusted the route and told Skirt about the change.

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Skirt jumped out a classic mouth shape at that moment, without scolding.

Under the attack of the two ghosts, Yuan Yuxue and Skirt were forced to increase their speed. They ran in the secret passage very quickly. They passed the “dog” several times and finally came to the largest cloakroom on the second floor.

Numerous mirrors reflected Yuan Yuxue’s beautiful figure and Skirt’s running red face.

After all, Skirt was an old player, who has gone through countless chasing battles, and she was not tired of this journey.

Yuan Yuxue went to open the mechanism behind the mirror but stopped when the secret passage was about to show.

Skirt was now highly concentrated, and she immediately realizes what: “What’s wrong?”

“Can’t go through.” Yuan Yuxue said calmly, “The third dog is coming from this secret road.”

Skirt was stunned and couldn’t help making a short sound.


A few minutes before the game was over, they can’t give up.

Yuan Yuxue stared thoughtfully at the door of the cloakroom.

If he blinds the dog the moment it comes in——

Wouldn’t it count as being caught?

This required a high reaction speed and accuracy. Yuan Yuxue’s fingertips moved slightly, as if he was performing some precise operation under simulated combat, so Skirt gently tugged at his hem.

“I have a prop.” Skirt actually hesitated, but because of the time emergency, she quickly explained: “It’s called the durian bomb – within three minutes, any character can only smell the smell of durian, a one-time prop. This ‘character’ unit should include such tracking ghosts that interfere with us! Although they found us in the cloakroom, we can use props to blur the specific location.”

Skirt said, “In these three minutes, we hide.”

Skirt eagerly waited for Yuan Yuxue’s reply. It seems that if he agreed, the plan would be successful.

Yuan Yuxue looked at her.


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