Humanoid Machine

Chapter 7

With an indifferent face on his face, Gu Huan took the newcomer Chu Lin for a walk around the training ground. Contrary to what Yue Yang guessed, in fact, the students did not hate Gu Huan because of the excessive amount of training. On the contrary, they were very happy that Gu Huan appeared at their hardest time, because they hated the training plan instructors more than the creator of the training plan.

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When Gu Huan took the people on a tour, the instructors who were “hated” in the hearts of the students and who were actually just taking the blame for Gu Huan stopped admonishing the students, stood at attention and saluted the young general. With the most respectful eyes, they cast some doubtful eyes on the tall alpha of unknown origin beside the General.

As an alpha, if the pheromones were not intentionally released to threaten others, generally alphas couldn’t feel the pheromones of other alpha. His aura, however, put a lot of pressure on others.

Some instructors who originally wanted to show their faces in front of the general, after seeing the alpha behind Gu Huan, didn’t dare to approach, and only dared to mutter in their hearts,

Who is this?

How come they don’t recognize him?

Fortunately, the information flow network within the military quickly announced the identity of this person.

It turned out that he was the deputy chief instructor who hadn’t shown up for a long time.

General Gu Huan and General Chu Lin, the pairing of the two of them seems… too complementary.

It’s like the opposite sides of ice and fire.

The brigadier general looked a little rough and unruly domineering, and he always seemed to have an unstoppable enthusiasm like a heat wave. His eyebrows were deep and three-dimensional, his stature was tall and strong, and he was very imposing.

On the other hand, General Gu Huan was strict and abstinent, too deserted and even a little gloomy. His figure was already a little thin in an alpha, but this comparison made him even more slender.

If they weren’t all alphas, they should be quite suitable to go to live a life together. But this kind of complaint, the instructors only dare to slander in their hearts, two alphas and two who are both so strong, if they lived together, I’m afraid that the world would be destroyed if they fought…

Looking at the lightsaber wielded in the student’s hand, the person behind him stopped suddenly, and Gu Huan turned his head.

“Chu Lin” was pulling out a sword handle from the machine next to it, holding it up in front of his eyes.

The shining lightsaber emitted azure blue light.

“I’ve heard that the general’s swordsmanship is very powerful. Do you want to practice it with me?”

“We probably don’t have this kind of spare time.” Gu Huan replied, his voice gradually weakened.

He looked around.

Unbeknown to him, the surroundings were surrounded by students, and even the venue was vacated for them. Under the expectant eyes of the students, Gu Huan drew a straight line from the corners of his lips, took off his military uniform coat, and neatly untied it. Unbuttoning a few buttons on his sleeve, he walked to the side of the machine, pulled out a sword handle, and unfolded the lightsaber with a “buzz”.

Well-boned fingers lightly gripped the hilt of the sword

“Then, let’s make a quick decision.”

Starting with the simplest duel etiquette, Gu Huan instantly turned into a black lightning bolt,

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His steps were elegant and quick, the waist inside the military uniform lined with belts was extremely slender, his handsome face was still expressionless, and he seemed to be able to do his job with ease. The sword fell silently, and the sword pointed at the vital point. Compared with the swordsmanship that soldiers often learned, he was more like assassins and mercenaries.

The tall body on the opposite side seemed to be born with a sense of oppressive aggression, and the scar across his entire face carried a dangerous temperament, but Gu Huan was not afraid at all, and he drew his sword quickly without leaving any room.

The Alpha, who wasn’t serious at first, turned serious, swept away the looseness from before, and raised his sword, turning from offense to defense, the two of them almost became two lights and shadows, only the sound of “stabbing” colliding against each other could be heard when the lightsabers clashed. Covered by the flying dust, people outside couldn’t even see who won.

“Their physical fitness… are all above A.”

If the physical fitness did not reach A, it was impossible to catch up with their speed, because seeing their movements clearly required excellent dynamic vision.

With a “bang”, it was unknown who fell to the ground.

One is pressing the other, and the timid student covered his eyes with his fingers.

This is a real competition, not a fight, they are too serious.

Could it be that there was a grudge before?

“Chu Lin” pressed Gu Huan’s hand holding the sword with one hand, and the lightsaber rested on Gu Huan’s neck with his backhand, asking in a deep voice.

“Why did you stop all of a sudden?”

His chest was heaving up and down constantly, his eyelashes were wet with sweat and pierced into his eye sockets. Gu Huan’s metallic eyes showed an inorganic cold light, and his voice, which was a little hoarse and bewildered because of the movement, explained without a trace of ups and downs.

“If you continue, it will be dangerous”

During the duel, the bloody pheromones on the opponent’s body became more and more intense, which made him feel very bad. He felt that he could not continue, lest it cause more serious consequences and advance his estrus period.

Although he really didn’t want to admit defeat, not too much fun.

The place on his wrist that was touched by the other party was still inexplicably a little hot.

Gu Huan raised his eyes and bumped into those dark blue eyes and expressed the current situation plainly,

“You won.”

Chu Lin or Chu Xinglin, of course, could see Gu Huan’s unwillingness from such a close distance. When those golden eyes were filled with unwillingness to admit defeat, the fire beam inside instantly ignited Chu Xinglin, and the desire to conquer in his heart gradually fermented in his eyes like a vast ocean.

Pretending to be another person and approaching Gu Huan because he found that he was curious about this person.

It wasn’t the first time someone had betrayed him like this.

He had long thought that the Imperial Uncle would put someone beside him, except for the fact that that person was Gu Huan, which made him very angry, he was not particularly surprised on the whole.

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He originally thought that when he came back this time, he could hide his strength and bide his time, silently observe Gu Huan, a spy, and obtain the Imperial Uncle’s information from him in reverse, and then pull out the Imperial Uncle’s chess piece after he returned completely, reporting his arrest by the way, to avenge the hatred of being betrayed by this man… But he’d never expected that… Gu Huan wrote a battle plan coinciding with his ideas.

In the past, he and Gu Huan were friends only because of the relationship between the two of them with the old marshal. He couldn’t help but take care of this person who was adopted by his grandfather since he was a child, although he didn’t like him very much. But because of the battle plan, he actually saw a bright spot in Gu Huan other than his “grandfather’s adopted son”, which made him think that it would be a loss to deal with Gu Huan like this.

And this battle…

Let him witness for himself how different this person felt to him than before.

There was a sudden chill on his wrist.

Chu Xinglin’s relaxed wrist was easily pushed away by Gu Huan. He half-kneeled and raised his head, his eyes fell on Gu Huan, who looked a bit thin after taking the coat from the guard and putting it on his body, his eyes flickered slightly.

The students around didn’t expect the chief instructor to lose at all.

Suddenly, they were in awe of the newly appointed deputy chief instructor with a scarred face.

The general was already inhuman, isn’t this deputy chief instructor even more inhuman?

Just when the battle between the two came to an abrupt end, Yue Yang, who was supposed to be guarding the monitoring room, rushed over panting.


Gu Huan frowned and looked over. “What’s wrong?”

Speaking of Yue Yang, his whole face was twisted, he glanced at the students gathered around him and dared not speak out loud, lowering his voice and whispering in Gu Huan’s ear. “A class reported that a student is missing.”

I have long heard that no matter how talented the students of the First Military Academy are, they can always cause trouble.

How could you disobey the commander’s arrangement?

On such a remote planet with incomplete construction, does they still dream that there will be satellites monitoring their every move in real time?

Even if there was a satellite, in this kind of icy and snowy world, can it display any useful information?

It would be fine if the students had optical brains, but for military training, they handed in their optical brains before starting the training, and there was no way to contact them through the optical brains.

Hearing this news, Gu Huan’s heart skipped a beat.

Being here was part of his escape plan, so he was sure to stay out of the limelight.

The disappearance of a student was enough to interfere with all his steps.

His brows furrowed fiercely, the more anxious he felt, the calmer Gu Huan’s expression became.

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“Contact the military department and requisite nearby satellites.”

“Turn on the reconnaissance mode of the starship.”

“Other instructors continue to teach, don’t spread out.”

“Yes, General.”

After quickly issuing several orders, Gu Huan asked.

“Who is the student who had the accident?”

“Nie Chuan. He was the first student to ask you a question at the freshman ceremony, your loyal fan.” When it came to this incident, the memory of Yue Yang was still fresh.

Gu Huan frowned.

The Main Character?

Why is it always the protagonist?

Also, it is not surprising that it is the protagonist.

Where there is a protagonist, something must happen. Otherwise, there is no story.

“Call all the students in his class to me.”

Chu Xinglin’s physical fitness was excellent, although he was far away, he still heard some voices.

A lost student?


The students saw the handsome general who was sitting in front, as if he was favored by heavens, but as cold as ice. The whole body was as quiet as a cicada, and those slender peach blossom eyes stared at them, as if no darkness could hide from his eyes.

The instructor standing in the first row in charge of this class was named Wen Lan. There were rumors among the instructors that he and Gu Huan were in the same class, but each class had a lot of students, and Gu Huan was not very impressed with him.

“Do you know about Nie Chuan?” Gu Huan said indifferently, slightly raising his jaw.

Wen Lan weakly wiped the sweat off his head.

“This…he might be a bit of a loner. During training… he got separated from us.”

Although the Imperial Alliance had the name of an alliance, its final nature was still an imperial system. Where there is an emperor, there will naturally be nobles. Although it was no longer popular to say that the students of the First Military Academy came from noble families, the nobles students in the First Military Academy still accounted for a large proportion. In the book, when Nie Chuan was in the first grade, there were a few cannon fodder who pushed Nie Chuan away because they were students from a big family.

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But Gu Huan didn’t expect this kind of bullying to start from military training.

When the instructor was vague and unable to explain the situation clearly, several students lowered their heads.

They all knew what was going on, but they didn’t dare to speak when they heard that this kind of thing was stirred up to level of the chief instructor. Gu Huan narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing their guilty conscience.

“Who allowed you to abandon others?”


“On the battlefield, are you going to leave your companions like this?”

Listening to this cold and biting question, several students lowered their heads and trembled. Chu Xinglin narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard his words, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, and he quickly closed them down.

“I’m not a nobleman either.” Gu Huan said coldly.

“Am I unworthy to be your chief instructor?”

“Of course not!”

Hearing what the chief instructor said, the instructor’s face was full of cold sweat, and those students who bullied Nie Chuan raised their heads in disbelief. How could that Nie Chuan trash be compared with the general? The youngest general with the highest mental talent that was valued by the old marshal.

Nie Chuan was just an ordinary kid who was lucky enough to do better in the exam.

They just… didn’t like that the other party was obviously not a nobleman, and entered the same school as them, and not only that, but was remembered by the general at the opening ceremony.

This kind of secret jealousy, no one would say it outright.

Yue Yang watched from the side and shook his head lightly.

Their general hates when people talk about noble blood, and it’s not impossible to offend the general and have him expel this entire class with the power the principal gave to the general.

Gu Huan really didn’t like it. He used to live as a half-elf, and he hated people who were judged by birth.

Gu Huan looked very coldly at the few students who were waiting to be criticized.

He glanced at the instructor standing aside again.

He stood up straight away and left the room.

“Garbage, you’d better pray that the person comes back safely.” Looking at the back of the General leaving, Yue Yang said truthfully.

If he doesn’t come back, what awaits you will be more than just dropping out of school.

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