
Chapter 4

Her highness the Princess / Interview / Hot Spring

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– No way, even Mei Mei is coming?

– Since I just spend time in Little Garden and I rarely go outside, I want to go to Yamato, so I thought that this was a good opportunity.

Shortly after entering spring break.

Inside the 《Little Garden Personal Airplane》 WL-03 heading towards Yamato are Hayato, Emilia, Claire, Karen, Fritz, Latia, Touka, Sakura, Mei Mei――

– Wow, this is Yamato―

– The home town of my grandfather…

Karen, who managed to be exempted from supplementary lessons together with Touka and her friends Aoi and Rebecca, were on board.

The land of Yamato is seen from the window.

The exclusive aircraft gradually lowers the altitude and land at the airport of the imperial capital.

– You girls, leave the guidance of the imperial capital to me.

That’s what Souffle Clearrail said, she’s the manager of Sakura and Karen, and who was waiting for them at the airport.

Hayato, Emilia, Claire, Karen, Sakura, Latia and Fritz will move to the Imperial Palace to carry out an audience with her Highness the Princess.

During that time, Aoi, Rebecca, Mei Mei and Touka headed to sightsee the imperial capital, accompanied by Souffle.

– Well then, see you later.

Karen tells her temporary parting to Rebecca and Aoi.

– Yes.

– Make sure to have fun!

Aoi and Rebecca, while waving their hands, disappeared into the car of Souffle.

– Well then, let’s go.

Hayato called out Karen and got in a car that Claire and the others were in and started to move towards the Imperial Palace.

– Pff… it’s more western style than what I imagined…

She probably didn’t like the view that can be seen from the window of the car that’s traveling on the highway.

Latia muttered with disappointment.

– … what were you imagining, huh?

– I thought that it was almost the same as the townscape of Qin Empire.

Latia answers Fritz’ question.

– Yamato is strongly influenced by Liberia, you know.

That’s what Sakura said. She continues her explanation.

– It still has a unique culture, but I think that as a townscape, it’s not very interesting.

– Hmm, I can see that…

Feeling disappointed, Latia showed a disappointed face.

– But, the Imperial Palace where we are going now is a Yamato-like building.

That’s what Hayato said. In addition, Karen adds.

– That’s right. Plus, there are still many old buildings remaining on the way to the institution where we lived, so I think you can look forward to it.

– Great, if that’s so, then I’m really looking forward to it!

Latia made her eyes shine brilliantly.

Looking at her look, Hayato and Karen smiled.

Because it’s the best to enjoy themselves in their country.


After going down the highway at high speed for a while.

The car passed through several checks, and reached the grounds of the Imperial Palace.

– Wow, it’s just like Hayato said, it’s a Yamato-like building. This will do!

The appearance and interior of the Imperial Palace were probably as expected.

Latia is super cheery.

On the other hand, Emilia has a dissatisfied facial expression.

She seems to be complaining about security being severe, like the physical examination at the entrance where they were banned to bring their PDAs and Hundred.

During the announced audience, there are many security guards lined up, the dominating atmosphere got filled with tension.

– I wonder if they really have to be so strict with their guests…

Claire said to Emilia, who muttered as if spitting out.

– Give up. This is the place where the Emperor lives. Besides, we are going to meet her Highness the Princess who is the daughter of the Emperor desuwayo.

– But, my father is also an Emperor, you know. Even when we had that meeting, we didn’t receive this kind of treatment.

– … that is because you are the princess of Britannia desuwayo.

Exasperated and sighing, Claire continued her words.

– And, speaking of the Emperor’s family of Yamato, there are numerous emperors among them, which are special beings.

– … special? Why?

Emilia tilts her head.

– There are many countries in this world――and the imperial line of Yamato it’s the only one that continues with just one lineage without ending its dynasty for the last 1000 years――the unbroken imperial line desu.

– Yeah, that’s what I heard from a story a long time ago――hmm…

Emilia grinned and smiled, noticing that the look of Claire was strange.

– Huh? The Prez is trembling? Are you nervous?

– Sh-, shut up desuwayo!

– Basically, her Highness the Princess of Yamato has the weight and authority, so that’s why President-san is nervous.

That’s what Fritz said.

– But, if I’m not mistaken, “her Highness the Princess――

She’s still a child.

Hayato was about to say so.

– Be silent. It seems she is coming desuwayo.

And, Claire advices them.

Without a moment’s delay, Hayato and the others kneel down on one knee and lowered their heads.

They were taught that that was the etiquette when meeting the royalty.

A door opens and a girl appears, surrounded by personnel of the palace.

– Is she her Highness the Princess? She looks quite young, but she indeed feels like the princess of Yamato…

Latia muttered, looking at the figure of the girl with long black hair dressed in yamatian* clothes.

*TN: It’s: Japanese clothing / being dressed in a kimono, but I went for the first and since the place is Yamato (although it’s just a change of name in the LN, it’s better to keep it that way for the sake of consistence  and I “invented” the demonym, because I couldn’t find it on the internet.

What she’s wearing is a national costume that is handed down in Yamato.

The hair ornaments that she’s wearing are considerably old-fashioned, making her look like a shrine maiden.

– Latia, lower your head.

– Nggh!

Claire pushes down the head of Latia which she raised to see her Highness the Princess properly.

She’s in front of Hayato and the others.

Standing a couple of meters ahead, her Highness the Princess opened her mouth.

– People of Little Garden, don’t feel obliged. Raise your heads.

– We appreciate your words masuwa.

Hayato and the others also raised their heads, following Claire who raises her head while saying that.

Her Highness the Princess slowly approaches them and stops her feet in front of Claire.

– You* are Claire Harvey, the representative of Little Garden, yes?

 *TN: The “you” she uses is written with お主 = onushi, an archaic way to refer one’s equal or inferiors). This applies to everyone with whom she talks.

– Ye-yes!

Claire answers with a high-pitched voice.

– … Little Garden. Our country is truly indebted to you all and Warslan, where your elder brother is an ordinary*. And finally, my congratulations for the championship of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

*TN: Or it’s a mistake from the raw or that’s really the word used there. Maybe because he isn’t a Slayer?

– Th-, thank you very much.

– And――

The eyes of her Highness the Princess are directed towards Hayato.

… and at the same time.

– Oh! You are Kisaragi Hayato, yes!?

In a flash, the expression of her Highness the Princess bloomed like a flower.

Until now, she had an adult-like tone, but it did a complete change.

Even her type of voice changes to a girl.

– Gre-greetings…

Even she could throw a smile, it was extremely similar to a girl of her age.

To Hayato who falters with the sudden difference, her Highness the Princess approached him with a half run.

She grabs the right hand of Hayato with both hands and hold it tightly.

At that moment, the eyebrows of Emilia were lifted.

– Wai――

– Hold on, Emilia Hermit.

Claire, in a hurry, stops Emilia who tried to give a loud voice.

– What are you trying to do, the other party is her Highness the Princess desuwayo.

– Bu-, but…

Emilia shows a denying expression.

Her Highness the Princess continued grasping the hand of Hayato, then continues her words.

– I watched your great efforts in the World Martial Arts Tournament! Moreover, at the time of the Third Attack, I heard that the area around Motomatsu Base was saved from the evil hands of the Savage by you.

– Well…. That’s, a little…

– As expected of you!

Her Highness the Princess bounces up and down while grasping his hand.

Following that, the arms of Hayato were also swaying up and down.

– What do you think, Kisaragi Hayato? Would you accept the position to command the Slayer forces of Yamato?

– Wha!?

Emilia stares in wonder to the sudden offer of her Highness the Princess.

The rest of the people are in the same condition.

Only Fritz was smiling and grinning, seeming that this would be interesting.

Without concerning for such a thing, her Highness the Princess pulled lightly the arm of Hayato.

– Kisaragi Hayato, I want to hear your answer properly.

Her Highness the Princess approached Hayato.

Her face is getting closer.

The distance is less than five centimeters.

– I am pleased with you. If it suits you, I don’t mind letting you be the commanding officer of my imperial guards, hmm? You are that much of a person to me. What do you say, don’t you think it is an excellent invitation?

– Well, I don’t think I’m that much…

– What are you saying? Who else can protect the princess of Yamato if it is not you, the number one Slayer of Yamato at the present time? Or rather, should I make you mine as the imperial commander?

– “Make you mine”?

– It means that you may become my husband in the future. Not only your ability is perfect, your face is perfect too.

Her Highness the Princess tenders her right hand towards the face of Hayato and caresses his cheek.

Looking at that situation, the whole body of Emilia was trembling.

– … Prez, I think I’m already at my limit.

Sakura follows her.

– I think I’m at my limit too.

– Karen too…

Even Karen is in a state where she has grown impatient.

In fact, Claire was also at her limit.

Now, what are you going to do, Princess-sama? It’s what Fritz is transmitting with his eyes, looking like he wants to give his opinion if he was to take the offence but, this is not the case where he’s worrying about them now.

(Since it has become to this, then it can’t be helped masenwane!)

If other people cause problems, she should do something and manage it somehow.

Thinking so, Claire opened her mouth.

– Her Highness the Princess!

While shouting, Claire stands up.

– If you allow me, Kisaragi Hayato belongs to Little Garden at the moment, and although his nationality is yamatian, he is carrying an important role masu. Even if it’s the imperial commander, it-it’s impossible for us to hand him over masenwa!

Although she declared it firmly, she became embarrassed in the middle of that.

In a hurry, Claire kneels again and lowers her head.

– … I am, I am sorry. I unconsciously went with it desuno…

– There’s no need to apologize. Good job Prez!

Emilia raises her thumb towards the President.

Sakura and Karen also were nodding with a “yeah”.

– … I see, I am sorry.

Her Highness the Princess who was taken aback by the sudden shout of Claire, continued her words with an apologetic expression.

– It seems like I was getting carried away. Kisaragi Hayato. You must be bewildered too. My deepest apologies.

– No, that’s a…

– … One more thing, Emilia?

– What is it?

Emilia answers bluntly.

– I am sorry to make a move on your man. I just wanted to tease you.

– Your man you say!?

It was Sakura who stood up and raised her voice without thinking.

– Emilia-san, what is the meaning of that!?

Following her, Karen also stands up.

– … hmm, what is it? Perhaps it is a misunderstanding of mine? Since Emilia was ignoring me, I thought of bantering with her and made my move on the person who is the man of Emilia…

– Jeez, Luli is really troublesome!

Emilia grabbed the body of Luli that was approaching her and moved her fist in a way that made it sunk into her head.

– Ow ow ow ow ow ow, stop! Emilia, stop!

Her Highness the Princess screams.

The guards are puzzled about what happened.

– Emilia Hermit, stop! The other party is her Highness the Princess desuwayo!

– It’s fine, okay!? Luli deserves this much!

– … Luli?

Sakura is showing a flabbergasted expression.

– That’s the name of her Highness the Princess…correct?

Continuing, Karen said.

– What kind of relationship have you two?

Latia is the one who asked.

And then, Emilia begins to speak.

– Umm, the thing is…








It’s a story when Emilia was leading a life of imprisonment in the outskirts of the Kingdom of Gudenburg.

– Haaa, there’s nothing to do.

Lying on the bed, Emilia muttered.

– I want to see Hayato.

How many times has she muttered the name of the boy in this way――?

Well, probably thousands of times.

That was more than five years ago――.

The boy she met by chance in the city of Gudenburg.

It’s the name of her first love, and the person with whom she got separated at the time of the Second Attack.

She hasn’t been able to meet with him since that and she doesn’t know where he is.


Emilia caressed with the palm of one of her hands the scar of her chest from above the clothes.

Then, she turns her glance to the Hundred above the desk.

(If I become a Slayer, then I’ll be able to meet again with Hayato someday)

There’s no doubt that Hayato was becoming a Variant at that time too.

(I’m sure Hayato is living somewhere, like me, as a Variant――)

And, at that time.

*TOC* *TOC*, the window made a sound.

Don’t tell me, she thought.

– Hayato!

She shouted, and opened the door.


– Huh?

There was a girl she has never seen before dressed in a foreign costume.

The girl, smiling, asks a question.

– Are you Emilia――Emilia Gudenburg?

– Who, who are you… and I’m not Emilia Gudenburg. I’m Emilia Hermit. Yes, Emilia Hermit, okay!?

While saying that, Emilia retreated and picked up the Hundred on the desk.

(It’s okay, if anything happens, I can deal with it using the Hundred…)

Then, the girl expresses “heave-ho!” and climbs over the window frame, entering the room.

– Fuu, it’s so hard to ascend to the second floor.

– Wha, why are you arbitrarily going into the room of a person? And who on earth are you!?

– Eeh. You are right. I came from Yamato. And my name is Luli.

– … eh, from Yamato?

With only that, Emilia’s guard has gone loose.

Yamato is the hometown of Kisaragi Hayato.

She thinks that it might be possible to get information out of her.

– Well then. You are that person, right? The third princess of the Kingdom of Gudenburg, Emilia Gudenburg!

– …… w-, why do you, that…

– When I visited the palace with my father, I heard a rumor of you. So, I got interested in you. That is s because, it seemed intriguing.

– The palace, huh…?

The clothing she’s wearing is surprisingly gorgeous.

Regardless of her appearance and behavior, her tone of voice sounds somewhat refined.

(In short, she’s the daughter of one of the higher-us of the country of Yamato…)

Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to reach this place.

(… so that means, she isn’t a dangerous character but…)

It seems the troublesomeness doesn’t change.

– … then, why are you doing this? Was I that interesting that you came just to see my face?

– No, that’s not the reason. It’s because I was being chased.

– Huh? You were being chased, by who?

– Some bad guys. So, I’m hiding here.

– I’m calling the guards.

– Wait a moment!

– I’ll ask them to take you to the palace.

– Please pardon me, no more than that! I hate formal meetings with my father!

– That means that, you didn’t want to go to the meeting nor the ceremony and escaped to my place?

– At the beginning, it was like that. But it’s because it was interesting to come here.

– I knew it, I’m calling the guards.

– Please wait! Become friends with me!

– Nope.

– Why not?

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– I’m busy with a lot of things.

– And why you are being confined in this place?

– Because it’s absolutely necessary to do special training of the Hundred.

Saying so, Emilia took the Hundred that is on the desk.

– That’s your Hundred?

Luli stares in wonder, she was surprised from the bottom of her heart.

– You are a princess, yet you use a Hundred?

– Hime and Oujo are totally unrelated to this, you know*? That’s why I’m here, and I live the way I want. For that reason, The Hundred is essential――

*TN: Both mean princess (the former is specially used in western context). Another use for hime is: young lady of noble birth. I’m going to leave it as that.

– Amusing!

– … huh?

– I really like interesting people like you. Either way, become a friend of mine!

Luli clung to Emilia, frolicking like a dog, while showing a full smile.

– I’m telling you, get lost!

Emilia tries desperately to separate from her.

But, the girl doesn’t give up.

– It’s fine, don’t you think? And I’m free. So, let’s get along!

– ――so, no matter how much I refused her, or tried to shut out her, Luli everyday slipped into my house to play games, read manga, steal and eat my sweets and meals, doing as she wanted for a whole week…

– It was pretty boring to go to the parties accompanying my father. So, as a refuge, it was more than precise.

– This person was a nuisance and I couldn’t do anything…

Emilia said like complaining, after she took a big breath.

– Besides, she didn’t fulfill the promise.

– In exchange for providing a place for me, I was supposed to investigate about that man, Kisaragi Hayato. I remember that I felt bad for her. But, I couldn’t do anything. I was being in confinement for a while since I was exposed that I was running away… During that time, I also forgot the name of Kisaragi Hayato, and became unable to contact you.

– … that’s really terrible.

– A-ha-ha! Anyway, you remain the same, lively as always.

– That’s true for Luli too…. I mean, I was surprised that Luli is her Highness the Princess. I thought that you were at best a selfish Ojou-sama.

– Hey, I’m not selfish. Even I have grown up a little. And once I’m 15, I will be involved in practice as a princess. The Genbuku*, like the men already did a thousand years ago——which means, becoming an adult. Not only my body, but also my mind will be the one of as an adult.

*TN: A male (only male mentioned, not female) coming of age ceremony. It’s weird, I know.

– … It would really be cool if that was the case but…

– Her Highness the Princess, it’s time.

It was one of her followers who raised their voice.

– So, so fast?

Luli gazed again at Emilia after turning a displeasured expression towards her servants, and muttered.

– Meetings, festivals, lessons——My schedule is completely full, every single day. It’s truly bothersome…. In comparison, Emilia who’s a princess, like me, looks so carefree that I’m very jealous.

– … what do you mean with that? I have many things on my side, you know. Besides, Luli is already an adult, right? Then work hard.

– … fine, I understand. But, jealous are jealous.

After having her cheeks partly puffed up,

– Claire Harvey.

Luli stood before Claire and continued speaking.

– Please continue cooperating to protect this world with us from now on. I’m looking forward to working with you——

– Definitely, her Highness the Princess.

At the end of the visit, Luli and Claire shook hands.








– Certainly, we never knew that Emilia and her Highness the Princess were acquaintances.

At the same time as they got out from the break of the audience, Latia said surprised.

– … I never thought that I’d be meeting again with her like this. Moreover, that she would have THAT position of “her Highness the Princess”.

– But still, if she was your acquaintance, then say it earlier. We wouldn’t have been surprised masenno.

– I wasn’t sure about it. Whether Luli is really her Highness the Princess of Yamato or not. I thought that she was the same, but 5 years has passed since I met her, so her appearance was different. I felt that her personality was different too…. Even Prez is also an amazing person, calling the attention to her repeatedly, that she looked like a different person.

– As expected of President-san who flared up at against such terrific person.

Saying that, it was Fritz who laughed loudly.

Claire suddenly becomes bright, her face is red.

– S-stop it, Fritz Grantz. Moreover, Kirishima Sakura and Emilia Hermit, even you tried to flare up at against her Highness the Princes before me!

– But I was patient at the beginning.

– That’s right, we endured it―

Emilia and Sakura smile, looking at each other.

– Then, because I stopped her——

Looking at both figures, Claire was shaking her fists.

Shinonome Mika raises her voice.

– I have come to pick you up.

Following Mika’s lead, they entered the hired car, and Hayato and company started moving.

The ones waiting at Motomatsu Base, the destination where they are heading to, are Tsudura Mirai, Kurumi Sango and Kirigakure Yumina.








– It’s been a long time, everyone―

It was Tsudura Mirai, a Slayer belonging to Motomatsu Base, who welcomed Hayato and the others who arrived at the base.

She has her lazy way of speaking as usual, and is showing a relaxed smile.

– It’s been a long time desuwane, Mirai. Are your preparations completed already?

Those preparations are the preparations to head towards Little Garden.

Although they are still in middle school, Mirai and Sango——the ability of those two as Slayers is certified.

There’s a possibility that more Slayers will transfer from Little Garden to Lunaltia Base during and after spring, so it’s running low on talented people.

… the thing is, they will do it a year earlier than ordinary students, since they decided to enroll in the martial arts department of Little Garden by skipping grades.

Therefore, they are travelling with Claire, Hayato, Emilia and the others on the transport aircraft they used to return to Yamato, since it has been decided that they will enter Little Garden without delay, in advance of students of martial arts department to which another enrollment is decided.

– Yees, I’m perfectly prepared—

Answering, Mirai looked at Sango who’s hiding at her back.

– Sango has her preparations ready too, ri〜ght?

– ……

Sango didn’t answer Mirai’s question.

She’s standing without moving, hidden on her back.

She thought that that was kind of mysterious.

– … what’s the deal with her?

Latia asked Mirai.

– Ah, umm, the thi――

Mirai answers while scratching her cheek and showing a troubled expression.

– The truth is, there’s a certain rumor―. She would like to know if the rumor is true or not―.

– … a certain rumor?

Latia knits her brows.

– What is that rumor desuno?

Continuing that, Claire asked.

– Err, Claire-han. That’s because, Claire-han is——

– Wait, Mirai!

Sango shouts to stop Mirai who started talking.

– What’s wrong, Sango? Don’t you want to hear it yourself from Claire-han?

– But, that’s…

Thereupon, Emilia realized it.

– I got it. The conversation is about Sango-chan being worried whether the Prez will go to the moon or not, right?

– Yes, it’s exactly as Emilia-san just said―.

Next year, Claire will go to the moon——.

Sango heard rumors that she will be heading to Lunaltia Base.

She was thinking that she could spend some precious time being close to Claire, but she’s worried that such a thing won’t be possible.

– … so that’s the reason desuno.

Taking a breath and smiling with a puff, she approached the location of Sango.

– Kurumi Sango. I also wanted to spend time with you in Little Garden, but the situation continues to move day by day desu. I am really sorry. But…

She patted the head of Sango who’s hidden behind Mirai’s back.

– Although you won’t be enrolling as you would expect, but since you have a certain amount of ability, and it goes without saying that if you raise it during the next two years, and until then, if you can reach your true strength, then there’s no problem at all for you to come to Lunaltia Base desu.

– Ah…

– When you reach that level, then I will be summoning you to Lunaltia Base at once masuwayo.

– Claire-sama! I will do my best to be able to reach that level masuwa!

– Yes, that’s the spirit desuwayo.

– I’m happy for you, Sango.

Mirai called her out.

– Yup.

Sango nodded with an unequalled smile.

– … and, on that subject, I guess it would be better for you to give your greetings to them masenwane.

Claire turned her eyes to Rebecca and Aoi.

– Come to think of it, they didn’t say their greetings properly in the World Martial Arts Tournament, right?

– Yep.

Mirai answers Emilia’s question.

– I would be happy if you introduce them.

– In that case, I will introduce them masu.

Saying that, Claire began the introduction.

– They are students who go to the middle school of Little Garden desuwa. They are still in second year——nonetheless, she is Rebecca Martin, and is currently training her body at the gym, and is aiming at the martial arts department. Next year she will be entering the martial arts department as your kouhai. Please get along with her.

– Nice to meet you!

– Yup, nice to meet you too—

– Nice to meet you, desuwa.

Rebecca shook hands with Mirai then with Sango, in that order.

– … and, who’s the one there?

Mirai turns her eyes towards Aoi.

– Err, umm…

While showing a troubled expression, Aoi began to introduce herself.

– I am Umino Aoi…. And like Rebecca, I am in second year of middle school of Little Garden….

– Hee, Aoi-chan doesn’t wish to be a Slayer?

– No, me, as a Slayer, I am not suitable for….

– “But, by becoming a student of the communication department, I will cooperate with the Slayers”, right!?

– He-, hey Rebecca!

– It’s fine, you know. Isn’t that your dream?

– Yes, it is,, but still…

Mirai smiled looking at the situation of the two girls.

– If that’s true, then we’ll be entrusting our backs to you in the future. At that time, we will be under your care.

Aoi grasped the hand that Mirai presented and answered.

– Of-of course!








Hayato and the others finished greeting the staff members of Motomatsu Base and those newly trainee Slayers belonging to that same base, then moved to the institution where Hayato and Karen spent many years in two multi-purpose vehicles.

Hayato, Emilia, Fritz, Latia and Claire boarded the first vehicle, Sakura, Karen, Aoi, Rebecca, Touka and Mei Mei boarded the second vehicle.

They arrived at the institution in 30 minutes and a little.

– The institution where you spent a lot of time is relatively new, huh.

Latia muttered, as she looked at the institution from inside the vehicle.

What she means is that it has no vibe of Yamato at all.

– After I entered Little Garden, it was rebuilt with money of Warslan Company. Before that, it was very old.

– Oh, so something like that happened.

The vehicle stops.

The first one who got off was Hayato, since he was sitting at the window.

There, a man approaches.

It’s a tall man with ruffled hair and was wearing a sleeveless undergarment.

– Oh! Hayato. You finally came.

– Shishō!

Hayato raised his voice.

Then Touka, who just got off from the vehicle behind, seems to have noticed that man――Kenzaki Ryūsei.

Touka rushed over to where Ryūsei is and asked him.

– Shishō, why are you here?

– I heard that you were coming back. So, I was waiting for you.

Almost at the very same time that Ryūsei answered.

The children jumped out from inside the institution.

– Hayato! Karen!

– Sakura-neechan is here too!

– It’s been a while, everyone.

Surrounded by elementary school students, Sakura shows a smile.

– Yeah, it’s been a while―

She said that, and patted the head of a 6-year-old girl that was clinging to her.

– Hey, Karen-neechan.

An 8-year-old boy asks Karen.

– … hmm?

– Who, are they?

The boy’s finger is directed to two girls standing right behind Karen.

– They are friends of Karen.

With a smile, Karen replied.

– Like she said.

And, as Rebecca was slapping, she introduced herself.

– I’m Rebecca Martin. I’m a classmate of Karen. Come on Aoi, you too——

– Ah, yes!

Prompted by Rebecca, Aoi began to introduce herself as well.

– I am Umino Aoi. And like Rebecca, I am a classmate of Karen-san.

– Umino Aoi? … by any chance, are you the same as us, a person of Yamato!? Where are you from?

The eyes of the boy shone sparklingly.

– Err, that’s not it… my grandfather was born in Yamato, but I am from Liberia. This is the first time that I came to Yamato…

– Hee, is that so? … then, Karen, who’s the strange one over there?

– Strange one… ah…!

Judging from that, the boys and girls surrounded Mei Mei.

Some children are pulling the ears of Mei Mei as well as the tail that Mei Mei has on her back.

– Is this tail real?

– My ears!

– Hyu! St-stop! Mei Mei is someone important!

– Wawawa! Mei Mei-san, Are you okay!? Everyone, stop. Don’t pull her tail and ears!

Karen, who saw that Mei Mei was about to cry, hurriedly run towards her, pulling away the boys and girls.

And then, Karen asked Mei Mei.

– … Are you okay, Mei Mei-san?

– *Sniff*… I’m okay…

Despite saying that, Mei Mei was stroking her pulled ears.

While looking at her figure, Hayato smiles wryly.

– Haha, Mei Mei is fine, right…?

There, Fritz called him out.

– Hey, Hayato. Please introduce us to the children properly, ‘kay?

– Ah, err…

While Hayato is introducing Fritz, Latia, Claire and Mei Mei,

– Oh my, this is quite lively, isn’t it?

While saying that, a woman with a good physique came out from the institution.

She’s the chief of the institution, Kizaki Ryōko.

She turned her eyes towards Claire and started her greetings.

– You are the representative of Little Garden, correct? I’m Kizaki Ryōko. I’m the manager of this dorm.

– As you said, I am the representative of Little Garden, Claire Harvey desuwa. We are indebted to Kisaragi Hayato.

– Indebted? Hayato-kun isn’t causing any troubles, right?

– No troubles at all masenwayo. Kisaragi Hayato has performed beyond my expectations masu.

– But, Hayato-kun went through that for a brief moment*.

TN: How I hate this verb: nukeru. This may be heavily wrong.

– I second to that. Which reminds me, even in the older days he——

– Shishō, please don’t say unnecessary things!

Ryōko smiled happily, looking at Hayato quickly closing his mouth.

– Now then, should we lunch even if it’s a little late? We were waiting for Hayato-kun and company to arrive so all the children are hungry.








The reception room of the institution is very large.

Still, there are so many people in there, that is filled to the brim.
They ate the food that took a lot of preparation in one gulp.

– Hayato-niichan. Your battles in the tournament were cool and incredible! Especially the semifinals! Defeating that big guy! What was his name, Aburaramosomethinglikethat!

– Ah, yeah… is that so…?

Regarding the boy who speaks with excitement, Hayato answered a little troubled while scratching his cheek.

He hasn’t heard what happened to Gert after that battle.

Perhaps he——

Thinking all sort of things, he got depressed.

– Hey, Hayato.

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She probably noticed that Hayato’s expression became grim and dark.

Emilia, sitting next to him, poked the abdomen of Hayato with her elbow.

– Don’t make such a face in front of the children.

– Ah, I’m sorry.

Hayato thinks that that’s true.

So, he decided to pull himself together.

– Hayato, what’s wrong?

Hayato answers the girl who heard that.

– It’s nothing.

– ?

The girl cocked her head in puzzlement, she didn’t understand it well.

There, Emilia gave him a helping hand.

– Other than that, I was amazing too, right? When I knocked out that Centaur-like thing!

Because of that, the interest of the children has moved to Emilia.

– Ah, yeah. You were amazing, amaziiing!

– I know right? But I didn’t do it seriously. If I did it seriously, then I’ll be way more amazing.

– … really?

– Yeah, it’s true!

– … saying that, when you have never done a serious effort masenka?

The tsukkomi of Claire that entered from her side aggravated her.

Emilia makes a counterargument, with enough force to make a vein stand up on her forehead.

– Hee, saying such kind of things. If so, would you win if I go all out?

She started to look towards Claire while saying that.

Claire bends herself forward, opposing her.

– I am wishing for it desuwayo. I am looking forward to the next campus martial arts competition masuwa.

The two of them went *humph*, and turned their face away.

Eventually, Hayato was the only one talking and couldn’t eat much.

Still, the meal that everyone ate was very pleasant and delicious.

– Well then, Touka and I will take Shishō back home.

The party is at its peak.

The time is when the sun is already beginning to set.

Hayato was about to leave the institution to take the drunk and exhausted Ryūsei to his residence together with Touka.

– I forgot to say. Is it fine if only Emilia and Karen follow me?

– Eh, it’s fine but…

Karen asked, after Emilia said that.

– Where are we going?

– That’s right desuno, where are you going desuno?

Following them, Claire also raises a question.

– Well, umm…

In a troubled appearance, Hayato scratched his head.

– It’s an order of the President. Answer.

The next one who said so is Latia.

She also seems to care about where Hayato and the others are going.

– And, if it’s an interesting place, then take us with you.

Hayato decided to answer, since it can’t be helped if they ask this much.

– It’s a grave.

– A grave?

Latia knits her brows.

– Actually——

Hayato told Latia and Sakura that he went to the cemetery with Emilia in Gudenburg.

– At that time, when I came to Yamato, I promised to go visit their graves.

– … oh, I’m sorry if I was being a nuisance.

Saying that in an apologetic way, Latia lowered her head.

– I’m sorry for prying into it too much.

– No, I don’t think you were a nuisance or something like that.

That’s what Karen said.

– I think both dad and mom will surely be pleased if everyone came to visit their graves. Because they liked lively people a lot.

Karen turns her eyes towards Hayato, and continues her words.

– Isn’t that right, Nii-san?

Certainly, Karen is 100% right.

Their parents loved lively people.

– You are correct, so, let’s go, everyone.

Saying that, Hayato turns his eyes towards Ryūsei.

– Shishō, what should we do? Can we make a short visit to the grave first?

– Hmm, yeah… I can walk. I can, walk…!

No matter how you look at him, he doesn’t seem to be able to walk properly.

He’s completely drunk and staggered.

Touka said, looking at him.

– Shinshishō. I will take Shishō back home. Please go visit the grave with everyone.

– … I’m sorry.

– No, don’t worry. Okay Shishō, let’s go home.

– I’m fine. And I’m not drunk!

– No, you are drunk.

Touka carried Ryūsei on her back and left the institution first.

– We are also moving.

After walking for about 15 minutes, Hayato and company arrived at the cemetery.

Children of the institution also came, so the total is over 10 people.

Hayato and Karen stand in front of the gravestone, and sprayed water on it with a hishaku*.

*TN: Sort of a ladle but used for ceremonies.

While looking the situation, Latia asked Fritz who’s standing next to her.

– Say, Fritz.

– What is it? Do you want to go to the toilet?

– NO!

After denying it with all her might.

Latia closed her mouth with her hands, and asked with a small voice.

– … what do you do when visiting a Yamato-style grave?

– Oh, you wanted to know that. But, even if you ask me, I don’t know a thing.

– Well, it’s understandable… Guess we are two.

– If that’s the case, please leave it to Mei Mei!

– Ooh! You know it, Mei Mei!?

– Fufufu, even from this distance, Mei Mei can connect to the database of Little Garden… huh?

Mei Mei tilted her head in surprise.

– … It’s weird, but I can’t connect properly degozaru…

– … go, gozaru?

What the hell was that? Latia squinted.

Continuing, Fritz said.

– Hey hey, her way of talking is getting strange.

– Guys, what is happening desu?

She might have noticed the bafflement of Latia and Fritz.

Claire asked the question.

Then it was Latia who answered it.

– Mei Mei said that she would teach us what to do when visiting a grave of Yamato, but then her state got strange.

– … strange, desuno?

Claire turns her eyes towards Mei Mei.

– I can’t connect properly with Little Garden degozaruyo.

– … “go, gozaru”, desu?

Claire frowns the inner part of her eyebrows.

Mei Mei doesn’t seem to understand the reason of that.

– Mei Mei, isn’t strange for you to say degozaru?

– … hmm…

Certainly, it’s strange.

The next one who joined the conversation was Emilia.

– What happened?

– Mei Mei’s way of talking is strange desu.

– Strange? In what way?

Emilia points her eyes to Mei Mei.

She looks exactly the same.

– Mei Mei doesn’t understand degozaruyo. What do you mean degozaru?

– Oh, yeah. It’s indeed strange.

Emilia, who heard the way Mei Mei talks, was immediately convinced.

– Eeeeh!? Is that so degozaru? In what way is Mei Mei strange degozaruka〜!?

– Wait a moment, I’ll confirm it.

Saying that, Emilia took out the PDA from her pocket and watched the screen at the same time she muttered.

– She isn’t getting a good reception. Then maybe, that means that…

– Have you suddenly understood something masuno?

– Come here a little, Prez…

Emilia begins to walk, grabbing the sleeve of the uniform of Claire.

– Wa-wait… what are you…

– It’s fine, come with me.

Emilia pulled Claire into the forest.

– What are you doing desuno?

Claire asks at the same time she stops her feet.

– It’s about Mei Mei, but I thought it would be better to not let the children listen directly.

– I see, that was your intention desuno.

They didn’t tell the children that she is an android.

Claire agrees that that’s for the best.

– Err, the Prez knows that the main body of Mei Mei is in Little Garden and that the body itself is kind of a terminal, right?

– … yes. Of course, desuwa. The human brain is a complex thing. So, not only the processing power, but if you also want to recreate the capacity of the memory on a computer, then those things won’t fit into the body of Mei Mei. I learned that from Charlotte masu.

That’s the reason why, in Mei Mei’s body, processing, calculations and storage of memory are kept to a minimum, and the rest is done in the computer of Little Garden.

– Yup, that may be the reason why the communication state is bad and the language data is in disorder. Probably, when she was pulled by the kids, I think the antennas weakened…

– Ah…

Claire remembered the thing just before entering the institution.

Children were pulling the ears and tail of Mei Mei, which are her antennas.

It looked like they are in a bad shape.

– In other words, not only is this place, but also what the children did the ones at fault desuka?

– While it may be true, I don’t mean that they did it with malice. That’s why I avoided to talk of this in front of them.

– … I guess you are right desu. Then, what will we do masuno?

– If I fix her while listening to Charlotte, I guess I can do it, but to what extent will I be able to do it…? But hey, I don’t think there’s a problem if her language is a little strange or her memory is in chaos. I find her cute that way. “Gozaru”.

Enjoying that, Emilia smiled.

– Good grief, you are…

Exasperated, Claire sighed.

– For now, let’s consult Charlotte later.

– Understood mashitawa.

– Well then, let’s return.

Emilia and Claire returned to Hayato and the others.

– … so, this is visiting a grave of Yamato, but…

Just when Sakura was teaching everyone about visiting a grave of Yamato.

Claire and Emilia decided to blend with them.

In front of her own chest, *Clap* *Clap*, Sakura clapped twice with her hands.

– Close your eyes, then clap with your hands like these, then bow, and you are ready to do your prayers.

– If I remember correctly, you close your eyes, and pray in silence, correct?

– Indeed. Umino-san sure knows about this.

– … ah, yes. I was taught by the time I visited the grave of my grandfather.

– I see. Then, shall we start our prayers? Can we, Hayato-kun?

– Yes——

Everyone closes their eyes, standing around Hayato in front of the gravestone, and piled up simultaneously their hands after 2 claps.

After a minute of praying in silence has passed, Hayato opened his mouth.

– You can open your eyes.

Along with that voice, all of them raise their heads.

– Everyone, thank you very much.

Hayato said so.

Continuing, Karen said.

– I’m sure that mom and dad are pleased in heaven.

– Okay then, shall we go back?

Following Hayato’s voice, they walked towards the institution.

Hayato, who was the last to walk, looked back once and talked to the gravestone from the bottom of his heart.

It’s been around half a year since I came here before.

There were so many things that I couldn’t tell due to the little time that I had.

After this, a lot of things are going to happen.

Maybe I will be able to go to the moon with Karen….

Still, I feel like I can overcome everything if I’m with everyone.

Father and mother, I will live my life to the fullest, so please continue watching over us.

Please take care of us.


… and, when he thought that he has finished visiting the graves of his parents as planned,

(Impossible, to guess that I would end up coming here again…)

He never thought that the start of the recording would begin from the gravesite of his parents the next day.

It seems they want to reproduce the scene where he tells his father and mother that he’s going to become a Slayer and will go to Little Garden and record it with a VTR*.

*TN: Video tape recorder.

– I wonder if they went a bit too far.

Sakura, who’s accompanying him in the shooting, murmurs.

– But, Kisaragi Hayato said that he actually did something like this mashitawayo.

That’s what Claire said.

– That may be true but still… and…

Sakura stared at the girl with a sidelong glance.

– Why are you the reporter of the program?

– Because this was a work request that came to me. And that’s not the only reason. I wanted to see Kisaragi-san after a long time, so I came all the way to Yamato. Kisaragi-san, I’m happy that I can see you again like this  .

Towards Hayato who finished shooting, Carol waved her hands in a big way.

Looking at her, Sakura distorted her expression.

– Agh, what’s with that attitude. It’s disgusting.

– Aren’t you like that when you are on the stage? Or perhaps I should say, you are in the way of the shooting, so why don’t you go somewhere else?

Carol moved her hands towards Sakura, as if she was shooing a fly.

However, Sakura didn’t back down.

– In your dreams. I’m going to watch properly to make sure you don’t do anything funny.

– If so, then be quiet.

Carol left those words with Sakura, then got closer to Hayato with a small trot.

– Okay then, Kisaragi-san. Let’s return to the institution .

– Eh, ah… wait…!

Carol suddenly came even more closer and took his arm, leaving Hayato perplexed.

– Come on, the next shooting is in the institution, isn’t i―t?

– U, umm…

His arm is buried between her big breasts.

Almost enough for him to grasp the softness of those dreamlike breasts.

– Hey, I’m telling you to stop!

Sakura tries to get in between Hayato and Carol to separate them from each other.

– Yeah! Separate yourself from Hayato now!

Emilia also joins there, and tries to separate Carol and Sakura from Hayato.

– Hey, Emilia! Sakura and Carol-san too, stop!

– U, umm…

Karen is confused as to what happened, looking at her older brother being pulled by three people.

Next to her is Claire and,

– Good grief…

She sighed in a deep and big way.

After that, and like Carol was saying, the shooting moved to the institution, to shoot a scene with the children that met him.

They are doing it to respond to the demand of the program side that they want a VTR of the children welcoming Kisaragi Hayato who became a Slayer and came back as a hero.

Once that was over, the next wasn’t Hayato’s, but Karen’s interview.

Of course, the interviewer was Carol.

Karen continued talking to the camera about the reason why Hayato decided to follow the path of the Slayer and when she participated in the event of Warslan Company.

– Actually, Karen has admired the Slayers-san. So, saying that I should go to the event of Warslan, Nii-san invited me… Karen also said that she wanted to touch the Hundred. At that time, Karen almost had a reaction but——

It was different for Hayato.

At the same time he touched the Hundred, it changed to a strange, sword-like shape.

– Karen thought at that time! Nii-san can definitely become an amazing Slayer!

– Really…?

The Slayers who were listening from the side of the interview, murmured so while smiling wryly.

(Come to think of it, at that time, I was thinking about a lot of things…)

Hayato remembers about what happened a year and a half ago.

It was just before touching the Hundred placed in front of him.

What if the Hundred reacts?

If he could become a Slayer, he could earn a lot of money and he might be able to give her little sister Karen a good treatment.

He may be able to let everyone living at the institution have a good life, and maybe, his lost memories――

He may get to know who’s the girl that appears in that dream.

Everything came true.

The Hundred granted his wishes.

After that, they will have an interview with Ryōko, the institution chief.

The purpose was to talk about the childhood of Hayato.

Hayato’s beats faster, as to what they are going to talk about him.

– If it’s about Hayato’s childhood, then I can tell some things too.

While saying so, a tall man appeared on the spot.

His hair wasn’t ruffled as usual, instead he chose a proper hairstyle, and he wasn’t wearing a sleeveless undergarment, but a suit, and Carol asked that man.

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– And you are?

– Kenzaki Ryūsei. The master of Kisaragi Hayato.

Gently pulling his hair upwards, Ryūsei gazed at the camera, and the local camera staff began to rustle.

– Kenzaki?

– Does that mean, that he may be…

– He’s the rumored remarkable swordsman of a long time ago?

– No way, he’s that guy?

Those were the responses he expected.

Looking at that situation, Ryūsei opened his mouth with a grin.

– It’s exactly as you are thinking. I, Kenzaki Ryūsei, along with my older brother, Kenzaki Hokuto, fought against the Savage to protect Yamato before the hundred arms――the Hundred were developed――

– Shishō, what are you doing!?

Flustering, Hayato headed towards Ryūsei, grabbing the sleeve of his suit from behind, and pulling him away from the camera.

– What, you say? It’s to answer the interview. It’s the long-awaited TV, you know? For that much, I have to appeal to them.

Making his teeth shine, Ryūsei continues.

– By the way, I’m single. I don’t have a girlfriend now. I’m taking applications with high praise.

– Appeal you say, yeah right. At least recruit some students!

– Be quiet, this is way more important!

– … hmm, won’t this be eliminated?

Emilia, who was looking at Ryūsei and Hayato arguing back and forth in front of the camera from a little distant place, asked Sakura standing next to her.

– Probably.

Next to Sakura who answered so, Touka was sighing like Hayato.

– I tried to stop him, but he didn’t listen a single word…

– Ahaha, Touka-chan had it hard too.

– … yeah.

She wondered why they were embarrassed about the behavior of their Shishō.

The face of Touka who received the words of Emilia was dyed in deep red.

Even though there was an intrusion disturbance in the middle of it, the interview with Ryōko ended, and the most interesting part of the shooting was approaching.

The last shooting today is the interview of Carol with Hayato.

Two chairs facing each other with the institution as the background where Hayato spent many years.

Hayato and Carol sit, facing each other.

– ――Kisaragi-san, what is like to be in your home town after a long time?

That’s the first question.

– Umm, it hasn’t been really a long time ago, but when I do it like this, whenever I come back to Yamato without problems, I feel relieved somehow.

Continuing with the next question.

– ――Hereafter, it is considered that mankind will advance to the moon. It is said that the Slayers will take the initiative to head to the moon, and in that aspect, are there any plans for Kisaragi-san to go to the moon?

– Err, Karen is… no, my little sister and Sakura to the moon and… err, my little sister has possibilities to do a live concert with Kirishima Sakura-san at the moon, so at that time I thought of going there as a bodyguard, but it doesn’t mean that I will be staying permanently there…. For now, I thought and decided to do my duties here, on the Earth.

– ――Kisaragi-san wants to stay on the Earth rather than on the moon?

– Err, well… ye-yes. I was born and raised on the Earth, so that makes me feel relieved. That’s why I think that I will definitely go when my strength has become a necessity in the moon in order to protect the Earth. The ones who have to use their strength for the sake of those who don’t have it. Noblesse Oblige is the spirit of Little Garden.

– And to finish――what does it mean being a Slayer to Kisaragi-san?

– Eh…. Wait a moment…

All the questions so far have been heard beforehand.

But that doesn’t apply to the last question.

Carol is gazing at Hayato with a look full of expectations.

Claire, who’s looking at the interview from a distant place is the same.

It seemed that she was looking forward to what would be the answer of Hayato.

– Hmm, how should I answer this…?)

10 seconds.

20 seconds.

30 seconds.

His hesitation ended, Hayato finally arrived at an answer.

– … Like everyone, you work hard for the sake of someone, I guess…?

– Thank you very much for your magnificent answers. And thank you very much for today.

Carol stands up and asks Hayato to shake hands.

Hayato accepted, the shooting of today is over.

– We will have an interview of Little Garden at a later date.

Hayato dropped his shoulders in astonishment when he saw that the producer of the program said that to Claire.

– This will continue in Little Garden…?

He unintentionally muttered. There, Claire came to him.

– He was just saying that they will be shooting a little of practice scenes mashitawayo. Anyway, thanks for your hard work today, Kisaragi Hayato.

– Thank you, President.

Ryōko joins them.

– Now that it has finished, won’t you have dinner? I made some for the people of the shooting too, so come and eat.

– Oh! Finally, some food!

It was Latia who gave a happy voice.

– And then, after that, the thing that we have been waiting for so long!


After dinner.

As Latia said, the time they have been waiting for came.

– Okay, we’re ready. Let’s go!

It was no other than Latia who took the initiative to walk.

Fritz said amazed, looking at her.

– You really are in high spirits, huh.

– But of course. For me, this is the main event of Yamato!

In the hands of Latia who looked back and answered, handbags with towels and changing clothes were hanging. Besides, she was wearing a yukata.

Not only Latia, but also the boys and girls.

It’s something that Ryōko had prepared.

After a fifteen-minute walk from the institution.

The hot spring is in the middle of the mountain, that was the place where Hayato and the others were heading now.

Emilia, Hayato, Sakura, Karen, Fritz, Latia, Mei Mei, Claire, Rebecca, Aoi ——and the children of the institution. In addition to them, Carol is also with them. The group exceeds 10 people.

– A real hot spring. I’m really looking forward to it!

– Kisaragi Hayato. Is it true that it makes your skin beautiful desuno?

– Well, I heard that it has that kind of effect but…

– If so, then I am truly looking forward to it desune.

– Mei Mei is also super looking forward to it degozarimasuyo!

Unlike Claire and Mei Mei who have a happy smile, the expression of Sakura is serious and stern.

That’s because of a girl walking next to her, that girl is Carol.

– Why even you are here, huh…?

Sakura said, staring at her with half-closed eyes.

– Because I also wanted to enter a hot spring. I’m lodging in the hotel of Motomatsu today, so I have plenty of time. Besides——

Carol showed a grin and a smile on her face, then pushed up with one hand her own chest and said.

– I want to make Kisaragi-kun go *DOKI* *DOKI* by seeing my wet figure  .

– Kuh, again with that…. And I thought you were a nice person in Calbrera Island…

– That time was that time. It was a critical situation of mankind. But, the fight of a woman is different, right?

– Sakura-san, Carol-san, about what matter are you talking about?

– No, it’s nothing, Karen-chan.

– ?

Walking behind Sakura, Aoi murmured.

– *Sniff*…. Everyone has an excellent figure, my chance of winning are…

– You too Aoi, what are you talking about?

– Noo, it’s nothing!

Aoi dodged Rebecca and then saw Hayato with a sidelong glance.

Emilia is standing next to him.

It seems she’s having a conversation with Hayato.

(Hayato-san is very popular…)

And again, Aoi thinks.

No matter how you look at it, there are too many enemies.

In this situation, she can’t do anything.

– Haa…

Aoi took a small breath.

With such various things, they reached the hot spring in the mountain.








– Oh!

As she saw a shop near the bath house, Latia gave a delightful voice.

– This is that. The rumor that I heard of: fruit milk! I heard that it’s etiquette of Yamato to drink this on hot springs! I suppose that I’m drinking it immediately!

– Please wait, Latia-san!

Touka grabbed with all her strength the clothes of Latia who tried to run towards the shop, stopping her.

– What’s the problem, Touka? Is something wrong?

– The thing is, you can’t drink it right now. It’s something you drink after taking a bath!

– Oh, is that so!? I guess I didn’t go that far in my studies! Then, let’s do it after we leave the hot spring!

– … That reminds me, is it fine for Mei Mei to enter the hot spring?

Hayato asked, her figure is the one of a person, but in reality she’s an android.

Besides, the condition of her communication is bad now.

That means, she’s out-of-order,

– Yes, it’s fine for Mei Mei desuyo. I won’t rust or anything like that degozarudesukara.

Listening the reply of Mei Mei, Hayato thinks.

– Okaay….. but, I have a bad feeling….

– I’m not really sure if it’s fine for her in this situation, so I’ll ask Charo just in case.

Emilia took out the PDA.

– Hmm, it’s out of range.

– … maybe one of the reasons is that she’s way worse than before.

Maybe it’s because she came out with that “degozarudesukara”.

– Hmm, what do we do…?

– If it’s outside, then maybe it will connect?

Hayato answers Emilia.

– Please wait a moment. I’ll go search and see if it connects.

Emilia came outside and returned in three minutes or so.

– Since it’s only the exterior, there’s no problem to get in the bath. She was saying that if we feel anything strange, then we have to send her an emergency signal.

– Got it.

They feel relieved that Charlotte says so.

– Okay then, Hayato. See you later.

– I’m looking forward to seeing you after the bath .

Carol murmurs at Hayato’s ear.

– So, you are like that again…

– Ow ow ow ow, it hurts!

Sakura pulled Carol’s ear and took her to the dressing room.

– Now, shall we go too?

It’s Hayato who said so.

But Fritz didn’t move.

Standing side-by-side, he shows a grin and a smile.

– What is it?

– The girls are going to enter the hot spring. That means, there’s only one thing to do, don’t you think?

Fritz winks and raised his thumb.

The children did the same thing towards Hayato.

– … what?

Hayato couldn’t do anything but stare in puzzlement.








– … why are we doing this…

Hayato wasn’t going to the men’s dressing room, but outside the building.

Moreover, they were on the opposite side of the hot spring.

There’s a big partitioning screen made of wood in front of them, and the women’s bath is beyond that.

(Really, why did he decide to do something like this?)

It’s all due to Fritz.

After the girls disappeared in the changing room.

– Girls are entering the hot spring. So, there’s only one thing to do.

Fritz winked, raised his thumb and said so.

– Heee…?

Fritz continued, while Hayato was staring in puzzlement.

– What is that reaction, huh? You know, right? It’s peeping. When it comes to Yamato’s open-air baths, then it’s settled that you have to peep at them.

– Such a thing, saying something like fruit milk…

– It’s fine, don’t worry. It’s a little prank to the heart of hers.

– Yeah yeah.

– Let’s do it, nii-chan!

The children of the institution are also in high spirits.

– Whether I like it or not…

– What is it? Maybe you don’t want the naked body of Emilia to be seen by another man?

– What are you talking about…!?

Hayato’s face turns bright red very fast.

Not to mention because he was teasing him, but also the memory of the naked Emilia that he has seen so far was brought back in one go.

– Hahaha, take it easy. I won’t look at Emilia. I want to see the Prez——and the rest of course. The beautiful breasts of the divas-san——ah, don’t worry, I won’t look at your little sister.

– Just you wait and see when Latia…

Hayato said, then became sulky while turning his face away.

Then, Fritz says “yareyare!” and points the inner part of both palms to the sky.

– You really don’t understand, huh? What happens if you look at such thin body? As for that, we will climb the tree over there and peek inside!

– Yeah!

– Let’s go, nii-chan!

– Are you serious…?

Taking the lead, Fritz began to climb the tree.

The tree’s trunk is thick and its height is quite high.

If they climb up to the half of it, it will be possible for them to look inside the women’s bath.

– Come on, come faster you guys. You too, Hayato.

Fritz stretched his hand to the boys and began to pull them up on the tree.

– Umm…

What should he do?

Hayato is the only one who’s not in high spirits, so it’s unlikely that he can stop them.

One boy, then another boy was pulled up by Fritz, the dazed Hayato could only look up at them.








– Good grief…

There was a girl watching the situation a little away from the tree where Fritz and the others were climbing.

It’s a girl who has blonde hair, blue eyes and many thorny ivies coiled around her body.

She’s Liza Harvey.

(What are those guys trying to do…?)

Exasperated, Liza sighed.

It’s humiliating as a woman to be seen naked by a man that one doesn’t like.

Liza knows that feeling, even for her older sister Claire should be the same….

(If it was only Kisaragi Hayato, then that won’t be a problem but…)

The other guy is in the way.

(If that’s the case——)

Liza took the initiative and turned her palm towards the tree Fritz was climbing up.

She’s thinking about shooting energy bullets to drop them from the tree.

And then, Liza shoot energy

– … ah…

Oops! Liza thought.

It was because she couldn’t control the force skillfully.

Liza was only planning to shake the tree by firing a light sphere from the palm of her hand to the trunk.

However, it ended up making a big hole in the trunk of the tree.

Because of that, the tree can’t keep the balance.

– …there’s nothing I can do…

She thinks so, she can’t think of a method immediately.

That’s the same for Fritz who’s on the tree.

Rather than that, and for just a moment, understanding didn’t reach him.

– Wha-, what on earth is this?

Fritz can’t do anything but mutter…

– Nii-chan!

– Uooo!

The trembling tree is beginning to fall towards the hot spring.

– Wh-, what should I do, here…?

Overcome with surprise, the only thing that Hayato can do is watch the situation….

– Uwaaaaaaah!

Following Fritz, the children scream.

The tree blows down the partitioning screen in front of his eyes and fell into the hot spring with Fritz and the children.



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A few minutes before Hayato and the others started peeping.

Emilia finished changing clothes and was in front of the hot spring.

– Uooooooo, it’s a hot spring! Moreover, it’s many times wider than the bath in the dormitory, and impure* too!

*TN: I don’t get the “impure” in this sentence.

Looking at the hot spring, it was Latia who gave a loud voice.

– The steam is amazing…

The worried Karen asked Aoi who murmured.

– Aoi-chan, are your glasses okay?

– Yes. They aren’t foggy anymore.

Aoi answers the question of Karen.

– Now, without delay, I’m going to enter!

– Me too!

Latia and Rebecca are running towards the bathtub made of stone.

Claire, rushing, called their attention.

– You two, clean your body properly desuwayo. Understood masuwane?

– I heard that the style of the hot springs of Yamato is to submerge in hot water after soaking yourself, So, there’s no problem!

As she answered so, Latia scooped hot water with a bucket she was holding in her hands, pouring it over her head and jumped into the bathtub.

Like her, Rebecca also pours hot water and jumps into the bathtub.

– Okay then, I should do the same.

– Me too.

Emilia and Touka washed themselves and entered the bathtub.

Claire, as she saw that, sighed as if she was exasperated.

– Good grief, you are…. I will enter after washing my body properly.

– I’ll do the same.

– Me too.

Sakura said after showing her consent with Karen.

– Latia is talking about old customs. Now you usually wash yourself.

– If-, if so, then I’ll also wash.

– I will do it too―

– Me* too.

*TN: Mei Mei used “washi” which is a male I. Mainly used by elders.

Aoi and Mei Mei.

Finally, Carol also showed her consent.

Thus, in the washroom, Claire, Karen, Sakura, Aoi, Mei Mei and Carol have begun to wash their bodies.

Four people, including Latia, had already enjoyed the hot spring.

– The hot spring feels so good! The feeling is the best!

Latia put her back on the rock and spreads both arms wide.

Being in a complete relaxed mode, she puts the towel on her head.

Emilia submerged in the hot water in the same way as her, and was also beside her.

– It does really feel good, don’t you agree? Now that both genders are separated properly, I’m glad this wasn’t a mixed bath.

– … mixed bath? What’s that mixed bath? That’s were men and women enter together?

– That’s right.

Looking towards Latia, Emilia answers.

– It seems that this hot spring turns into a mixed bath at night or something, so both men and women enter together. When I came to Yamato before, at that time I met them by chance…

– Eh, was Emilia-san here also at that time?

– Ah!

This is bad, Emilia thought.

Because that story was only a secret between Hayato and her.

However, she couldn’t do anything anymore.

– Wait a moment, that means that you and Hayato-kun, fu, fufufu, decided to come to a mixed bath?

– What did you say!?

Following that, Claire, who was behind Sakura, raised her voice.

Looking backwards at her shape that was submerged in hot water, Claire approaches Emilia.

– Explain yourself, Emilia Hermit.

– That’s right! Explain yourself, Emilia-san!

– What does that mean!?

– That’s right, give us an explanation!

Not only Claire.

But even Karen, Sakura and Carol are urging Emilia.

– We-well…

Emilia, who looked at the four people including Claire in the front, kept her buttocks in the hot spring and moved backwards.

– Hey, don’t run away!

– That’s right desuwa! Since you feel guilty, you are running away desuwayo!

The four of them go and follow her, coming into the hot spring.

What what? Rebecca who was swimming in the hot spring, and Touka who was relaxing, turned their eyes towards Emilia and the other girls.

Aoi thinks “what’s happening with them?”, while standing at the edge of the hot spring, as Emilia continues her panicking.

– Eh, err… I came to a hot spring, but neither I nor Hayato knew that it was a mixed bath. With that, and by coincidence, we met in the hot spring——

As a result ,Emilia, who had been chased to the opposite edge, began to make excuses while becoming desperate.

And, almost at the same time.

– … !

The first one was Emilia.

Following her, Claire, Sakura, Karen and Latia showed a reaction.

– Everyone, is something wrong?

Aoi doesn’t seem to feel anything.

– ?

Mei Mei also tilts her head.

– Sakura-san…

– Yes, I felt a strong energy.

– … wha, look at that!

The girls gathered their line of sight to where Latia indicated with her fingers.

– Wha-, that’s…!

First of all, it was Claire who gave a loud voice.

Everyone who was in that place caught the scream, noticing that the tree is beginning to fall to the hot spring.

– Wh-, what on earth is happening degozarimasukaa!?

Following Mei Mei who raised her voice, Carol also did the same.

– No way, this was the attack of a Savage…?

– Everyone, get down on the spot!

Shouting, Sakura looked towards Karen.

– Karen-chan, can you protect everyone!?

– Yes!

Karen took the pendant on her chest and threw it into the sky.

– <Sacred Deployment> HUNDRED ON!

When shouting, the Hundred attached to the pendant transforms into a single sacred card.

Karen orders it.

– Card-san, please protect everyone!

The mark on the center changes to a shield, and the brightness of the sacred card increases.

It became a shield and guarded the guests who were in the hot spring from the falling tree.

– .. *cough*, *cough, thanks to Karen-chan, we are saved somehow.

Beyond the cloud of dust that covers the visibility.

Sakura muttered, looking at the big tree that collapsed outside Karen’s shield.

– Err, I didn’t know that something bad was happening, so it’s thanks to President-san.

Karen answers, as she takes a breath feeling relieved.

Following her, it was Emilia who raised her voice.

– – What the, why a tree?

Emilia tried to check the situation of the surroundings and found a figure of a man standing up while coughing at the base of the fallen tree and raised her voice.

– Hayato!

– What did you say!?

It was Claire who shouted.

– Nii-san, what on earth are you doing in this place?

Asks Karen.

The rest of the girls also glared at Hayato while hiding their bodies with a towel.

– E, err, the thing is…

What on earth happened?

He doesn’t understand it well.

There, Fritz raised his body.

– Ow ow ow… what the hell, happened… ah…

Fritz mutters, checking the current situation.

– Hey! It seems like we came from hell to heaven. Even though I say so, we can’t see because of the steam…

– Kisaragi Hayato! And Fritz Grantz. What on earth do you think you are doing!?

Claire shouted, her shoulders are trembling.

– That’s right, Hayato, what’s the meaning of this!?

Emilia’s line of sight was directed at the fallen tree.

– Maybe Hayato-kun was trying to look? If you want to see my naked body so much, then I’ll show it to you!

– Oh, it’s fine if you see me too!

Carol said, following Sakura.

– What? What are you saying? Hayato decided to look at my nakedness! Am I right, Hayato!?

– No, it was Fritz who tried to peep in the first place…

– Stupid and lewd Fritz!

– Uguah!

– Hey, Fritz… you okay?

Fritz was splendidly hit by the bucket that Latia threw, his feet slipped, falling on his back.

In this regard, he ended up hitting his head on the floor, losing completely his consciousness.

Then, Emilia and the girls came close to him.

Although her lower body is hidden from her chest with a towel, the stimulation is too strong.

The figures of the other girls are too stimulating too.

The face of Hayato turns deep red, and closed his eyes.

There, a voice called him out.

It belongs to Claire.

– For occasions like this, it’s why I need to be carrying the Hundred close to me desuwa

While Claire hides her chest, she takes the Hundred hanging on her neck with her free hand, and grasped it tightly.


– … huh?

Claire transforms the Hundred into Buster Cannon, turning its muzzle towards Hayato.

Emilia gave a loud voice, looking at her.

– Wait, don’t tell me you are going to shoot at him!?

– I’m not going to hit him masenwa!

Buster Canon sheds light, it was aiming at the ground ahead.

A big hole opens, a cloud of dust soars.

It looks like Claire did it to cover his eyes.

– With this, Kisaragi Hayato will not be able to see our naked bodies. Let’s get out of the hot spring now! Do it desuwane!








– I can’t believe it, why it ended up becoming such a <situation> thing…?

Looking troubled, Liza murmured.

By nature, the control of the strength isn’t one of her strong points.

On top of that, this body is nothing else but a mass of energy, which is even more difficult to control.

– … nonetheless, she must reflect on why it ended up causing considerable damage.

If it wasn’t for Karen’s ability, there’s the possibility that even more damage would have occurred.

– … but, I’m happy that he saw the pretty face of my older sister.

She smiles.

(What’s left is… oh right, it would be nice if there was an event where older sister and Kisaragi Hayato could get closer…)

Liza’s plan will continue…








The fence broke due to the fallen tree.

Of course, the opening of the open-air bath was suspended.

Claire and the girls who got dirty by the cloud of dust, as well as Hayato who didn’t even submerge in the hot springs, decided to clean themselves at a public bath close from there.

– I can’t believe it became such an unthinkable thing.

Hayato and the children finished washing their bodies first, and were waiting for the girls in the lobby of the public bath.

*Ha-ha-ha*, while showing a smile without malice, Fritz recovered his head.

– This isn’t a laughing matter…

Saying that, Hayato was immediately sighing in a big way.

– Oh, the idiots are side-by-side.

Latia was the first that came out of the girl’s changing room, and said so in a condemning tone.

– There’s something that I want to ask, especially this complete idiot of a person called Fritz.

Latia put her hands on her waist and glanced at Fritz while leaning forward.

– Fritz, is it true that you guided them and went to peep into the girls’ bath?

– Ouch! Why are you stepping on my foot!? Moreover, throwing me a bucket, and now what are…

– Is it true?

While questioning him with a low voice, Latia stepped on the feet of Fritz.

– I’m telling you it hurts!

Escaping from Latia’s feet, Fritz said.

– I was the one who told Hayato to go peeping, but I was originally instigated by these guys.

Fritz looked at the children of the institution.

– Wha, nii-chan! Are you blaming us!?

– How cunning!

Even though you were so passionate about it!

The children counterattacked in rapid succession.

– I knew it, you were the interested.

Latia put her hand in her waist when she heard that, and glared at Fritz.

– Hahaha, I’m a man after all, it’s inevitable!

– … so, did you see?

– Did I see what?

– You decided to see our naked bodies, right!?

– I didn’t see!

– … really?

Latia glared at him with suspicious and half-opened eyes.

Behind her, there are other girls who have their hands on their waist like Latia and are looking at him in a similar way.

– It’s true. After a little while, the tree began to fall all of a sudden. Or perhaps I should say, why did it fall? If it’s about how much we climbed, then it would be impossible for the tree to fall, right?

– Hmm, I wonder about that.

Emilia remembered now that she said that.

– I, felt it.

– An energy, right desuwane?

– If the Prez is saying so, then she felt it too.

– But…

With a wondering expression, Claire knits her eyebrows.

– What is it?

– … no, I was wondering from who that energy was.

– It was too fast for me that I couldn’t distinguish. How about Fritz and Hayato?

– Nope, I don’t know.

– Me neither.

Following Fritz, Hayato answers.

– Is that so? In any case, I will investigate it properly later masuwa. In that case, there are things that need to be understood.

Once Claire said so, it was Latia who gave a voice of great joy.

– Oh! Look, Kenzaki Touka! There’s fruit milk here too! Now we can drink it!

– Yes, absolutely!

– Then let’s drink! Oba-chan, give me one!

– No, two!

– I’ll drink one too!

The first one is Latia.

Then Touka.

And then Rebecca presented the money, and each one of them received a fruit milk.

Then, the three put a hand on their waist in unison, drinking in one go the fruit milk with *gulp* *gulp*.

Beside them, Claire continued having a mysterious expression on her face.

– President, what’s the matter?

Hayato spontaneously asked because she seemed to only be thinking about something.

– Eh… well, it’s nothing masenwa.

Answers Claire.

However, there’s was something she had been thinking in her mind.

Just before the big tree collapsed.

As a matter of fact, she felt the energy was similar to Liza.

(But, Liza shouldn’t be here…)

If that’s the case, then what was that thing?

Of course, Claire couldn’t arrive to an answer in that place.

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