Chapter 32 : Involuntarily Gained a Familiar

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===A Certain Undead With Communication Disorder===

『―Our master』


I heard a mysterious voice come from the dragon that I just defeated.


「Eh? Wait, what’s the meaning of this? Could it be that the dragon was still alive? No way, it should’ve already died, right?」

『Naturally, I’m already dead. To think that this foolish me was stupid enough to challenge Master, whose power rivals that of a god… The experience of death is really refreshing.』


Why the hell did the dragon suddenly become so humble like this… It even called me its master.


In the first place, how the hell was I communicating with a corpse?



「You became… an undead?」

『Uhm, I was resurrected as an immortal being with your power, Master.』


My power?


「No, no, no, that’s impossible. I’m not doing anything at all, you know?」

『Uhm? But I was revived in order to fulfill Master’s wish.』


Wish… don’t tell me?


―If only this dragon could come alive, it would be able to carry the buck naked me somewhere on its back.


I mean, it was a joke!

Moreover, I didn’t even say anything about giving myself a dependent at all!


Could it be that I could create an undead just by wishing for a corpse to become my dependent?


『Of course you can. That’s just how powerful you are, Master.』




『Well, where shall we go then, Master?』

「Let see… bring me to an isolated forest for now.」


Soon after…

When I looked outside from the gap between the dragon’s jaws and saw the old man from before approach the dragon’s corpse bit by bit, I hid myself in a hurry.

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I should be able to find animals in the forest to make something to cover my private parts with their skin.


『Roger that.』


The dragon ascended to the sky as soon as it agreed to my request.


「Eh? One of your wings should’ve been nicked, right?」

『It was restored. Master’s power restored my clipped wing. Even though my self-regeneration is also powerful, it’s nothing compared to Master’s power.』

「I-I see… By the way, can you tell me your name?」

『I have no name. People simply call me Thunder Dragon Emperor.』



Thunder Dragon Emperor… Where did I hear that name before?


If my memories served me right, it should be the name of one of the four dragon emperors, the four most powerful dragons.

I heard that all of those four were designated as great disaster-rank monsters.


『Apparently, there’s only two left. Both the Flame Dragon Emperor and the Ice Dragon Emperor had perished in mutual defeat. I think it happened around a thousand years ago.』


W-Wait a minute, could it be that the one I just defeated was such a big shot?

I even turned it into my dependent…


『Well, from the very beginning, those two had rough temperaments—on top of their elements clashing. They were the exact opposite of each other. Their battle  was bound to happen sooner or later. Come to think of it, I sense presences similar to theirs coming from yo— No, it’s definitely their presences?』


The dragon then took a nosedive as it told me so.


『We’ve arrived.』


After landing on the ground, it lowered its head to allow me to land on the ground.

Although I was still buck naked, I didn’t have to worry about someone else looking at my naked figure.


Well then, I should go looking for animals.

Even someone like me could at least make a loincloth with an animal pelt.

I started walking in the forest.




… Did the dragon still want to follow after me?


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『Is something the matter, My Master?』

「…I’m looking for animals, but… they might flee since you’re following after me.」


I mean, the dragon’s giant body and mass had caused small tremors as we were walking. As if that wasn’t enough, it was also releasing a terrifying amount of miasma.

The latter might be the reason why there were no animals around. They were too scared of the dragon.


『I see. In short, I just need to erase my presence and make myself smaller.』

「You can do that?」

『Uhm. It’s no big deal for us.』


After it nodded, the dragon’s body shone brightly as it was surrounded in mana.

As the light receded, I could see the figure of the giant dragon become smaller and smaller.


And when the light had completely vanished, a young, blonde-haired beauty was standing in place of the dragon.

And naked on top of that.


「… Eh?」


Although I could spot golden scales on some parts of her skin and a pair of horns growing out from her head, appearance wise, she almost looked like a human.

And she was naked on top of that.

As if that wasn’t enough, she had a voluptuous chest, constricted waist, and perfectly round ass—perfect proportions.




「Fufufu, how’s my appearance? I look like a female human, right? … Uhm, is something the matter? Why are you retreating while covering your face like that, Master?」


It wasn’t the matter of what. It was simply because I was bad at dealing with young women.

Even though the dragon had already transformed, its transformed figure was that of a buck naked, young, and blonde-haired beauty.

Seeing her appearance alone was enough to make me flustered.


「Hey, where’re you going?」


I, who hadn’t leeway to reply, fled from the dragon.


「No way, you’re going to leave me?! My body turned into this because of your power, Master! You need to take responsibility for this!」


The dragon—transformed into a woman—said those words as she chased after me.

Her words, from the beginning to the end, would surely cause a misunderstanding to any onlooker.


And both of us were buck naked on top of that.

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Fortunately, we were inside the forest.




As I ran at full speed, I heard an extremely loud voice coming from behind me.



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 ===A Certain Patriotic King Who Want a Heroic Death===


「He felled… the Thunder Dragon Emperor?」


I couldn’t hide my shock upon witnessing such a historical event right in front of my eyes.


Although I only saw its corpse from a distance, the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s life sign had completely vanished.

It was probably killed after receiving a powerful attack from the white-haired undead from inside its body.


But the victor of this battle, the white-haired undead, didn’t come out from inside the dragon.

Well, even though it was on his own initiative, it didn’t change the fact that he was swallowed by the dragon. There was no way he came out of that completely unscathed.


At that moment…

The corpse of the Thunder Dragon Emperor flinched and started to move again.

Moreover, the wing that was clipped by me was regrown at an unbelievable speed.


「It’s… still alive? No…」


―It became an undead.


The worst scenario suddenly flashed in my mind.


「D-Don’t tell me… he turned the Thunder Dragon Emperor… into an undead?」


He killed a great disaster-class monster, and then turned its corpse into his familiar.

I unintentionally stepped back upon seeing the worst-case scenario unfold right in front of my eyes.


Did that mean the white-haired undead fought the Thunder Dragon Emperor and killed it… for this reason?


The undead Thunder Dragon Emperor then flapped its wings and flew away from this place.

Although I couldn’t feel any life signs from the dragon, I knew that the terrifying mana radiated from the Thunder Dragon Emperor’s body was far greater than the time when it fought against me.


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Did that mean that the ruler of dragons became more powerful… once it turned into an undead dragon?


My hand clasped tightly on the scabbard of my divine sword.

It wasn’t excitement, just a simple, primal fear.


… Like hell I could win against that.


We puny humans couldn’t do anything but pray.

And then—though I had no idea whether my prayers were heard by a god or not―I couldn’t deny the fact that the Thunder Dragon Emperor didn’t try to destroy the Royal Capital again.


「W-Was I just… saved?」


After all the excitement from the battle left my body, I fell on my rear.

I couldn’t even put enough power in my legs.

It seemed the numbed fear from the battle against the Thunder Dragon Emperor had finally returned.


A while after I sat there, my subordinates and soldiers finally arrived at my place.



「… Just as you see.」



It seemed they had no idea that the white-haired undead returned and defeated the very same Thunder Dragon Emperor.


「No… it wasn’t me. Rather, I’m the one who was saved here.」



No doubt about it.


That undead DID save my life.

I mean, he had no reason to pour the potion on me if his goal was to make the Thunder Dragon Emperor his familiar.


「You were… saved? What… do you mean?」

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My subordinates’ eyes flickered. It seemed they finally believed my words.

Thus, I told them the truth as I was pondering about that matter.


「I was saved by the No Life King… that white-haired undead.」

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