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"Mommy." Fu Mian runs toward Huang Qiuyan with sparkling eyes. She raises her arms up, wanting to get picked up by her mother. She's been missing her father. But her mother is here. She beams at her and asks with a chirpy tone, "Will you read this book to me?"

Smiling, Huang Qiuyan bends down to pick up Fu Mian. The scent of sweet peaches wafts into her nose. Fu Mian has always smelled like that. It's nothing new. She sits down on her knees, leaning closer toward Fu Mian, wanting to hug her daughter all of a sudden. The gentle smile on Huang Qiuyan's face turns wider. Her eyes gleam green. A low growl escapes her lips. 

"No!" Xiao Chun Dan shouts and pulls Fu Mian by the back of her shirt's collar. Fu Mian's body falls on the floor. Huang Qiuyan grabs Xiao Chun Dan and bites his shoulder. He cries out in pain. "Host, get a grip."

She doesn't let go. Her teeth sink deeper into his shoulder. Xiao Chun Dan isn't flesh and bones. His body is made up of a special element that's only found in the advanced world of the system developers. Huang Qiuyan can't taste the blood. Her eyes begin to gain clarity. The boy is shaking. Why did she bite Xiao Chun Dan? She moves away and looks at him with horror. Fu Mian is staring at her with an ashen face. The child's eyes are full of fear. Huang Qiuyan touches her canines. Did she try to bite Fu Mian?

 "What did I do?" 

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"Host, you --" Before Xiao Chun Dan can finish his words, Huang Qiuyan's eyes turn green again. She pounces toward Fu Mian who covers her face with her hands and screams. Xiao Chun Dan steps between her and Fu Mian. Huang Qiuyan pins him down on the ground and crushes his shoulders. His painful cries rouse her awake. She looks down at him with shock

What did she do again? Why can't she remember it? 

"Host, please control yourself." Ignoring the pain, Xiao Chun Dan begs her, "You shouldn't drink Fu Mian's blood. You will die the moment her blood comes in contact with you."

She inhales and exhales. What did he just say? She looks at Fu Mian who is still on the floor and quivering like a frightened rabbit. Huang Qiuyan's heart drops to her stomach. Did she attack Fu Mian? 

The scent of Fu Mian's blood drifts to her. Huang Qiuyan's nails dig into her palms. Fu Mian's elbow is scraped. She looks at Fu Mian with a creased forehead. "Fu Mian, let me see."

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"Mommy, you are also like them," Fu Mian utters with a tearful face. She doesn't want to get close to Huang Qiuyan. At the moment, Huang Qiuyan's face is as white as alabaster. Her slightly opened mouth exposes the canines. Just a few moments ago, her eyes had a feral look. Fu Mian has seen the same feral look in those lost converts who always tried to hunt her for her blood. Her mother is the same. She also wants to drink her blood.

"What happened here?" Noah appears behind Fu Mian. It doesn't take long to grasp the situation. Huang Qiuyan has lost control.

"I-I didn't…" meant to. She stutters, unable to finish her words. Her eyes become wet when she hears Fu Mian's bawling in fear. Noah lifts the princess in his arms. He doesn't wait and whizzes through the air. 

She didn't mean to do it. 

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Xiao Chun Dan's shoulders reconstruct themselves, but the pain isn't gone. He wants to go back to her mind to recuperate. If he can go back, he can help her control these dark tendencies. He only needs to go back in her mind once. However, when he tries to vanish and go back in her mind, he is always shoved away by a force.

Lei and Aiken arrive a moment later. They eye Huang Qiuyan with caution. If she moves a single finger, they are ready to take her down and throw her in the prison cell. They are hoping that the prison cell can keep her inside. But she could break out of the cell when she was just a green rank convert. Which place can imprison her in the castle?

They are also afraid of her. She notices those looks in their eyes. Xiao Chun Dan is also hurt. The thirst in her throat is making it hard for her to concentrate. Her thoughts are growing vague. She sucks in a mouthful of air as she feels the rising darkness enveloping her mind again. 

"Lady Huang." Aiken takes a careful step toward her. The colour of her eyes is flickering between green and brown. If he casts a spell to get her to sleep until the King comes back, they can still save her. "Can you hear me?"

Moving further back, she digs her fingers in her hair. Something is trying to push her back and take her place. Her mind is being pulled into two opposite directions by a force. She's sinking again. She doesn't want to sink into the darkness. 

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"Elder Sister." Xiao Chun Dan raises his arm. "Where are you going?"

"Lady Huang." She peers at Kai who is walking toward her. "Don't be afraid."

The offer… Her mouth waters. She wants to drink. She can't take this agonizing pain anymore. But, she steps backwards. She doesn't want to be close to anyone. If she drinks the blood of a living being, it will break. 

She needs to get away from this place. She needs Fu Sheng. Nobody else can help her. She turns her back to them and runs as fast as she can. If she stays for a single moment, she would attack someone.

"Don't!" Xiao Chun Dan yells.

It's too late. She's already falling. Two figures jump after her. Out of their reaches, Huang Qiuyan closes her eyes as her body dives into the lake. 

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