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"See…?" Huang Qiuyan's heart is apprehensive about her brother. The look in Meng Su Yin eyes is telling her that something terrible has happened to her brother. Meng Su Yin gestures toward the right wall. Huang Qiuyan turns her head in that direction and watches the wall slide away. 

In a room similar to hers, Huang Wei Yi is sitting on a chair with his arms and legs are tied to the chair. His eyes are closed as if he's asleep. His clothes are in tatters, barely hanging onto the body. Huang Qiuyan doesn't realize that she's holding her breath. Huang Wei Yi's nostrils twitch. His eyelids flutter before he opens his eyes and looks at the two women in front of him. 

He lets out an inhuman roar, exposing his teeth. His eyes are bulging and ruddy. His skin is too white to be human. 

A tear descends from her left eye. Her brother is a vampire-zombie.

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"Since he broke his loyalty, he was going to be punished." Meng Su Yin sighs. "At first, nobody knew who released you from that special cell. Then, I found out about his treachery when I heard him arguing about you to his mother. Your mother didn't cafe whether you lived or died. You are already dead to her. In fact, she was mourning your death day and night. Huang Wei Yi misunderstood her fake show."

She chuckles and continues to speak, "I didn't expect that he would do something like that. He even blamed me and mother for being cruel to you. I could ignore everything, but how could I ignore that he betrayed the hunters? Having a family member turning into a vampire is bad enough. Even helping that vampire when he's a hunter? I expected too much. He's your twin, after all. I couldn't let him drag me down along with him. I revealed everything to the boss. The boss is understanding. He didn't punish me. Instead, I was promoted for choosing duty over family."

Meng Su Yin gets no response from Huang Qiuyan. She glances at her to see if she is already dead. Huang Qiuyan is still staring at Huang Wei Yi. The corner of her lips tilt up when she sees the immense pain in Huang Qiuyan's eyes.

"Your poor mother." Meng Su Yin puckers her lips and pretends to be sad. "She was quite heartbroken. She cried and begged when she saw Wei Yi being taken away. She cursed you even then. She said that it was better if you were never born or she should have choked you when you were a baby."

She shakes her head and lets out a sigh. "Your mother became mad. She tried to follow us, but I told her to stay back. She kept screaming Wei Yi's name and ran after us. Alas! We were in the forest. Some vampire-zombies ambushed us. We couldn't save her. She is probably running around the forest as a vampire-zombie. Isn't it funny? It happened because of you, Huang Qiuyan. Even after being the cause behind your family's demise, you are still stubborn."

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Huang Qiuyan blinks her eyes. Meng Su Yin notices that colour of her eyes are altering between green and black. She knits her brows. But Huang Qiuyan is a new breed of converted vampire. This must be normal 

"Since he was your twin, we thought that he might become something like you. But the experiment failed. We failed to find the secret of your body in the end." Meng Su Yin leans closer to Huang Qiuyan. "You see, he's suffering. Why don't you tell me, Huang Qiuyan? We can release him and you from this despicable existence. I will make sure that both of you a proper burial place."

The silence descends in the cell that seems to be broken by Huang Wei Yi's growls as he tries to get free. Meng Su Yin frowns hard. Why is this dumb whore not saying anything? She clenches her teeth and reaches for her hair.


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Meng Su Yin's hand stops in mid-air. She is laughing?

"Aish!" Huang Qiuyan wrinkles her nose when she sees her fingers. "My pretty nails are gone? How will I paint them now?"

"Huang Qiuyan, what nonsense you are babbling?" Meng Su Yin barks at her. "Have some shame and answer my question. How do we kill them?"

The woman with lush green eyes tilts her head and gives her a long glance. "To be awakened by a little big like you? I guess that I must have you, my sister-in-law." 

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How can a person change so much? A moment ago, Huang Qiuyan was too shocked to speak. Now, the woman in front of her seems too unfamiliar. Did Huang Qiuyan lose control? She has heard of it happening to the converts. Meng Su Yin takes a step away from the woman who is watching her with a dark smile. Despite the fact that her face had been mutilated, Meng Su Yin finds it peculiar yet enchanting. She rubs her eyes. This must be compulsion. They have been warned about it a lot. The vampires, whether it's purebloods or converts, have this kind of affect on humans.

Huang Wei Yi is also quiet. He is watching them with dull eyes. It's strange to see a vampire-zombie being calm. 

It doesn't matter whether she has gone to the dark side. Meng Su Yin looks at the inflamed iron chains. No vampire can break those chains.

Noticing her gaze on the chains, Huang Qiuyan looks down at her shirt and murmurs to herself, "Ah… my shirt is dirty and sticky. She would rather endure molestation than let me take over. If she can't fight, the least she can do is take care of this body. This is also my body, after all. The woman is such an idiot. I shall keep her asleep for eternity."

"W-W-What are you saying?" Meng Su Yin has never met a vampire who lost control over its darkness. Most of Huang Qiuyan's words sound like gibberish to her. 

"Oh, you are still here." Huang Qiuyan grins at her. "I must thank you for the last strike. She was clinging with all her might. I was a little worried. I can feel Fu Sheng reaching toward this hidden lair of yours. I must leave before he arrives, my sister-in-law. It won't be fun if he catches me. Before I leave, I must return the kindness. Otherwise, she won't sleep properly."

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