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She frowns at the map. The locations of the three gates are clear. They are near the hell gate right now. The Dark gate is in J Country. The Fae gate is in B Country. Where could be the heaven gate? 

"There's no response." Her brother comes back and tells her, "I just remembered that Uncle Choi hasn't returned from the lower worlds. He's probably stuck there."

"We have the worst luck," She grumbles. The Dark gate is the most complicated one. That gate links to many demonic worlds. Her mother is in the realm of devils. Her mother probably isn't in the same world where Uncle Choi is. "How long has it been since Uncle Choi went there?"

"Twenty years, I think." He sits beside her. "You know that time runs in unpredictable manners in other worlds. It might have been only a few days where he is right now."

That's possible, but it would have been helpful if Uncle Choi was here. She has heard a lot about him from her mother. Uncle Choi helped her mother cross the circles of hell. When her father nearly lost all the hopes, it was Uncle Choi who told him how to save his mother. He was looking for some ghost after he came back from Hell. 

"Brother, can you open the hell gate?" She asks him with a low voice. "If we manage to take care of the energy pool."

"Of course, I can." Sung Se-Yong raises his chin. "But how do we take care of the energy pool? The cries of the souls have taken away my sleep."

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Indeed, the painful cries of the souls have been disturbing. It's hard to concentrate when souls are diminishing every second. "Even if we open the hell gate, what do we do about the other gates? I don't even know where the heaven gate is. It won't stop unless we open up all the gates."

"Let's concentrate on what we can do at the moment." Sung Se-Yong pats her head. "I am sure that Mother would be able to find a way."

"She's a demonic goddess though," Na-Mi mutters to herself. 

From a distance, Klyn has been watching the siblings. He puckers his lips. Sung Na-Mi has deep lines on her forehead. She's been anxious about finding the heaven gate. Those deep lines don't do justic to her beauty at all. Maybe he should do something.

"How long are you going to stare at her?" 

Startled, Klyn steps back. He looks at Lei. "I am not staring at her."

"Then, how do you explain your actions?" Lei furrows his brows. This boy is hopeless. Klyn hasn't noticed it at all. What should he do about this moron? Even a fool can see it. Lei turns around and asks Han, "Brother Han, what do you think?"

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"I have no comments," Han replies with his eyes closed. He's not going to say anything to an idiot. Sung Na-Mi also knows, but she didn't say anything yet. It's best if Klyn finds out on his own.

"You always have nothing to say." Lei shakes his head in frustration. He wants to throttle Klyn's neck for being an idiot, but he can't do it without alerting Sung Se-Yong. Klyn is watching him with a clueless expression. "Klyn, if you stare too much, you might scare her away."

Klyn shrugs his shoulders. Sung Na-Mi is pretty and attractive, but she isn't interested in men. He also has no interest in bothering someone who bends in that direction. Since he is a little weak toward females, he doesn't like those deep lines on a pretty face. Besides, she certainly needs help. "Brother Lei, don't worry. She's not a scaredy-cat."

But she's quite anxious at the moment.

Ever since she found out that Klyn is her true mate, she has been overly conscious of him. Although she's not looking at him, she could feel that he's walking toward her. Her finger stops tracing the ley lines on the map. She knows more than enough about the true bond. True mates are supposed to complement each other. But she can't imagine herself being with someone like him. He's not smart. His looks aren't great either. He talks like a fool and stares like a creepy man. He even assumed that she likes Huang Qiuyan. Who would accept such a fool as her true mate? She didn't even want a true mate. Heaven must be playing a prank on her.

Even heaven can't do anything in this matter. There's no way that she would complete the bond with him.

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"Tch!" She clenches her fist. She can't concentrate at all. Why is he sitting close to her? She wants to throw him in the energy pool. The bond isn't complete. She won't die if he dies right now. Once the bond is complete, there's no turning back. Should she reject, just liKe Huang Qiuyan did? They have never bonded in the first place. It can't be that bad. Huang Qiuyan and Fu Sheng are still alive after the rejection. 

Should she do it? What would her father say? She is not bothered about the fact that he's a vampire. Her father is a heavenly blessed immortal and her mother is a demonic goddess. Brother Soo-Han married a demon hunter for heaven's sake. Brother Seong-Min is being pursued by an angel who had defected from heaven. By the way, where is that angel? That fallen angel didn't follow Brother Seong-Min to the lower worlds, did she?

A shudder runs down Na-Mi's spine. That psychopath is likely to do that. Doesn't it mean that Brother Seong-Min is stuck with that sociopathic fallen angel in the lower world?

Let it be. Who is she to worry about others when she is also in a perilous situation? 

To be honest, she has been observing him. After the observation, she can describe him in three words: dense, womanizer, useless. She wanted someone domineering like Fu Sheng. She didn't want an idiot who hasn't realized that she's his true mate. 

It doesn't matter. She has a responsibility toward this world. Worrying about this stupid bond is not right at the moment. She will discuss it with her father. Her father knows the best.

"Are you looking for the heaven gate?" Klyn scrutinizes the map. "The concentration of energy is strong in this area. Doesn't this indicate the formation of another energy pool?"

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She looks at the area where Klyn is pointing at. The area is a little darker. It could be one of the minor gates. They aren't important at the moment. Besides, nobody knows where they lead to. Opening a wrong gate means inviting people from an unknown world. 

"We can't be sure about that. Heaven's energy is the lightest form of energy among all the known energies. Heaven's energy doesn't mix with other energies easily. It strongly repels dark energy." Sung Se-Yong explains to Klyn, "Only heavenly gods and the heavenly blessed humans can detect that energy. If it's being concentrated into an energy pool, it won't show up on the map."

"But most energies are mixing up because of the energy born from the imbalance." Klyn has similar deep lines that Sung Na-Mi had on her forehead a moment ago. "Wouldn't the conditions also change for heaven's energy?"

"If it was changing, I would know." Na-Mi doesn't meet Klyn's gaze. It's better if he doesn't realize it yet. What if he insists on completing the bond? A faint tinge of blush appears on her face. She had never dated because of her brothers. No guy would dare to come close to her because of her family. She's never going to do it with this idiot. 

Klyn blinks his eyes. Why is her face red? Is it because of the weather? But he knows a little about females. It can't be the weather Is she thinking about Huang Qiuyan? She's such a hopeless girl. Does she like that woman that much? She's going to be heartbroken in the end. He must help her hook up with some nice women after all of this is over. He turns his eyes back to the map. 

"How about the area that doesn't show any concentration of energies?"

"Huh?" Sung Se-Yong looks at him with a deep frown. "Areas with zero concentration?"

"Heaven's gate can't be away from the ley lines." Klyn points out at a spot on the map. "Here, there's a break in the ley lines. The area around this spot is clean. Isn't it a little strange?"

That's right. Sung Na-Mi widens her eyes. This idiot's words make sense. This spot is farthest from the dark gate and the ley lines are still free of abnormalities. Heaven's energy would fight the abnormalities the most. 

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