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In the cave, Klyn stares at the girl making a weird posture on the ground. Knitting her brows together, she is standing on her one leg. Her palms are pressed together, arms raised high toward the ceiling. Her other leg is folded. She's been like this for around five hours.

"So…" He is trying very hard not to laugh. "So…"

She glares at him. "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?"

"I am just curious." A small laugh escapes his lips. He pretends to cough when she scowls at him. "Sung Na-Mi, did you manage to absorb heaven's energy?"

Does she sense anything at all? 

"Don't talk." Sung Na-Mi is annoyed by this creature. His eyes are full of laughter. "It will take some time, but I can absorb all of it."

"You are a little slow--" He purses his mouth when she lowers her leg and folds her arms. "I mean, you are doing well. Please continue."

If he had his phone with him, he would have made a video of her and shown it to Kai. She's a little funny and cute. She gets irritated easily, but she hasn't tried to burn him alive with her heavenly lightning. Maybe he should push his luck a little. "Miss Sung, should we…"

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"Should we what?" She raises her chin and looks at him with wide eyes. "What are you thinking? Don't think that. It can never happen."

That's a strong reaction. How did she guess what he's going to ask? He changes the question. "Miss Sung, I was going to ask if we should take some rest."

"You are resting. I am the one who is working." She sighs. Even if she cultivates all day and night for years, she can't absorb all of this concentrated energy. Her body can't handle it either. Should she try that posture? But she hasn't mastered that one. 

"How about directing it away from the gate?" Klyn suggests. "It's not as bad as the other gates. I can't see any soul here."

"How can we do that?" She gives him a frustrated look. "Is it the wind that can be directed away?"

"What I mean is…" Klyn stands up and walks to her. "Heaven and Dark energy repel each other. If we summon the dark magic, it should push back heaven's energy."

Is this possible? Sung Na-Mi glances at the boulder at the entrance. The heaven's gate is definitely behind it. This boulder can't be removed by sheer physical force alone. She knows the summon. Nothing can be done unless she clears the concentrated energy away. If she tries summoning now, it will be a disaster. 

Seeing her lost in thoughts, he leans closer and whispers to her ear teasingly. "We can try~"

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She steps away, covering her ear with her hand. Her face flushes red. "Are you insane?"

"I was saying that we can try." He bursts into laughter when she narrows her eyes on him. "I can summon dark energy. I will try to clear it away from the gate. You use that opportunity to deal with the gate."

"It won't be easy though," She says to him anxiously. He's the youngest one, clearly lacking in strengths. "If you try to push it away, it will rebound. You might get hurt badly,"

"Beautiful maiden, are you worried about me?" He smirks at her. 

"Nope." She scoffs. "Why would I worry about you? We are nothing to each other."

"It doesn't mean that we can't be anything." Klyn cocks his head and grins at her.

"Impossible." She snorts at him.

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"If I am able to do it, I want a reward." His eyes twinkle, amused. She wonders why he's happy about it. He might not die, but heaven's energy might hurt him tremendously. "Sung Na-Mi, go on a date with me."

Date…? Her jaw drops open. This is the first time someone asked her on a date. But it is a certified womanizer who is also her true mate. Did he already realize that they are true mates? Otherwise, why would he ask her on a date? "Aren't you afraid of my family?"

"About them…" He scratches his chin. He has only met Sung Se-Yong. Her father is also a heavenly blessed immortal. Her mother is a demonic goddess. Her cousin-in-law is a god. "We will keep it a secret from them."

It's impossible to keep a secret. She exhales in disappointment. Since he wants to dig a grave, why should she stop him? Since he is her true mate, going on a single date is okay. "Fine, only one date. After that, we will have nothing to do with each other."

"We will decide that after our first date." Klyn turns his back to her. This is his chance to look cool in front of her. "I will start now."

"Klyn, I think we should not do this." She steps toward him. "It's too dangerous."

The air around Klyn turns colder. She senses the dark energy buzzing on his skin. He's already doing it. As if oil to water, heaven energy shifts backwards as the dark energy throbs in the around him, forming a circle around them. Clenching his jaw, he focuses on pushing heavenly energy away from them. It hammers at the wall of dark energy around them, pushing him back. It's too concentrated. He siphons more dark energy from the source. Blood pours out of his nose and ears as the furious dark energy flow through his vessels. He utters the words with great difficulty, "Na-Mi, do it!"

Sung Na-Mi swallows when she sees the blood. Though she has seen people getting hurt, she's feeling agonized when she sees him like this. She looks at the boulder with fury in her eyes. She's going to do it in one move.

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When she speaks the incantation, Klyn could feel the vibrations in the air. He can't look back and see her, but he could sense heaven's energy. The moment becomes still. Both energies seem to be dancing around each other in front of him. His body begins to heal itself. The boulder cracks, letting a bright light out. He realizes that his dark energy has returned to his body, going back to the source. There's no retaliation by heavenly energy. Instead, it's heavenly energy is flowing around them freely. He' didn't get hurt?

Why is that? Why did the heavenly energy not hurt him? He bled because of the overuse of dark energy. It wasn't because of heavenly energy. He's a dark creature, isn't he? 

"It's done," Sung Na-Mi shouts with excitement in her voice. She wraps his arms around him and jumps with joy. "Klyn, we did it."

The light from the gate melts into her eyes. The same light should be burning him alive. He blinks his eyes. Something is strange. As the first ray of sunlight that tears apart the summer night, something is breaking into his soul. 

He's wrong. It's been there all along. It's the first time he's seeing it. 

"You are my true mate," He whispers to her with widened eyes. 

Sung Na-Mi stares at him. Did he realize it now? Then, why did he ask her out earlier? "Yes, I am."

"Oh, shit." Klyn lets out a curse before his visions turn dark.

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