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The dark gate is in the worst condition. The energy pool consists of 90% of dark energy. There's not a speck of heaven's energy in it. The angels are clueless about how to deal with it. The god of death is busy dealing with the souls in the world. The other god is just sighing?

"I leave for a while." Reis stares at Sung Jun. "And you let this happen?"

"You were gone for two decades." Sung Jun rolls his eyes. "That's a long time for a honeymoon."

"It might have been twenty years in this world." Reis scowls at him darkly. "It was barely hours in my dimension." 

"You left her in your dimension?" He asks Reis. "You could have brought her here. Aisa misses her a lot."

"Would I bring her in this world that always manages to find some way to screw itself?" Reis clicks his tongue. "I would rather take Aisa with me."

"Don't you dare, you filthy god." Sung Jun hisses at him. Who knows how many centuries would pass before Aisa returns from the time god's home? "You keep your wife. I keep mine."

"Still possessive of her?" Reis raises his brow. "You already hooked me up with your adopted daughter."

"Take care of my daughter well." Sung Jun gives him a dark look. "If you make her feel unloved…"

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"She is always busy thinking about how she could love me more." Reis lets out a heavy sigh when he thinks of his highly energetic young wife. It's still a mystery to him how someone like her became a sage. "A primordial god fell into a trap set by a semi-mortal? How laughable is that!"

The corners of Sung Jun's lips curl up into a smile when he sees the look in Reis' eyes. Though the time god is grumbling, it's clear that this grumpy god adores Bae Ri Na beyond any words. Sung Jun might have helped Bae Ri Na, but it was Bae Ri Na's sheer willpower and unbending love that helped her gain this time god's love.

But what would he do about Sung Na-Mi? He should be prepared for the worst. "Reis, is it possible to end the true bond?"

"True bond?" Reis frowns. "I can't even break heaven's grade red thread of marriage. Even your scythe can't cut away the true bond."

"I have heard of rumours." Sung Jun clasps his hands behind him and stares at the chaotic dark energy pool. "That it was possible in a distant world."

"There are sick practices." Reis tells him, "Some of them involves breaking and reconstructing the souls of the true mate who wants to break the bond. The process is too painful. Some souls get destroyed in the process. Breaking a soul is an unforgivable sin. The true mates lose their chance at salvation if they break the bond. If they die, they cease to exist."

Sung Jun sighs. "Then, you should stop the person who is doing this."

"I will take care of it." Reis looks up at the sky. "Should I turn back time again? Ri Na would be upset if she finds out that her younger brother died during the apocalypse."

"You can't fix this world with a time turn." 

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"That's true."

"Thanks for turning back time back then."

Reis knits his brows. "Are you sick?"

"Yes." Sung Jun summons the scythe. "I miss Aisa."

"Tch!" Reis steps back. His Ri Na is alone at home. If the world wasn't in this state, he would bother staying here. She's going to insist on coming to this world once he tells her. He needs to fix the time flow of his home. Maybe he should slow it down. 

Sung Jun slices down the dark energy pool into several pieces, separating the foreign energy away. A path to the gate forms in the middle. Reis dashes to the dark gate and presses his palm on the lock. With a click, the door is opened. The pieces of dark energy flow into the opened gate toward the lower worlds. Reis takes a long glance at the different lower worlds until he could see Fang Aisa.

"She's bullying the demons again." As he turns, his gaze falls on a different world. "Is that the soul guardian there?"

"What happened?" Sung Jun follows his gaze and sees a human. "The soul guardian went to the devil's world?"

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"It's no wonder that there was no one to deal with souls when the apocalypse started." Reis sighs again. "She's going to make it to Arius' most hated list now."

"I think that I already saw her name in that list." Sung Jun chuckles. "Do you remember the time when the reapers went on a strike?"

"Yes, it was the first time when the reapers demanded something like labour rights." Reis rolls his eyes. "Arius was so furious that he nearly started an apocalypse."

"She led it." 

Reis glances at the soul guardian and gives her a nod of approval. "Not bad."

"Lord!" An angel stops in front of Sung Jun and bends down on his knees. "The Fae gate is also opened. We heard that the vampire queen helped the moon guardian clear away the energy pool. Currently, the vampire queen is in an unstable condition."

"Is there any way we can help?" Sung Jun asks him with a detached tone.

"Her body and soul have fused together." The angel replies, "Though her core is stable, the changes in the world are also affecting her. The vampire king is feeding her blood to keep her alive."

It means that all the four gates are opened. Sung Jun looks at Reis. "Help her."

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"What can I do?" Reis frowns at him. 

"You are a primordial god," Sung Jun utters with a flat voice.

"I can't grant her immortality." Reis could tell what he was asking for. "Even your wife had to go through hell to gain immortality."

"There must be another way." Sung Jun can't help the vampire queen since he follows the path of heaven. 

"There's a way." Reis says to him, "I am not sure if her mate would accept it."

"At least, give him an option." Sung Jun slaps his arm. "Aisa will like you if you help more people."

"Don't do that." The god of time glowers at him. "You always use her name whenever you need something."

"You have a soft spot for her." Sung Jun doesn't like it, but one must use necessary evils when the need arises.

"Use my wife's name from next time." Reis kicks Sung Jun's leg before he disappears.

Sung Jun smiles. Finally, the god of time has someone more important in his heart. 

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