Shen Mei stares into the demon's dark eyes, enchanted. She raises her hand and touches his face, surprised that she can move now. The demon is watching her quietly with a creased forehead and an apprehensive look in his eyes. 

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"Hus--" She opens her mouth with tears in her eyes. 

"Why do you look different?" Kai grabs her jaw and turns her face to her right, taking a good look at her cheek. "You look like a living being."

"..." What is her husband saying? Shen Mei blinks her eyes rapidly. Did he expect her to be dead?

Kai turns her face to her left. "Can you understand me?"

"Husband." She grabs Kai's wrist and looks straight into his eyes. "Of course, I can understand you."

"Husband?" Kai releases her jaw in shock. What did he just hear? Why is this robot calling him a husband? Is it an error? Kai climbs off the table and turns her around fiercely. He looks for the switches on her back. Strangely, the switches are gone. He lets out a gasp, horrified. What did he create? 

"Husband, haven't you eaten enough?" Shen Mei straightens her back, feeling tingles in her skin. "You should have been gentle with me."

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Kai realizes that something is extremely wrong with this. He takes a few steps away from the table. Then, he feels a strange sensation in the back of his mind -- a connection to another creature that appeared out of nowhere. While freaking out in his mind, he delves deeper into the connection, following it. He senses her, the robot, on the other end of the connection. "This can only be…"

True Bond!!! How did this happen to him?

"No." He gasps. "There is no way."

How could he bond with his own creation?

"A robot, " He mutters. "It's a robot!"

"Husband, " Shen Mei looks over her shoulder. Why is her husband looking at her like that? What is he unhappy about? "No matter what kind of creature you are, I have accepted you as my husband."

"..." This is not what Kai wants to hear. He wouldn't even imagine this in his dream. How could he have mated with a robot? On top of it, it's a true bond. He didn't even go outside to look for his true mate. He didn't even want one. All he wanted was to live a single life with his inventions. He didn't want a mate. He only wanted a maid. How could he do this to himself? Kai bursts into tears. His dreams are over.

"Husband, can you…" Shen Mei covers her chest shyly. "give me some clothes?"

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"No." Kai points at her and steps back. He chokes, "You can't… you are not… No, this isn't happening to me. I refuse to accept this. I didn't create my own true mate. I didn't!"

Shen Mei pulls her brows together, unable to decipher what he's talking about. What is a true mate? Does it mean wife in demon language? But isn't it too much to stay naked all the time? She sticks her thighs together. Does he want to do it all the time?

The demon is too energetic. Does he like her this much? Shen Mei blushes hard. "Dear husband, I am still weak. I am no match for your stamina. Also, I am hungry. Where is the kitchen? I will make meals for both of us."

Meals? Kai grabs his hair. Something really went wrong with the spell. He didn't put these functions inside her. Why would he need meals? He drinks fresh blood.

"Husband?" Shen Mei probes.

Why does she keep calling him husband? Kai is freaking out. He inches toward the door, very afraid of the beautiful woman sitting on the table. Partly, he's proud of his creation. The woman is lean and she has smooth porcelain skin. Her eyes are a warm shade of brown, slightly tilted upward at the outer edges, making him feel like he's looking at art. However, he's not someone who gets easily enchanted. The woman is naked and he has this strange attraction toward this woman. He wants to do it again. "No.No.No.No. This isn't happening to me."

"Is it a spell?" Shen Mei touches her chin. Demon seems to be troubled about something. "What kind of magic is this?"

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Kai opens the door and flounces out of the lab. He needs to get out of this place. He needs to get away from this woman. He didn't create his own trap. No, he didn't. It's impossible. 

He did want to create a spell that calls their true mates to them but he didn't want it like this.

"Damn it!" He reaches the exit. "Damn, why did I do it?"

In any case, he shouldn't have completed the bond.

"What happened?" Noah appears behind him. Kai's cursing has awakened him from his sleep. "Why are you screaming?"

"I-I…" Kai looks at him with teary eyes. "Noah, I am ruined."

"Did your robot fail?" Noah chuckles. "Don't tell me that you really had sex with it?"

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"Noah." Kai grasps his jaw and leans closer to kiss his lips, shocking Noah. 

Before Kai's lips could touch Noah's lips, Kai pushes away Noah. 

Kai covers his face and cries. "I really can't do it."

"Don't--" Noah looks at the entrance, feeling someone's gaze on him. He sees Izo standing there. Izo is looking at him with widened eyes. Noah purses his lips, recalling the kiss that happened between him and Izo. 

Izo must have hated him for it. Isn't that why he avoided him like that earlier? Noah looks down, folding his fingers. He feels Izo's fixated eyes on him. 

"What have I done?" Kai cries, "I have destroyed myself. My life is over. I can't kiss anybody anymore. I can't have threesomes anymore. I can't sleep with other creatures anymore. My sex life is over. "

Feeling troubled, he looks at Kai who is whining something about a robot. Noah steps closer to Kai and kisses Kai on his lips.


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