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Huang Qiuyan wants to say yes, but seeing him like this makes her angrier. Her temporary courage returns and she barks at him, "No, I don't want to know."

Fu Sheng shoves his fingers deeper into her. "Say that again, my sex doll?"

The frequent change in her temper is amusing to him. Sometimes, she is fearful and obedient. Then, she bares her kitten claws at him. He wonders which one she really is.

She hates how he keeps calling her that. "Fu Sheng, I am not your sex doll. I am Huang Qiuyan."

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He likes the sound of his name when she says it. He wants her to say it again and again. He doesn't stop exploring her silky walls with his fingers, making her gasps. "Tell me who is Huang Qiuyan? If that is not the name of my sex doll, then what are you?"

He leans down and looks into her dark peach blossom eyes with a cocky smile. His fingers rub against her clit, pulling and squeezing. Her breathing changes with the gentle and rough movements of his fingers between her legs. She heaves her chest as the tingles spread out from her lower abdomen to the tips of her toes like a tsunami.

"You didn't answer me, my sex doll?" Fu Sheng takes the pink nipple in his mouth and flicks it with his tongue, keeping his eyes on her face and watching the changes in her. He inserts his fingers in her cave again, increasing his pace this time. "Who is Huang Qiuyan?"

"Mnnn..." He keeps asking her with a taunting voice. She's not in the state to answer him. The forbidden waves of fire outspread through her body. Her body shudders when his kisses trail down to her belly. He lightly bites the soft white skin, leaving a red mark before going further down and staring down at her wet folds.

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"Tell me when you can think of the answer, my sex doll." He grabs her pale knees and further parts her legs. He smirks at her before resting his head between her thighs, digging his tongue between her folds; flicking, swirling, sucking; he never seems to have it enough of her. Huang Qiuyan can't hold back her moans, screaming for more. Her nails dig into his dark hair. She elevates her chest as a tickling heat race through her body again and again. Fu Sheng drinks from her, but he gets more and more greedy as she comes inside his mouth.

When she nearly passes out because of the foreign sensations, he pulls out his erect cock. She looks at it with widened eyes. He likes that look in her eyes. The last time... He was insanely fucking her because of the spell, not taking time to explore and appreciate her. He takes her hand and places it over his hardened member. She tenses her shoulders when she feels it throbbing between her fingers.

"My sex doll, you haven't given me an answer." Fu Shen doesn't let her pull her hand away. "You told me that you didn't know about the meaning of the true bond. I will tell you. This, what you feel right at this moment, it is the meaning of the true bond. Nobody else can give you the pleasure that only I can give you."

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She shakes in nervousness as his cock swells more between her hand. She could feel that he could swallow her whole. The sinister dark look in his eyes is not repulsive to her. She finds it alluring, like the charms of the darkness that wants to drown her with sinful desires.
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"I don't want this." Though she says this, her resolve is on the verge of breaking into pieces. Only gods know where her stubbornness comes from. She's scared of this bond, him, and the way he makes her feel. It feels too unreal, sudden, and out of control. She will cease to exist at this rate. Who she is? What she is? She is already losing her mind. "This is not my dream."

"Yes, you told me about your dream. Ordinary marriage, isn't? That is an impossible dream." He chuckles and places his enlarged cock at her entrance. "It's impossible to have an ordinary marriage with an extraordinary man like me."

She is aware of that. That's why she doesn't want to be with him.

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"You...!!!" She wants to yell, but a gasp comes out of her mouth when he suddenly pushes it inside her. She's tight and hot around him, fitting like pieces of puzzles brought together by the true bond. If she's born only for her, he is also born only for her.

"Huang Qiuyan." He leans down and whispers her name with a dark voice. His eyes gleam red due to overpowering passion. "On this very night, I properly take you as my mate. From now on, you are my queen and my other half until the end of time."

He seals his words with a furious kiss on her mouth, muffling her stubborn and useless rejections to his claim. He moves against her hips while sucking the smooth curve of her neck, pierces his canines into her flesh, and drinking from her. Completely lost to him, she surrenders herself and cries for more. He gives in to his queen's demands, pounding deeper into her while licking off the puncture wound on her neck. She scratches his back and moans lasciviously with each deep thrust.

However, poor Huang Qiuyan is not matched to his stamina.

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