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[System: Dear Host, turn left and run for 100 m before turning left again.]

The system is doing his best. He doesn't want Huang Qiuyan to run into any random creature on its way. There are already a few chasing them. It is almost morning.

"Wait, don't go." Creepy Eyes keeps turning on her way. Sometimes, she's on the ground. Sometimes, she pops right in front of the tree. By now, Huang Qiuyan is running with her eyes closed, following System's instructions.

[System: Dear Host, stop.

However, Huang Qiuyan cannot control her speed. She crashes right into the perimeter wall, skidding on the ground while screaming on the top of her lungs, finally stopping after crashing into a wall.

[System: ...]

Under the pile of dust, she grumbles. "You should have warned me earlier."

[System: Dear Host, eyes are meant to used for seeing.]

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Meanwhile, the hunters at the headquarter suddenly hear the sound of continues crashing for good 5 minutes before they react. It is coming from the western part of the headquarter. The HQ is well-protected by ancient spells cast by the holy ancestors. The vampires cannot just waltz into the HQ. They will be repelled strongly by the forces surrounding the HQ.

Hunter A: "Did the vampires just use a canon at the HQ?"

Hunter B: "It's worse than the time when they threw bombs."

Hunter C: "All the converts have morphed into something else. They are not that smart yet to do something like this."

Hunter A: "Would humans do it? They are on our sides."

Hunter B: "There are fanatics who willing want to get bitten."

Hunter A: "Crazies! Let's check out what happened there. The leader would definitely punish us for not guarding that area and get hit by the canons."

Hunter C: "What kind of job is this? There is not even a lunch break. I want to complain."

Hunter B: "Try complaining to the leader. I will give you a 1000 bucks if you do that."

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Hunter C closes his mouth. If he does that, he might get fed to the vampires next. There's no telling what their sadistic leader might do.

The hunters run toward the western part of the HQ. When they arrive, Huang Qiuyan is already gone. There are large holes in the walls. They frown and look at the debris. Can a canon ball reach this far?


At the eastern front of the HQ, Fu Sheng and his men look the layers of barriers around the hunter headquarter. The hunter used a fake trail to put them off and came here with Fu Mian. Klyn's spell has already ended. Fu Mian's faint scent waft into Fu Sheng's nose. She's here without a doubt.

The six vampires behind him are eyeing for any weakness in the spell. This ancient spell is even older than Fu Sheng.

When the purebloods came to this for the first time, humans treated them as gods because of their perfect beauty and powers at first. Due to the vampires' food habits, humans naturally start treating them as enemies. Among them, there were witches who hated vampires most because they feared them. They trained humans. They gave them the kill the purebloods and their creations.

Fu Sheng's eyes glimmer. "Send the declaration of the war."
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"His majesty." Aiken ties a letter to an arrow. He's about to shoot in the direction of the HQ when he ears bombarding sounds.

"What's that?" Izo's eyes widen when he sees the rising dust in the western part. Fu Sheng's eyes change when he realizes that the scent belongs to none other than his mate. He runs in that direction to stop her, but he's repelled by the barrier. He hisses in rage.

This woman is dumb. She likes to break through walls so much. Does she not know fear or she's too dumb to know what's dangerous for her?

His mate and daughter are inside. He will find out the way to break this damn barrier at any cost.


[System: Dear Host, you should be glad that humans don't have sharp noses like vampires.]

Huang Qiuyan is hiding behind the wall when she sees five women and three men dressed like soldiers running toward the western zone. Since the attention is diverted and the system is helping her avoid humans now, she is somewhat lucky at this time.

The system keeps scanning the area before telling her to move. This is a good opportunity to get the map of this building. It might come handy in the future. On the inter-D web, everything is worth something.

"Where have they hidden her?" Huang Qiuyan is getting worried. "I don't like these people."

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[System: Dear Host, it's natural to not like the enemy. Also, I don't know where she is. She is either out of my range or hidden where I cannot see her in my scans.]

The system is not a god. He is an apocalypse assistant system. Survival of his host is his top priority. He can't randomly find a person.

Huang Qiuyan sighs. She's been relying on this system a lot. Does she have to walk through the entire place before she can find her? There's the only scent of humans here. She is craving for some blood. She swallows her saliva. Drinking human blood is a no-no. Drinking human blood feels like betraying who she was once.

She's a vampire now. Drinking a vampire's blood...

Unconsciously, she touches the bite mark on her neck. She licks her lips, recalling the taste of Fu Sheng's blood. She craves something else too. She shakes her head. It's the bond. The feelings are not coming from the real thing. Besides, Fu Sheng is just...

She shrugs her shoulders. She won't think of it.

Huang Qiuyan is changing. Once, she would have accepted any man to become her husband. Now, she wouldn't accept anything that tries to control her. After turning into a vampire and seeing her family, she has realized her freedom. She doesn't need to get any husband to rely on them. She doesn't need to get married and have children just to appease her family and the expectations of society. That doesn't mean that she has given up. This time, she wants to get married and have family for love.

After meeting Fu Sheng and experiencing the true bond's effects, she has realized how bad arrange marriage is. She would rather marry someone for love. She wants someone who would see her for who she truly is. The feelings should be real. She wants to experience true romance.

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