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Huang Qiuyan intended to bite his finger off. She was too mad to think straight. She couldn't lift a single finger because of the pain. Before she could complete biting his long finger, she tasted something delicious.

The blood in her mouth tasted like a heavenly drink.

[Level Up! You are a Red Level Rank 2]

[Level Up! You are a Red Level Rank 3]

[Level Up! You are a Red Level Rank 4]




[System: Dear Host, this is a pure-blooded vampire. His blood is highly nutritional for you. You will advance in ranks faster if you drink his blood. Please do not stop drinking.]

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[Level Up! You are a Red Level Rank 8]




[Level Up! You are an Orange Level Rank 3]

She didn't pay attention to the system's words. If Huang Qiuyan was anything, she was definitely a glutton. The reason why she hated being a vampire was that she couldn't eat delicious food. She had never drunk anything this like this, her body felt like it was on fire. Warm energy coursed through her veins. The blood in her mouth felt like melted sunlight.

Meanwhile, Fu Sheng was shocked by Huang Qiuyan's actions. In his long life, he had never met anyone did this to him. Most creatures didn't even dare to meet his eyes. He was revered being, a pure-blooded vampire ancestor and oldest of the nine surviving pure-blooded vampires in this world. If it was anyone else, Fu Sheng would have fed that person to demons.

For some reasons, he didn't dislike this feeling. Her warm tongue was licking his finger, sucking his blood. His frozen heart skipped beats when he saw her reddening cheeks. His pupils dilated when he saw her expressions. She kept her eyes closed. Her lips were warm and soft. Fu Sheng started to feel an indescribable feeling. Like a dam was finally broken by this ignorant woman, the spring was blooming in his body.

Fu Mian was the most confused one in that situation. She couldn't grasp what was going on. As much as she knew and seen, her father never ever liked touching anyone. She was the only exception because she was his daughter. What was this ugly aunty doing to his father? Why was her father's face turning red?

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[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Overload Warning!!!]

[System: Dear Host, you are drinking too much. Stop, now. You will overload at this rate. You will explode. You are already You are an Indigo Level Rank 5!]

Would Huang Qiuyan stop? Nope! She wouldn't stop. If she exploded while drinking her delicious meal, she would never regret that kind of death. She always regretted dieting to keep her body maintain. Now, marriage was definitely out of question. She was not even a human.

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[System: Dear Host, why are you dumb? Please stop. Do not be glutton.]

Fu Sheng didn't know what to do with this vampire. She was healed now. She also ranked up, but she wasn't letting his finger go at all. He also didn't have the courage to disturb her. She seemed quite happy while drinking his blood. He didn't understand why, but he didn't dislike watching her like this.


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[System: Dear Host, I am knocking you out. Sweet dreams.]

With a jolt, Huang Qiuyan went limp with Fu Sheng's finger still in her mouth. She was a complete goner. Fu Sheng pulled his finger out hesitantly. It was completely white and sunken with a bite mark. She didn't hold herself back at all.

Fu Mian went to her father side and asked, "Daddy, are we going to leave her here?"

Fu Sheng looked at her and then, at the gluttonous vampire. Though she did a great offence, he didn't want to leave her here or punish her. He couldn't forget the strange sensation. Was this woman an enchantress? But vampires couldn't be an enchantress. What did she do to him? His heart was beating too fast. His body was hot. She did something to him. He must find out.

By that time, the other eight pure-blooded vampires had arrived there. They didn't see the earlier scene, but they saw their king's flushed face. All eight of them wondered if it was because he was running too fast. They bowed to their king and the princess. Then, they noticed the passed out person in the car. Who was that person? Why was their king sitting so close to her? How did that unlucky person offend their king?

Fu Sheng carefully pulled the woman out of the car. Fu Mian pouted when he held her in his arms. That's her place.

"Your saviour is hurt. We have to bring her to the castle," He told her.

"Uncle Aiken can take her to home," She told him in a sulky voice.

Fu Sheng looked at Aiken and then, at the woman. He couldn't explain it, but he didn't like that someone else would touch her instead of him. Besides, he needed answers from her. What did she do to his body?

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"I can carry you both." Fu Sheng put Huang Qiuyan over his shoulder. Huang Qiuyan's head was upside down like a dead body. His right arm tightly wrapped around her legs. With his other arm, he picked Fu Mian and held her near his chest.

Without any command to his followers, he left them kneeling on the concrete with crestfallen expressions.

"Did he just..."

"Hold a woman?"

"A real woman? Are you sure that she is not a fake?"

"Idiot, a fake is even worse than a woman."

"So, our king is not a gay?"

"I thought that he was an asexual."

"Is that woman our future queen?"

"But who is that woman?"

"Does it matter? Our king finally found his woman."

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