Chapter 70: If he's in pain due to the formal rejection

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"Elder Sister, I don't understand. You should be in immense pain. I saw some of the reports on formal rejection between the true mates. It was extremely painful for both of them. The first few months were torturous. When the worst was over, they were " 

Huang Qiuyan rubs her chest. The dull ache in her soul must be due to the formal rejection. But it's not overwhelmingly painful. She recalls how she suddenly felt a sharp pain after she pushed him away. It lasted barely for a second, but it felt like her soul was breaking apart. Fu Sheng ran away right at that moment. Did he feel the pain too? Is that why he ran away? Is it related to close proximity? Now, they will repel each other? 

Xiao Chun Dan shakes his head. "Whether you are far apart or sitting closer, both of you must feel the pain. But, I am not sure either. The study was done on a handful of cases. Usually, true mates don't reject each other. Then, Elder Sister, you are also not the usual person. It could be that the bond was not strong enough between you. It's not painful because you rejected him early in your relationship."

That's one possibility. She's not a usual vampire. She's a new type of vampire and Fu Sheng is a pureblood. What does she know? Things have turned out for the best. This dull ache in her soul is better than having sex with someone whom she doesn't like. She will seek the bond breaker and get rid of the bond anyway. She doesn't want to die when he dies.

"It could be that the pain would come later." Xiao Chun Dan looks afraid. "We should find the other party. Maybe he can clarify."

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Huang Qiuyan agrees. She should find Fu Sheng. The vampire king told her that he would explain to her the way of the vampire. Why didn't he tell her about the formal rejection? What if the things went wrong and she felt the writing pain in her soul? Thankfully, it only lasted for a second. That small moment of pain was enough to cause him to run away.

His sorrowful eyes emerge in her mind again.

"Tch!" She climbs off the bed. "I will check on that guy. I don't feel pain when I get stabbed by the enchanted wood, but he can feel it. I should see if he's in pain due to the formal rejection."

Xiao Chun Dan sighs. "As long as you don't suffer from it, Elder Sister, I don't care what happens to him. If you are in pain, I won't feel happy.

Why is this system so caring suddenly? She raises her brow sharply. "Why won't you be happy?"

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"I read in a book that family members shouldn't be happy when one of the family members is suffering. Being a family means sharing both pain and happiness. I can't feel your pain because I am not a human." Xiao Chun Dan answers her with an innocent tone, "But you are my host and you are my family. Your well-being and survival is my priority."

She smiles at him. The system isn't that bad. He's just a little guy who only thinks of her survival. She rubs his head. His hair is soft. She can't stop herself. She pinches those chubby cheeks mercilessly. 

"Ow!" He cries out in pain. "Elder Sister, what are you doing? It hurts."

She laughs and pinches him harder until it's crimson due to her assaults.


"My king, are you feeling okay?" Aiken looks at the closed door with a creased forehead.

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A while ago, the other eight vampires felt a sharp stabbing pain before it vanished from their souls. Though the young vampires didn't understand the cause, Aiken and Han could guess what must have happened. They came to seek the king, but his presence wasn't felt near the king's bedroom. When they followed the scent, they ended up here. 

The king has locked himself inside the cold room. He has never done this before -- not even when his family and the other purebloods were killed by the council during the purge.

When he doesn't get any response, he turns to Han. "Brother Han, do you think the queen rejected our king?" 

Han, who is quiet usually, reveals distress in his eyes. He is the only one who had a mate before the purge conducted by the council. His mate wasn't a true mate. She was another pureblood vampire. They chose each other and completed the formal mating ceremony. When she died, he felt immense pain in his chest. Even now, he can't get over the emptiness that she left inside him.

The vampires often feel the emotions strongly even if they don't show it easily. 

"We should wait here." That's all Han can say.

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"He blocked us." Aiken knows Fu Sheng well. Though the vampire king is not weak, he doesn't like sharing his pain with others. He was the only son of the previous king. He was trained to be their king since young. 

'The true king is the shield of his people -- not the other way around.'

Those were Fu Sheng's words when Aiken told him to use him as his shield after the purge.

"Why the ancestors are also dead? They were the only ones who can explain this true bond."

If the ancestors were alive, Fu Sheng wouldn't be suffering. "We should give him time. He won't stay there for long. Fu Mian would seek him out after she wakes up."

Aiken nods. The princess is tired. She's still sleeping. When she wakes up, she will look for Fu Sheng first. Their king will come out. He will never leave them alone, especially when the world is in this state. 

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