Chapter 75: Did he truly want me?

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"Lady Huang, I apologize if my words were harsh." Aiken bows to her deeply. "I will send someone who will explain everything to you. That person will be your mentor. If you like, he will be your friend. Other than him, all of us will be at your heed. You just have to call our names once. Please excuse me."

"Oh... But --" 

Aiken turns around and flashes away before Huang Qiuyan can ask him more questions. He's the busiest vampire in the castle since he has to manage the seven peculiar purebloods, a broody king, and a princess who is quite mischievous at times. Earlier, he heard Lei's whisper that the princess has a fever. The King is with the princess right now. 

Huang Qiuyan steps inside the room. It's bigger than she expected it to be. The walls and the floor are made of the same black stones, inducing a gothic atmosphere. It's not Huang Qiuyan's taste, but she can barely complain. There is a large wooden bed that's enough for five people. Surprisingly, the bed is ever bigger than the one in Fu Sheng's room. On the wall behind the bed, there's a large painting of the castle with fog surrounding it. The painting looks like a window to the scenery, as if she can look at the castle from the window of this room; however, she's standing inside the castle. 

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She wonders to painted this. 

Her attention is caught by another object in the room. To her surprise, there's a television. She looks for the wire connection. There's none. Does this even work? This is a castle on the top of the mountain. She had to fly with a vampire to get here. How did they get the powerlines here? Curious, she turns on the television

What? It actually turns on with no electricity? Does it run on battery?

Xiao Chun Dan manifests before her. "It's being run by magic. I didn't expect to see this technology here."

"Amazing." Huang Qiuyan widens her eyes. "There's nothing on the channel."

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"The broadcasting stations are affected during the apocalypse." Xiao Chun Dan walks behind the television. He touches the back of the television. Though he is just a system, he can still sense a faint throbbing from invisible tendrils of magic. "This is purebloods' magic. I wonder what else they can do. Elder Sister, this is a grand opportunity to gather information on them. We can sell this information for a large price."

"No, we shouldn't do this." 

Huang Qiuyan runs her fingers through her hair, looking away. Aiken's words have affected her. Does she have feelings from her human life that can cause problems in her current life? But she finds nothing odd except for the bond.

Then, Fu Sheng and the other vampires are also odd. The hunters are also odd. This apocalypse is also odd. She's no longer a human. She's also odd. She has no idea about the path of a vampire, but she can't see why she has to give up her humanity.

Fu Sheng's dejected face appears before her eyes again. She rolls to her side. Why did he make that face? Isn't he the king who can have anything? Why was he sad? Did she hurt him gravely? She's sure that he can find a better woman. 

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"Xiao Chun Dan, did he truly want me? Was he sad because the bond made him feel sad or was he genuinely sad because I rejected him? I can't figure out."

Xiao Chun Dan is analyzing the object of his fascination. He's wondering if he can connect to its interface. The magical television is quite pricey. Should he convince his host to steal this and sell this for a high price? They are poor right now. 

This castle has many priceless pieces. 

Huang Qiuyan sighs. What does she feel about him anyway? If there was no magical bond between her and him, she would still be attracted to him because of his perfect looks. She has been attracted to many men physically. But that's the end of it. 

It's different between her and Fu Sheng. Feeling this intensely for someone like this is the first time. This attraction makes her gasp for air, leaving no room for thoughts. She feels like she's going crazy whenever he's in front of her. She's scared of these feelings that certainly doesn't feel like hers.

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She shuts her eyes. When he kissed her, she liked it and wanted it more. She felt like nothing else mattered at that time. Everything in the world vanished when she felt his lips on her skin. When he embraced her, she felt like she was being sucked by the blazing sun that burned her with desire. At the same time, he gave her an aberrant sense of being where she belonged -- as if that place in his arms was her salvation. When he thrust into her, she ached for more. He filled her in a way that quenched the emptiness in her soul. 

It doesn't make sense to her. She has been on a date with so many men. There was a man who held her hand. She did feel something for him -- a sweet tingling in her skin. But he rejected her. There was another one. She liked his smile. He rejected her.

Then, there was one who groped her breast on their first date. It was in the city square. There were people watching them. The triumphant look in his eyes after she flinched and backed away from him gave her cold shivers down her spine. He looked at her with a challenge in his eyes. She didn't retaliate.

Back then, she believed that a woman must bend to the man's will. Her body belonged to the man. She must please him in every way, even if she didn't want to. That was what she made to believe.

The man called her boring and rejected her in the end. 


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