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Looking up at the magnificent castle surrounded by mist, Sung Se-Yong whistles. No matter what anyone says, the purebloods have style. 

"See." She points at the barrier surrounding the lake. "It's even stronger than before."

"You came here before?" Sung Se-Yong raises his brow.

Sung Na-Mi coughs and looks away. She might have been interested in catching the glimpse of the legendary antisocial vampire king who is supposed to have outstanding looks. She's sure that his appearance won't surpass her father, but still...

Her brother shakes his head. "You don't date anyone because no one meets your expectations in case of appearance. Have you never heard of the saying? Never judge a book by its cover?"

"Why are you talking about my dating history during these times?" Sung Na-Mi glares at her brother. "People are dying. Our parents are stuck in different realms. You only think about ridiculous things."

"Don't lecture me." Sung Se-Yong narrows his eyes on her. "You are excited about seeing him, aren't you?"

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"I am here on business." She inserts her hands in her pockets. "How are you going to make them come out of their hiding hole?"

"What do I get for helping you?" Sung Se-Yong smirks at her.

"You are my brother. You are supposed to help me." Sung Na-Mi scowls at her brother. "Why is it you? It was better if he threw someone else."

Se-Yong shrugs. "Deal with it." 

"Hmph!" Na-Mi folds her arms. "When I was a kid, you used to be nicer."

"You are still a kid." He rolls his eyes. "But your tongue and eyes only like seeing handsome men with crappy personalities. I am warning you. If you fall for the vampire king..."

Pureblooded vampires are supposed to be beautiful in appearance. They can easily lure women. He is the only one here now. If his baby sister falls for a vampire, his father will... 

He shivers. He can face the wrath of eight other brothers, but his father will throw him in a giant mixer. 

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"Who do you think that I am? My duties come first." She scoffs at him. "I am the council head. I will resolve this situation. Saving the world comes before admiring beautiful men."

Se-Yong squints at her. "Admiring beautiful men? How old are you? You are too young to think about men. You should only worry about saving the world."

"Oppa, I am only four years younger than you are." Clicking her tongue, she walks toward the violet bubble that is shrouding the area around the castle. "What a beautiful piece of magic! I am sure that Father can break it."

Se-Yong laughs. "You know why they don't trust the council?" 

"Eh?" Na-Mi looks over her head. "Why?"

"Just hear yourself talking." 

"What did I say? Father can break it."

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"You come here and admire the barrier. You also speak loudly that Father can break it. You forget that you are standing in the territory of the creatures with superhearing," Se-Yong speaks with an amused tone. "If they hear you now, will they ever come down from that castle?"

Na-Mi realizes her mistake. She clears her throat. "As the council head, all the supernatural creatures are my responsibility. It's my duty to protect the endangered species." Endangered handsome men too. 

"I know what you want, Little Sister." Se-Yong winks at her. "Let me try asking them to meet us like a civilized creature."

Civilized creature? Na-Mi stares at her brother. What is the world coming to? 

"Don't stare at them shamelessly," Se-Yong adds. "I worry about them."

"I won't stare at them." She puffs her cheeks. 

"Sure, I believe you," He mumbles to himself and walks to the barrier. With a thundering voice, he yells, "Hello there, purebloods? I don't know how to address your royal arses. I am Sung Se-Yong, the eighth song of the demonic goddess Fang Aisa. Since both of us follow the path of darkness, can you bring down your lazy bums down and talk to us? As you can see that only converted vampires are causing mayhem, we need to discuss it with you. You are also the citizens of this world. As the responsible citizens of this realm, you cannot wash away your hands from this crappy situation. Let me add one formal line. I request the audience of the noble purebloods who like to act high and mighty during difficult situations."

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Sung Na-Mi gawks at her brother. Forget about the audience! It will be strange if they don't kick their butts out of this place.

Inside the castle, Fu Sheng's lips twitch. Where did this insolent demon come from? Coming to his doorstep and making her dog demand for them to come down? Is this way to ask for help? The current council head is too arrogant. At least, the previous council's heads pretended to be respectful.

"My king." Aiken bows his head a little, waiting for the command. Since the council head is here, the situation have changed. Should they make them wait or punish them? 

"Oii!" Before Fu Sheng can command, he hears Se-Yong's shout. "You lazy good-for-nothing antisocial king! How long are you going to take? We don't have all day. Come down right now. Why can't your thick skull understand how grave the situation is?" 

Fu Sheng's stands up abruptly. The chill in the air shakes Aiken's poor soul. Who is going to die? Even if that demon is immortal, it doesn't mean that Fu Sheng can't make him wish for death. 

"My King, don't harm that man." Aiken stands between him and the door. "His mother is truly a demonic goddess."

"Do you think that I am scared of a new god?" Fu Sheng grimaces at Aiken. 

"The current council head is her only daughter." Aiken speaks with a trembling voice,  "If we help the council head and that demon, she will owe us. She might be able to help Fu Mian."

Help Fu Mian? The king is interested. 

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