Chapter 13: Oops, Almost Give Away

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Translator: Antonia

After entering the room, Xiaoxiao is put onto the bed, puffing hard in relief. Finally, she doesn't have to hang swinging in the air. On the way here, god know how many pools of blood she has bled. It’s been so galling!

Mu Maomao races to the bed, guarding mommy like a little soldier.

“Little thing, get away.” Xuanyuan Lie says impassively.

“I want to watch him.”

“If you don’t want him to die, do as I told you. The doctor can’t arrive so soon, I have to help him get out the bullet.” Xuanyuan Lie says calmly, with scissors in his hand.

Seeing this, Maomao steps aside in a hurry.

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Xuanyuan Lie walks to the bed, holding her shirt with the spare hand and measuring where to cut. The scissors are getting closer and closer…to the wound on her back.

“Wait, wait!” Xiaoxiao looks at the scissors in horror. Lucky for her to come to realization that once the shirt is cut, she would give away everything she’s been hiding from him!

“What?” Xuanyuan Lie’s eyes darken.

“I don’t dare to bother you to help me. I can do it myself.” She climbs up from the bed.

Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t say anything, simply throwing the scissors and scorpions to her.

Xiaoxiao picks up the scissors. Fortunately, the bullet is in her rear back, still within her reach. She raises her arm and is about to cut when she spots, from the corner of her eyes, that Xuanyuan Lie is sitting on the sofa beside her.

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“Why…Why are you still here?” She looks up to Xuanyuan Lie. How could she cut her shirt with he sitting near?

“What? Go ahead.” Xuanyuan Lie leans against the sofa and watches her, deadpan.



Damn, how should she drive him away? The atmosphere stagnates to the extreme, and Xiaoxiao can’t think of any plan to get Xuanyuan Lie out. She is now holding a wolf by the ears… Her eyes screens about and finally falls on Maomao. Momentarily, she gives Maomao a secret look.

Maomao has been nervous. Upon receiving mommy’s look, he throws himself onto the ground, hands placing on his stomach, “Ouch! Oh no!”

Xuanyuan Lie’s attention moves to Maomao, “What’s wrong?”

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“Oh no, my belly suddenly hurts.” He begins to roll about while shouting.

Xuanyuan Lie makes no respond, so Maomao decides to go all out, rolling and climbing his way to Xuanyuan Lie’s feet and pulling hard his trousers, “Uncle, hurry, I want to take a dump. Take me to the toilet.” After saying this, he is already tearful.

Since her son goes all out to perform, Xiaoxiao doesn’t stay idle either. She pretends to take up the scissors and cut her shirt little by little.

“Uncle…hurry, I can’t hold it…” Maomao struggles to close his two legs as if he’s really going to shit his pants.

Xuanyuan Lie frowns his perfect eyebrows and finally rises to his feet, lifting Maomao up with one hand and walking to the door.

Since he has left, Xiaoxiao painstakingly takes off her shirt at once to pick out the bullet by herself. This kind of staff is not her first, so it goes well and finishes very quickly. After that, neither Xuanyuan Lie or Maomao comes in again. Only maids usher in a doctor.

Maomao declines the doctor’s offer of treatment, claiming that the wound has been disposed of, so the doctor also leaves after giving her some medicine. Things go on so smooth? Even she feels it unusually simple.

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In the afternoon...

Lan Tingyan comes to visit Xuanyuan Lie, “Lie, what happened today? I heard someone got hurt?”

“Yes, no big deal.” Xuanyuan Lie answers and quickly shifts to another topic, “Right, Yan, the driver was selected by you right?”

“Yeah. Though looking skinny and short, he’s a daring man.”

“He is.” Xuanyuan Lie agrees and seems to be deliberating something.

The dinner is delivered by maids. Afterwards, they also bring her clean clothes. Xiaoxiao takes the clothes and a towel to take a shower.

Suddenly, the door opens...

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