Chapter 18: Get Out of My Way!

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Translator: Antonia

After many shots in a low…She is groggy. The blonde beauty presses herself onto Xiaoxiao like a snake. Yet Xiaoxiao’s dazzled eyes cast to Xuanyuan Lie again, who is now besieged by many pretty women.

He seems to notice her gaze and also glances back.

“Ha…” Somehow Xiaoxiao gives him a smile; a provocative smile!

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao’s mind has gone blank. She has no idea of what she is doing. She pushes away the blonde beauty near her.

“Sir...” The blonde falls back to the sofa. Seeing Xiaoxiao standing up, she also rises to her feet at once and follows her, “Sir, let’s continue to drink.”

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As she says, she has gotten a firm grab on Xiaoxiao’s hand.

“Get out of the way!” Mu Xiaoxiao unsparingly shakes off her hand, pushing the blonde far again.

At once, everyone begins to look at Mu Xiaoxiao and the blonde beauty. The fat man springs up instantly, “What are you doing?! How dare you to make my bro angry? Get out!”

The blonde sits on the ground, crying in grievance.

Xiaoxiao squats down unhurriedly, lifting up the blonde’s chin with one finger, “Don’t cry baby. Sister takes you to wash your face.” Her voice is kept low enough that no one in the room except for the beauty can hear her.

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“Sister?” The blonde is stunned.

But Xiaoxiao has pulled her up and walks her outward with one arm around her waist.

Seeing the two are so intimate, the fat man’s anger disappears. His purpose is to buddy up with Xuanyuan Lie. Naturally, he has to begin with details, so he says to Xuanyuan Lie, all smiles, “This little bro is in such a hurry.” Everyone knows what the man’s going to do to take the woman out.

The blonde is now outside the room with Xiaoxiao.

“Mr. Lie... Let me offer you a drink...” The beauty sitting next to Xuanyuan Lie says shyly, slowly rubbing her legs against those of his. If she manages to gain Lie’s favor, she will mount along the social ladder all the way to the top!

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Lie looks at her coldly, “Get off your legs.”

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The sound is piercingly cold and makes the woman startled for a second. Under his overbearing presence, she hurriedly puts back her legs.

Xuanyuan Lie stands up.

“Head Lie, where’re you going?” The fat man gets anxious because the last thing he wants to do is to upset the supreme ruler of Night Empire.

“Nothing. Just have a look outside.” Leaving the words, Xuanyuan Lie goes out directly.

In the corridor outside the VIP room, Mu Xiaoxiao holds the blonde beauty with one hand and the other on the wall, swaging her way forward. The blonde feels strange. Is this sir too drunk and talking nonsense? Sister? Why did he call himself sister?

“Step aside.”

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An autocratic voice rings above. She turns around at once, finding that standing behind her is the man that even the head of Eagle must respect!

Watching this man in such a close-up distance, she sees clearly his tanned skin, strong features, deep cold eyes, all constituting his domineering and chilling charm! The kind of god-like almighty presence that looks down at the whole world is fascinating to almost every woman.

Gazing at him, the blonde beauty is drunk with his charm.

“Wow, a cutie…” At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao has turned around and, slanting her head to one side, regards Xuanyuan Lie from head to toe.

The blonde beauty finally gets back to reality, “Mr.…”

“Where are you going?” Xuanyuan Lie asks impassively.

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