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You’re Dead

“Mm…” She shakes her head desperately. His kiss is no less than biting, ruthless and unsparing.

But he completely ignores her resistance and struggling.

He takes what he wants like an autocrat!

At this moment, his big hand reaches down...

“Ah...” She can’t help trembling.

That sound is more like a sweet invitation, immediately making his blood boil up. The man’s movement becomes more rampant.

Paralyzed by alcohol, her body feels the current running all over her. Mu Xiaoxiao clenches, her feet weak and numb. She raises her legs involuntarily.

Then… Xuanyuan Lie’s cold lips releases hers and begins to move around on her face…

“Ah...” Xiaoxiao is released from suffocation and puffs heavily as if fearing to miss any breath of fresh air.

But suddenly, the sense of shuddering current takes her over again. He steps up his effort.

“Mm…” She groans, her shoulders squaring due to the shiver.

“What a sensitive woman.” Xuanyuan Lie’s lips moves along her face to reach her ear. Each and every word brings about burning breath…

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Mu Xiaoxiao has been feeling heated and numb, and now her mind is stray in clouds. Provoked by this experienced man, she involuntarily sticks out her leg in an attempt to stretch her curled body.

‘Boom!’ In this crammed car, her kicking leg hits on the steering wheel.

Then, ‘beep...’ The horn on the steering wheel is pressed by her leg and makes a long yells.

In an instant, the atmosphere is ruined.

Xuanyuan Lie immediately frowns. He swings his fist and smashes right onto the car door!

“Ah-Choo!” Mu Xiaoxiao sneezes innocently, displaying a languor look that is enough to make Xuanyuan Lie piss off!

Xuanyuan Lie rises up, grabbing Mu Xiaoxiao, who is still lying, and throws her to the back seat, “Damn woman. You’re dead when back home.”

He sits back to the driver’s seat, adjusting it, treads on the accelerator to the end, and darts out.

Under the dark sky, Xuanyuan Lie’s house looks tranquil.

‘Jangle...’ A sudden sound of brake breaks the silence.

The car pulls up. The first one geting off isn’t Xuanyuan Lie, but Mu Xiaoxiao. She dashes out of the car and squats down to throw up…

“Get up woman!” He alright stands by her side.

Xiaoxiao raises her head and finds that faint moonlight is reflecting on Xuanyuan Lie’s face, which can only be described as incomparably good-looking!

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This kind of enjoyable face delights Xiaoxiao at once. She springs up, “Tut-tut, you’re really irresistibly hot.” As she speaks, she puts her arms around Xuanyuan Lie’s neck.

Usually, Xiaoxiao can’t get over even one shot of alcohol. Today she had several shots in a row. Her weird behavior under the influence of alcohol plus her strange disease can’t disappear in a short time.

Right here and right now, she is holding his neck unrestrictedly.


Xuanyuan Lie lifts her up with both his arms. Not hugging! Not onto his shoulder! But holding into his arms! Xiaoxiao, though still drunk, nods in satisfaction, “Mm…comfortable.” The small head rubs against his chest.

“Comfortable? Soon you’ll know what’s more comfortable.” His voice is still cold. He enters the door, goes upstairs, without any hesitation, and takes Xiaoxiao to his room.

As he just steps into his room, Xiaoxiao sticks back her head and turns on the light like a sober person! If drunkards are weirdos, then Mu Xiaoxiao is the weirdest of them all!

“Why do you turn on the light?” Xuanyuan Lie stares at her coldly.

Xiaoxiao rugs her nose in languor and is about to answer.

“Do you prefer to watch when we do it?” He says first.

Normally, this moment must make Xiaoxiao want to escape out of shyness, but now… She stretches and jumps off his arms.

Xuanyuan Lie’s eyebrows furrow. God knows how long he has been enduring!

But Xiaoxiao unhurriedly walks to the sofa to sit down, crossing her legs and saying to Xuanyuan Lie casually, “I’m a little tired. You show me a dance.”

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Let the Supreme King of Night Empire dance for her! There is no second person in the world who dares to do such a thing.

“Woman! Are you challenging my patience?” Xuanyuan Lie goes over.

Xiaoxiao leans against the sofa, “What’s patience? Is it food? Is it delicious?”

“Come here!” His tone suggests commanding, emitting pressure all around her.

“Hmm?” She walks over out of curiosity. The moment she gets near Xuanyuan Lie, ‘ah!’ she is lifted up and thrown onto bed. ‘Ouch!’ She screams from pain.

Xuanyuan Lie has already pressed over, leaving her no space to resist. He seizes her hands with one hand and fixes them above her head.

The other hand directly sneaks up beneath her shirt from below.

The hand is just about to undo the bondage…

The woman on the bed stops moving.

Doubt flickers in the dark eyes. He looks up at her, only to find that Mu Xiaoxiao falls asleep! Even after being thrown!

“” Xuanyuan Lie’s cold voice trembles. He gets off her body and, taking a glance back at her, finds that she sleeps tight!

After a moment of silence, he stands up.

‘Boom! Snapped!’ He kicks the bed, which then collapses at once. But Mu Xiaoxiao still lying there in her sound sleep.

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In the next afternoon, the sunshine rudely breaks in through window.

Xiaoxiao turns around on the semi-collapsed bed. ‘Boom’, she rolls down to the ground.

“Ouch.” She opens her eyes in a dazzle. It hurts.

Where am I? She sits up and rises to her feet. Ouch! She feels sore in all over her body, and her back wound hurts more.

She rubs her head and glances around. The first thing comes to sight is the broken bed. Why is it broken? Tapping on her head, she tries hard to recall what happened yesterday.

She followed Xuanyuan Lie to the nightclub…and then was forced to drink loads of alcohol by a blonde beauty.

Right! Alcohol! Damn, she drank! Holy heaven, god knows what crazy things she could do when drunk! Hopefully no trouble has been made! Oh no, the bed…Was it destroyed by her?

She swallows, feeling helpless but she can’t remember what has happened every time she gets drunk. Subconsciously, she fishes around her body. The clothes are still what she wore yesterday, and the bra is still tight too. Therefore…at least it seems she didn’t do anything that could expose her real gender.

The thought makes Xiaoxiao relieved. She walks out of the room.

So she has been sent back to Xuanyuan Lie’s house.

She, carrying her sore body, goes downstairs and spots at the first sight Xuanyuan Lie sitting on the sofa in the lounge. She sprints to him, “Lord.”

The cold bottomless gaze turns to her.

Xiaoxiao raises her head, “Lord. Did I do something improper yesterday? I feel really sorry because I can’t drink. Your bed…I’ll definitely compensate.” She believes the bed was tore up by her when she was drunk.

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