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The King of Asian Arms

Marina gasps, dragging herself up from the bed. She aims to finish the buttons for Xuanyuan Lie, “Lie…”

“Come here, Xiao Mu.” Xuanyuan Lie orders.

Xiaoxiao knows his intention and walks over to finish the buttons for him. This time, Xiaoxiao’s hands are way more proficient. They don’t draw back when they touch on Xuanyuan Lie’s chest from time to time.

Watching the thin man helping Xuanyuan Lie with his buttons and ties, Marina’s eyebrows furrow. She doesn’t know why she is so jealous towards a man of all people. Lie never let any of his sidekicks do such things…let alone asking a follower to come into their room and offering something like that. Thinking of this, she bites hard on her lower lip, a stab of jealousy welling up from deep down her heart. How come she’s jealous because of a man?!

After wearing his shirt, Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t look at Marina, who is naked in bed. Instead, he walks directly out of the room.

Xiaoxiao follows up in a hurry.

The moment she leaves the room, she can feel a beam of freezing gaze fixed on her. She turns around to look at the bed. It’s exactly Marina who is watching her with resentment. Strange…

She slightly frowns in doubt but doesn’t look at Marina anymore and goes out.

After Xuanyuan Lie and Mu Xiaoxiao leave the room, Marina instantly flies into a fury. She grabs the pillow and hurls it at the mirror before her!

“Xiao Mu…His name is Xiao Mu.” She mutters to herself, pissed off, not just because Xuanyuan Lie leaves immediately after the sex, which is something she is used to. Yet…what irritates her in an inexplicable way is the man called Xiao Mu who seems to have taken away her boyfriend. She can’t stand this. She’s so upset! Whether this man is a driver or something else, she’s determined to drive him away from Lie.

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The sensitive intuition of a woman covers Marina’s innocent eyes with a mist of vicious jealousy…

It’s approaching dusk when Xuanyuan Lie leaves the restaurant. They don’t go back to his house but drives to the headquarter of Night Empire.

The car just pulls up when Lan Tingyan shows up with a group of followers.

“Lie, you’re still so punctual. Let’s go; the old man is already impatient waiting there.” Lan Tingyan says.

“Haha, if you’re here with him, it doesn’t matter whether I show up or not.” Xuanyuan Lie smiles.

“Stop it! I can deal with other people, but this old guy…I don’t want to get close to him.” Lan Tingyan’s face looks terrible at once, as if he’s reminded of some kind of nightmare.

Xiaoxiao leans on the car. It seems that Xuanyuan Lie is a normal person only when he’s with Lan Tingyan. At least, he’s able to smile.

“You come with me.” Xuanyuan Lie suddenly turns to Xiaoxiao.

“Yes…” Alas, she has to continue to act as a sidekick at the headquarter.

The group of people walks toward Building B. Lan Tingyan, who was walking shoulder to shoulder with Xuanyuan Lie, slows down his pace to inconspicuously move to Xiaoxiao’s side.

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“Boy, you seem to be doing a good job.”

“Huh?” Realizing that Lan Tingyan is talking to her, Xiaoxiao pauses for a second before replying, “Lord’s flattering me.”

“I heard about the killer incident you encountered the other day. I’m surprised you’re also an excellent martial artist.” Lan Tingyan states casually.

Xiaoxiao responds him with a smile.

A ghost of joking touches Lan Tingyan’s lips, “Hey, why not be my driver? I’m interested to what tricks you got to make Lie like you so much.” He knows inside and out about Xuanyuan Lie, who seldom values a person so much. Lie allows this guy to follow him everywhere and to live in his house until he recovers.

“Yan, are you trying to take him away from me?” Xuanyuan Lie stops and looks back at the two behind him.

Lan Tingyan shrugs, “You heard that?”

“Don’t you mean to let me hear, do you?” Xuanyuan Lie’s tone is calm.

“Yep, so bro, lend this buddy to me for a few days. What do you say?” Lan Tingyan puts his arm around Xiaoxiao’s shoulders as he asks. The moment he feels her, surprise flashes in his eyes, “Hey buddy, you have really tiny bones!” He is even scared by the touch.

Xiaoxiao moves away immediately to escape from his arm, “I’m just thin.”

Seeing that, Xuanyuan Lie’s eyes darken obviously, “Hurry up.” The tone is cold.

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“Yes!” Xiaoxiao speeds up to catch up with Xuanyuan Lie as if she finally gets her savor.

Lan Tingyan ponders. He stands still at where he was for a while and regards his right hand speculatively. Though the touch is shielded by a layer of clothes, the feeling lingers on his palm. Why is it so strange? Xiao Mu… This buddy is a little interesting!

In the lobby on the 8th floor of Building B stand a row of followers dressed in black. Each and every of them are well-built.

At the sight of Xuanyuan Lie’s figure, they all bow their head in reverence and open the door for him.

The lobby is majestically decorated. Black marble pillars engraved with golden dragons; chairs and tables made of mahogany; and stylish tea wares.

On the chair sits a man at around forty or fifty years old, blonde hair, grey eyes. A mixed-race. He must be the old man Lan Tingyan mentioned.

Xiaoxiao stares at him curiously for a long time. Judging from the conversation between Xuanyuan Lie and Lan Tingyan just now, he seems to be a horrible man. Who is him that even the second leader of Night Empire is intimidated?

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Xuanyuan Lie starts to talk first.

“Brother Lie, you’re higher-spirited than I last met you many years ago.” The man rises to his feet and walks to Xuanyuan Lie.

“You must be laughing at me, King of Asian Arms.” Xuanyuan Lie holds out his right hand.

King of Asian Arms? This man is the king of Asian arms?! Xiaoxiao is astonished. No wonder Xuanyuan Lie comes to meet him in person.

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“I’m not joking. Really bro. You look even more commanding than before.” The king of Asian arms holds Xuanyuan Lie’s hand, not with one hand, but both hands!

Obviously, a trace of certain emotion flickers by on Xuanyuan Lie’s face. He seems to want to withdraw his hand.

But...the arms king seems to hold harder, “It’s been years. I really miss you.”

Xuanyuan frowns and takes a glance down at the man’s hands.

Only then does the man let go of Xuanyuan Lie’s hand immediately.

Why is the atmosphere so weird?

Xiaoxiao smells a rat, so she intently gazes at the man’s expression. There must be something wrong, but what it is?

“Buddy, don’t look at him that way. Be careful, he might have a crush on you.” Lan Tingyan comes in and reminds Xiaoxiao who looks confused.

“On me?” Xiaoxiao eyes Lan Tingyan, perplexed.

Then... the arms king stands up and walks over at the sight of Lan Tingyan, “Hey bro, you finally come back.” He places his arm on Lan Tingyan’s shoulders.

Xiaoxiao comes to realization at once. She only heard that the king of Asian arms liked to keep a low profile, but she didn’t expect that…he is gay! Little wonder that Lan Tingyan gave her such a reminder. Haha. Lan Tingye is already an exceptionally cute guy, let alone Xuanyuan Lie! It makes sense that the arms king likes them. Thinking of it, Xiaoxiao cracks a smile secretly.

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