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Darkness All Around

The elevator doors are about to close. She finally breathes a long sigh of relief. Even if Xuanyuan Lie may not recognize her dressed as a woman, she can’t risk giving him the chance to suspect.

‘Beep…’ All of a sudden, the button is pressed by someone outside. The doors slide open again. Xiaoxiao looks up at once, only to spot a long slim figure, dark bottomless eyes, straight nose, and icy blossom lips. Xuanyuan Lie!

He enters into the elevator directly. The dark eyes fall on Xiaoxiao. Haha… It’s really cunning of this woman to think of such an idea to escape from the arms king. To dress up as a waitress?

Xiaoxioa hurriedly moves to the corner of the elevator and turns her face to one side in order not to be discovered by him. The second her eyes meet with those of Xuanyuan Lie’s still makes her heart pounding. She tries to comfort herself. It’s only a second of eye contact, Xuanyuan Lie can’t recognize her.

“Don’t you press a button?” In the narrow space within the elevator, Xiaoxiao’s heartbeat is accelerated by Xuanyuan Lie’s voice.

She randomly chooses a floor in a hurry. But why didn’t Xuanyuan Lie press a button? Does he happen to go to the floor she presses?

She takes a doubtful glance at him.

Now…Xuanyuan Lie is looking at his watch calmly.

She feels relieved since he seems to haven’t found out anything. Xuanyuan Lie even doesn’t take a look at her, a proof that nothing is suspicious.

The elevator slowly rises to the fifteenth floor. What she pressed is twentieth. Hurry. Hurry. She wishes to get out of this depressing cubicle as soon as possible. Though she has known Xuanyuan Lie for some time…

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17… Hurry! Please be faster…


Right there. She can be free in a second.

The arrow points up… The number is just about to turn 19…


Suddenly with a crack of loud noise, the elevator shakes abruptly. In a fraction of a second, all lights die out. Darkness is all around.

Xiaoxiao puts her hand on the elevator wall and manages to stand straight, not forgetting to take a glance around.

“What happened?” She asks subconsciously. Why did the elevator suddenly stop? Is it broken? Power off? She responsively hurries to press the emergency button.

The finger presses madly, but there is no reaction! What is going on?...

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“Just wait. Don’t worry.” The cold voice rings above her ears.

Xiaoxiao quickly turns back. She can’t see anything until her eyes adapt to the darkness. She even can’t tell where Xuanyuan Lie stands. Leaning against the wall, she feels her heart accelerating. She usually won’t worry about such a tiny accident, but…at present…Xuanyuan Lie is right there by her side.

She takes a few deep breaths, her brain rotating fast. In the dark, no way Xuanyuan Lie is able to see clearly her face. In fact, Xiaoxiao also knows that her nervousness is due to her guilty conscience…

She moves along the wall, in an attempt to squat at the corner and to avoid any interaction with Xuanyuan Lie before anyone comes to save them.

In the dark, she slowly moves her footsteps. Suddenly, she trips over something and loses balance.

“Ah…” She is thrown forward.

Meanwhile, she falls into a pair of warm arms. But as she hasn’t gained balance yet, she grabs in the air by instinct and accidentally peels off one piece of Lie’s clothes, ‘sizzle… pit-a-pat!’ several buttons of his outfit are taken off too.

Then, two big palms take hold of her arms to help her stand straight.

There are only two people in the elevator, she and Xuanyuan Lie... No doubt, the arms are Xuanyuan Lie’s. What’s more, the buttons in her hands are also undoubtedly Xuanyuan Lie’s!

Holy heaven…

At this point, she would prefer to kill herself first.

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“Sorry, sir. I’m really sorry.” She apologizes in a hurry. In order not to be found by Xuanyuan Lie, her voice is raised by one octave to sound more feminine.

“Tear off my clothes. It seems you like to take initiatives.” Xuanyuan Lie’s cold voice rings near her ears. He was wondering how to prank her the first time she rushed out, so he mustn’t waste this opportunity.

Xiaoxiao quickly hands the buttons to him, “I didn’t do this on purpose. Here are the buttons. As for your clothes, I’ll definitely pay for your loss.” She pretends to be calm.

“Hehe… You don’t have to.” He says coldly.

“Sir, can you let go of me?” Xiaoxiao looks from right to left in vagueness at Xuanyuan Lie’s big hands.

Strange that Xuanyuan Lie holds her harder.

“Sr!” She frowns and struggles at once. What’s wrong with Xuanyuan Lie? Why does he keep seizing her shoulders? In such darkness, he isn’t supposed to have recognized her, is he?

As Xiaoxiao is struggling, Xuanyuan Lie suddenly releases her, who once again loses her balance. Why does he suddenly let go?

She spontaneously inhales hard and her body falls back out of control.


Her wrists are seized by the big hands again. He pulls her into his arms, “Miss, be careful.”

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“Ah!” By his pulling, she rushes into his arms, lost her balance. In the dark, every of his moves catches her by surprise!

Momentarily! She hits Xuanyuan Lie’s chest. Bang! Xuanyuan Lie is also thrown to the elevator wall. Then the two bounce onto the ground.

Xiaoxiao takes a deep breath in fluster, then, somehow, she finds herself on Xuanyuan Lie’s body!

“Mm…” Xiaoxiao is stunned.

In the darkness, Xuanyuan’s lips slant in the corner, “Huh… It seems you’re not only a starter, but also so eager.” As he comments, he flips around and presses Xiaoxiao under his body.

Only then does Xiaoxiao wake up to what’s happening now. The two stays body-to-body, so close that she can smell the slight fragrance from his body, which is so heated. In addition, because of his unbuttoned clothes, she is now touching his skin directly, which producing another kind of nervousness for her.

“You...” Though she’s back to reality, her brain is at a state of oxygen-shortage. She opens her mouth but can’t make a word.

“Me what? Now I’m going to satisfy your request.” He says, his dark eyes sharpening and hands sliding downward along her slender waist. Heaven knows how much anger he swallowed last night. The big hand slowly undoes her zipper around the waist.

‘Sizzle…’ The sound rings a bell in her minds like an alarm.

Before she realizes, the big hand is already underneath her clothes. The rough hand and every finger seem to carry current.

“Let me go… You misunderstand. This is an accident.” If her tripping down and tearing off his buttons is an accident, then Xuanyuan Lie’s sudden release of her when she was struggling is definitely on purpose. Otherwise, she shouldn’t have lost her balance. But Xuanyuan Lie’s falling onto her body is the fact that she can’t deny even with a hundred tongues!

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