Chapter 3: She is a Professional Killer!

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Translator: Antonia

As he gets gentler, the discomfort gradually disappears! Her mind is possessed by another feeling. She subconsciously moves towards near him, and then, hugs him hard…

“Mm…” Captivating sound floats over the room…

The sound is like an invitation. His lips press against hers again…

A fierce storming night. In the next morning.

Mu Xiaoxiao, with tousled hair, sits on the bed. When she woke up, there was only her in the bed, but the aflame red is the proof of what happened last night. She was really taken by him inside and out.

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“Damn it!” She is upset. Having been mingled among criminal gangs for so many years, it’s a first for her to come a cropper. More galling is the fact that the one who drugged her tea and sent her here is supposed to be her only relative, her aunt!

Yesterday, her aunt celebrated her birthday in the restaurant. After taking the tea aunt gave her, she passed out and ended up waking in this bed. She was trapped by the person closest to her? Why is this happening?!

Quickly putting on clothes scattering around the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao glances this room. What in heaven’s name is this place? She slowly crawls off the bed, feeling sore and hurt…

“A bastard man. Don’t you know to be gentle to women?” She pisses off but can only split-step towards the door, one hand holding against the wall and the other on her waist.

“Good morning, lady…” In the corridor by the room, two rows of maids standing up straight bow at her reverently.

Such…exaggerated salute!

Xiaoxiao is staggered and frowns slightly. She stretches her neck to glance around. Is this place the bastard’s home? Thinking of this, she can’t help feeling depressed and indignant, “Where is that man?”

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“Master has left a message to you, miss. Please be patient and wait. He will come to see you when he is free.”

The maid’s explanation drops a bomb onto Xiaoxiao’s mind. ‘Boom’, she is reminded of what the man said last night, ‘Please me and I’ll permit you to stay with me.’

FYI, Mu Xiaoxiao is the renown flying-tiger among gangsters. An absolutely top-level killer! As long as enough money offered, she dares to fetch you anyone’s head. A trump card in the Killer Center!

However, no one ever meets this flying tiger in person. They even don’t know whether this person is a man or woman. In the Killer Center, she represents a cryptic and mighty existence.

Yet, a legendary person as such should be trapped up by her own aunt, not only being taken by a man inside and out, but also regarded and wanted as one of that kind of women!

Well, asshole. You want to keep her? Not a wish to be fulfilled! In the rage, Mu Xiaoxiao sets fire on the whole villa, frightening off all maids around her. After watching with her own eyes that the villa is burnt down, she leaves at last…

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Not long after Mu Xiaoxiao fled away, hearsay runs among gangs.

“I heard the house of Night Empire’s big boss was burnt down by someone.”

“Holy shit! Who did it? Who dares to beard the lion in his den?”

“No idea!”

“Hush, you’d better shut your mouth up and stop spreading the news, otherwise if your gossiping is known to him, you will…”

They clam up at once.

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Night Empire, a predominant organization among gangs! It stands at the top of all Asian gangs and is expanding worldwide at a starling speed each year. The big boss of it is an even more domineering man! He is known as the Supreme King due to his horrible schemes.

Right now.

Night Empire is thrown into chaos because their king is hitting the ceiling!

“Any information about her?” In the spacious hall, a man sits up high on his crown. He is the legendary big boss of Night Empire, King of Night!

“Lo, Lord…No traces are found about the person you mentioned. There is no way to start the searching!”

“Then create a way! Even to turn the earth over, the woman must be found!” The tyrannical words echo in the whole hall and the man’s black eyes turns sharp. Little wild cat, burned down my house and fled? Hem…I’m intrigued to see how far you can run away from me! You’d better not to fall into my hands again…


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