Chapter 139: Compete Victory 

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Ten days later, the team battle officially started.

On the Heaven’s Arena 212th floor, Allan, Gon, and Killua were on one side of the ring, while GIdo, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt were on the other side.

The place was filled with people as this was the first-ever team battle in The Heavens Arena, and more than 8,000 spectators were here to watch it.

If it wasn’t for a limited space, more than ten thousand people would be on the stands.

Therefore, The Heavens Arena opened a broadcast mode so that whoever couldn’t enter The Arena could still see what happened.

Inside the ring, the two teams were ready.

Sadaso looked at Allan and said: “Do you plan to fight altogether, or one on one separately?”

“Do as you like. We don’t care.” Allan shrugged.

“Then, let’s go one on one. Since you are newcomers, we will let you decided who you want to fight.”

Allan smiled at the confidence of the trio. He looked at Gon and said: “Gon, who do you want to fight?”

“I will pick Gido.” Gon said.

Allan looked at Killua and asked: “What about you, Killua?”

“Sadaso,” Killua said.

Allan nodded. Since they both picked their opponent, he was left with Riehlvelt.

The game soon started, Allan and Killua moved back to the edge of the ring to watch the match.

Sadaso and Riehlvelt did the same and retreated.

Gon and Gido moved to the center of the ring, and the match started.

Gido instantly launched Ten of his Nen-enhanced tops from his sleeves.

The ten tops surrounded Gon as they span crazily under Gido’s control.

Facing the fast-moving tops, Gon decisively twisted his body and vigilantly looked at the spinning tops.

At this moment, a top attacked Gon from behind and slammed on his back at high speed.

One after the other, Gon’s back was hit constantly by the tops.

Gon groaned painfully as if he was hit by a car.

The impact from the tops was unexpectedly strong.

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Fortunately, Gon used Ren to improve his Defense, and this helped him defend against the tops.

However, because Gido landed a hit on Gon, he gained two points.

According to the rules, whoever can accumulate ten points first win.

Gon didn’t care at all.

His gaze caught up to the spinning tops around him, trying to capture their trajectory.

Facing so many spinning tops at the same time, Gon knew that he wouldn’t be able to see all of them with his eyes. At this time, Gido launched another attack.

When the Top was about to land on Gon’s unprotected back, the latter sensed something and moved sideways, easily escaping from the attack.


Gido immediately manipulated the tops to attack Gon again.

Gon’s eyes saw the Top moving from his left and directly kicked it.


The Top was sent away by Gon’s kick.


Gido was shocked.

Gon blocked his sneak attack and sent his Top out of the ring.

As soon as it landed outside the ring, the Top quickly stopped spinning and fell.

“You still have nine more.” Gon glanced at the remaining tops around him.

“Asshole, you dare destroy my tops.”

Seeing one of his tops destroyed, Gido was furious.

At this moment, three tops collided behind Gon and rushed toward him. Gon fought back for the first time as he clenched his fist and punched the spinning Top.


The Top was destroyed again, and at this time, another two tops collided with each other and rushed toward him.

Gon directly jumped up, avoiding the tops before kicking them fiercely.

Another two tops were destroyed.

“Six remaining.”

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Gon landed on the ring and once again kicked another top.

In less than a minute, Gon destroyed five spinning tops from the original ten, which made Gido furious.

He finally figured out that Gon was planning on destroying all of his tops.

“Damn fellow, I’m going to kill you.” Since his beloved spinning tops were destroyed one after the other, Gido planned on killing Gon.

Suddenly five tops surrounded Gon, cornering him.

“They are faster than before and seem more powerful as well.”

Gon thought.

If he is hit once, Gon wouldn’t be able to defend against them.

He directly activated his Ren and Nen erupted around him like crazy.

Seeing this, Gido was surprised. He didn’t expect Gon to not only know Ten, but also Ren.

If using Ten can greatly increase Defense, Ren can increase explosive power and durability to another Hight.

Right now, Gido was feeling panic.

Feeling fearful of Gon’s power, Gido took the lead and attacked in one full swoop intending to kill him.

The five tops hit Gon at high speed from different directions.


Gon shouted violently as the five tops slammed against his body, but it was like hitting an iron wall.

“What?!” Gido’s eyes widened.


Then Gon waved his hands and hit the spinning tops one after the other.

All the spinning tops were destroyed.

“A madman!! You’re a madman.”

Gido shouted.

Gon’s actions were indeed crazy. When he knew that he couldn’t avoid the spinning tops, he just defended with his body.

However, Gon didn’t care. Instead, he looked at Gido triumphantly.

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“Your tops were defeated. You’re next.”

Gon looked at Gido and rushed toward him.

Gido snorted: “Do you think that you can defeat me by destroying my tops? That’s naïve.”

The next instant, Gido started spinning quickly like a large spinning top.

Seeing this, Gon stopped his momentum. If he rushed in carelessly, he would definitively be knocked up into the air.

Gon gathered Nen into his right fist and directly punched at the human spinning top.


With a loud noise, Gido was blown away out of the ring.

His entire chest sank, and his eyes were white.

Gon knocked him out with one punch.

Gido’s companions looked at this dumbfoundedly. They never thought that Gon was so powerful.

“Good job, Gon.” Killua looked at Gon and said.

Gon felt guilty and said: “It seems like I accidentally killed Gido!”

(T/N: Out of character much. He said previously that Allan was cruel because he killed his opponent, but now he did it.)

Killua replied: “He deserves it.”

Allan on the side looked at Gon and commented: “Gon, although that move was strong, it took too much time to accumulate Nen, so you need to use it with caution in the future. I think you should train in that skill for a long time so you can use it quickly.” Gon nodded at Allan’s advice.

The game wasn’t over, it was the first match of three, and immediately, it was Killua’s turn.

Killua moved to the center of the ring coolly.

When Sadaso saw Gido die, he was no longer confident.

Sadaso stared at Killua, not daring to look down on him.

“Go to hell! Shadow Snake Hand.”

Two black snakes sprung from Sadaso’s sleeves and launched an attack at Killua.

Killua’s figure flashed as he disappeared from his position.

Sadaso was shocked as he saw Killua’s image around him and could only order his snakes to attack.

Killua was using Rhythm Echo, the assassination skill that confuses an opponent’s eyes into seeing after images even though the user is walking.

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Sadaso was frightened and couldn’t even react as Killua appeared behind him suddenly, and with a simple move from Killua’s hand, Sadaso’s heart separated from his body.

Sadaso’s heart was still beating in Killua’s hand. Sadaso looked in shock as he fell to the ground and died.

The audience was stunned. They couldn’t think that a twelve years old boy could be that cruel.

As Killua returned back to Gon and Allan’s side, Gon said: “Killua, you didn’t have to kill him, right?”

Killua shrugged: “Gon, this is The Heavens Arena, its only about winning and losing, regardless of like and death. Besides, Sadaso is more than guilty. What do you think happened to all newcomers after they reach the 200th floor?”

Gon couldn’t refute Killua’s words.

He already accidentally killed Kido, so he wasn’t qualified to say otherwise to Killua. So he shut up obediently.

“Next, it’s your turn, Allan.” Killua changed the subject, and Allan nodded and walked onto the center of the ring.

There was only one person left, who was very afraid right now, since his two companions died.

Facing Allan, Riehlvelt wanted to admit defeat directly, but he thought that maybe Allan wasn’t as strong as the other two, and he had a chance.

“Let me try the power of a new skill on you,” Allan said suddenly.

“What?!” Riehlvelt didn’t know what Allan was thinking, but he directly assumed a defensive position.

Almost instantly, Allan’s figure disappeared and appeared behind Riehlbelt.

Blue lightning danced in Allan’s hand, making a thousand birds chirping sound.

Before Riehlvelt could react, the Chidori penetrated his chest, killing him instantly.

Allan pulled out his hand and glanced at the corpse and thought: ‘Chidori is really great. It could one-shot almost anyone if it landed.’

Allan’s performance surprised the audience, including Gon and Killua.

Gon and Killua didn’t think that Allan was that strong. It was really an eye-opener for them.

The audience didn’t expect three from the same team to die so easily.

All that mattered in The Heavens Arena was winning, and death was a normal occurrence here.

The three of them dying can be attributed to them being too weak.

After that battle, Gon, Killua, and Allan made a name for themselves with just one match.

They called them the three evil stars now.

It means that they killed their opponent without mercy and decisively.

After the match, Allan won his golden Treasure Chest and was eager to open it.

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