HxH: God of Choice System

Chapter 99: The Empress’ Power

“Where are you taking me?”

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Boa Hancock asked as she left the room.

Allan stopped and glanced at her: “It’s not where I want to take you, but starting today, you will follow me wherever I go.”

Hearing this, Hancock frowned: “Don’t go too far. No one has even made this Empress follow him.”

Allan said: “Then I will be the first, and the only one.”

Hancock bit her teeth as she was unwilling to follow him, but she can’t control her body even if she wanted.

She could only give up bitterly and stopped asking questions.

The only thing that gave her comfort was her pet Salome who was still following her.

It has been three hours since Allan left the exam hall.

So the exam should’ve ended already. Still, he didn’t discard the possibility of a break between each round.

“By the way, my name is Allan, and you can call my name directly, I don’t mind. Also, regarding my identity, you should know that I became a professional Hunter three hours ago.”

After getting into the elevator, Allan briefly introduced himself to Hancock.

He thought that he should at least tell her the most basic information.

Hancock snorted: “Who do you think you are? This Empress isn’t interested in knowing your name.”

Allan’s mouth rose into a smile: “Although you say that, you’re really curious, aren’t you.”


Hancock was shocked as she looked at Allan.

Allan seemed to know what she was thinking, and he confirmed it: “You’re right. Not only can I control your body, but I can read your thoughts as well.”

Allan didn’t brag much about this, but he really can read her thoughts when he concentrated on the character card.

At this time, Hancock thought: ‘What a terrifying man, can he really read my mind? If that’s true, won’t I be his servant forever? Can it not resist his control?”

Allan’s mouth rose slightly as he said: “You don’t have to resist me and don’t talk back. Otherwise, I will punish you accordingly.”

Hancock gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Allan’s punishment gave her great shame, she never suffered such a shame only once before, and she didn’t want to suffer another time.

Realizing this, the proud Empress finally lowered her head in front of Allan.

When they reach the exam hall, the fights didn’t end as they were taking a break.

Those who still didn’t finish their fights were Hisoka, Hanzo, Killua, Bodoro, and Pokkle.

Kurapika, Illumi, and Chrollo already won their first matches and obtained their hunter’s license.

As he stepped in, Allan attracted the attention of almost everyone in the room. As the first person to pass the exam and show absolute strength, he gained almost everyone’s respect.

However, soon they noticed the peerless beauty beside Allan and could stop staring.

They never before in their life saw a woman as beautiful. Her bearing, her face, her body, everything seemed out of a fantasy novel, and with the snake beside her, it made her look like a noble.

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At this moment, except for Allan, everyone was looking at Hancock.

Except for a few weird guys, like Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo, all people present were attracted to her.

They all had the same thought: ‘How could such a woman exist in this world?!’

Their eyes seemed stuck like glue on Hancock’s body.

They looked at Hancock and knew that the word ‘Beauty’ was invented to describe a woman like Hancock.

Even Netero, who lived for a hundred years, was looking at Hancock with hearts in his eyes, which somehow made Allan think of Master Roshi (Muten Roshi, Kamesen’nin) from dragon ball.

Allan blocked Hancock from everyone’s view and said: “What the matter, haven’t seen a beautiful woman before?”

Allan’s words caused everyone to awaken from their mesmerization, and some of them looked sheepish.

At this time, Netero waved at Allan.

Allan said: “Is there something, President?”

Netero coughed twice and said: “Allan, the final is currently being held here, except for the candidates and professional hunters. No one is allowed here.” Netero glanced at Hancock as he said this and continued: “So, can you tell me, who is… that lady beside you?”

Allan was about to answer, but Hancock assumed her arrogant pose reflexively and pointed at Netero.

“Smelly old man, don’t you even know who this Empress is?”

Hancock opened her eyes and looked at everyone in the hall arrogantly, which made everyone stunned at how she addressed herself.

Hancock said: “Listen well, This Empress is Boa Hancock, the Empress of Amazon Lily and captain of the Kuja Pirates, one of the Shichibukai.

You lowly people should call me your majesty, or Empress if you call me Miss or Lady again, I will kill you.”

Netero and the others are dumbfounded. Regardless of the titles are true or not, Netero and the others were convinced that she is a narcist.

And because nobles had such temperament already, and with her saying she was an empress, they can’t question her.

The Tiger, Kanzai, looked at the Ox, Mizaistom beside him, and whispered: “Isn’t this woman too arrogant? How dare she call the President a smelly old man, and she called herself the Snake empress…”

Ox glanced at Netero before whispering back: “Well, the president seems to be indifferent.”

Kanzai was taken aback as he could see Netero’s gaze stuck to Hancock and wasn’t bothered by her rudeness.

He looked back at Ox and said: “Isn’t the old man too old already? Is he eyeing that girl?” Kanzaki said dumbfoundedly.

The Ox, Mizaistom, said: “I can’t blame him really, that woman is simply too beautiful. To be honest, I didn’t see any woman so beautiful all my life.”

Seeing Mizaistom, who already seemed calm, mesmerized as well, Kanzai was a little anxious: “Don’t be tricked, the president seemed to be confused by that woman, she must have some ability to attract everyone’s attention to her, so be careful.”


Hancock heard Karzai’s words and pointed at him.

“Insolence, who allowed you to talk about this Empress? This Empress’ beauty isn’t something you can talk about.”

Hearing this, Kanzai was stunned for a moment before he said in retort: “Who says you’re beautiful? You arrogant, narcissistic woman. Also, who do you think you’re calling Insolent? I’m a member of the Twelve Zodiac, The Tiger, Kanzai.”

Hancock didn’t look at him at all. She titled her head and said arrogantly: “This Empress won’t remember an Insolent’s Name, and this Empress’ Beauty is beyond doubt.”

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“You… You woman, you’re too arrogant. I will teach you a lesson.” Kanzaki said furiously.

Seeing Kanai was about to attack, Mizaistom discouraged him; “Stop, Kanzai, hitting a woman isn’t very gentlemanly.”

“You think I don’t know that you want to help her because she’s beautiful?” Kanzai exclaimed.

Mizaistim quickly explained: “No, I, I’m not attracted to her, I just think that the Twelve Zodiacs should follow our own rule and not use force without authorization, especially against women.”

Mizaistom is a double star crime hunter and always abide by the rules.

Therefore, his words were his own without being influenced by Hancock’s beauty.

But somehow, Mizaistom blushed inexplicably after saying this.

Kanzaki looked speechless for a while before saying: “It looks like you and the President were fascinated by this woman. I should take action and break her control over you.”

Just as he finished talking and prepared to attack, Hancock already sent a kick at him.

Perfume Femur!

Feeling the power behind the kick, Kanzai was surprised, but he reacted fast enough and jumped away, avoiding it.

After he landed, he looked at Hancock as if she were his prey.

Hancock snorted coldly: “You actually avoided my kick. It seems like you are slightly strong.”

Kanzai stared at Boa Hancock and gritted his teeth angrily: “You’re really a lawless woman since you attacked me. First, I will fight back.”

Hancock didn’t bother talking to him as she sent a kick after the other. Kanzai kept avoiding her attack and finally jumped away, but he found another kick moving toward him as he landed.


Kanzai quickly crossed his arms in front of him, blocked the kick, and skidded back a few meters.

Karzai’s expression sank. Although he blocked the kick, the impact made his arms numb. He could tell that she attacked with killing him as her objective.
He saw part of his arm that he defended with turn into stone.

His attention was on Hancock, so he didn’t notice it, but now that he tried to move his arm, he felt something, and as he looked, he saw his arm petrified.

Kanzai quickly thought: ‘If this continues, my arm will be gone.”

Mizaistom, Cheadle, and the others noticed this, and their faces changed.

“Is this that woman’s Nen Ability? After kicking Kanzai, his arm was petrified.” Mizaistom frowned.

Hancock said coldly: “This will be the end of your disrespect for this Empress.”

Anyone who is quickly by her Perfume Femur will be petrified, whether it’s a male or female.

This is the ability granted to her by her Devil Fruit.

In close combat, no matter if you block the kick or not, you will be petrified as long as it touches you.

Kanzai used his Nen to defend against her attack, or else his arm would have been petrified on the spot and maybe even shattered.

It’s precisely because of the Nen defense that the petrification process was reduced, but even so, it still took effect.

Hancock didn’t use more than 70% of her power, but even so, Kanzai only covered his hand with a layer of Nen. He didn’t even Ken to defend.

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Right now, Karzai’s face was hideous. He discovered to his horror that the Petrification didn’t stop on the surface, but even his blood vessels showed signs of Petrification.

He knew that if he didn’t deal with this quickly, his arms would be destroyed.

He immediately used his Ren to exude Nen from his pore and counter the Petrification.

Karzai’s method was barbaric, but it got the job done.

The Nen coming out of his body managed to make the Petrification stop and recede until it vanished.

When the others saw this, they were relieved. Especially, Mizaistom, who had a good relationship with Kanzai.

Allan narrowed his eyes slightly as he knew how strong Hancock’s Petrification is.

Most people wouldn’t have a way to deal with Hancock’s Mero Mero fruit, but Kanzai’s way, although barbaric and straightforward, was proven effective.

Allan had to sigh. Nen was quite versatile. After learning even the basics of it, you can do many things with it.

It can turn into many things, like Electricity, Ice, Chains, Bullets, weapons, Etc. Ren may be one of the basics of Nen, but Karzai’s use of it was appropriate.

When the petrification problem was solved, Hancock showed surprise: “You can actually resist the Petrification of this Empress. You’re slightly capable.”

Kanzai raised his head and glared at the woman, then said: “Damn it! I’m angry. You are dangerous. I will arrest you.”

Hancock didn’t show weakness as she pointed her hand at him: “Whatever this Empress does, will be forgiven.”

“I won’t forgive you.” Kanzai rushed at Hancock.

Perfume Femur!

Hancock directly sent a kick without any hesitation, and since Kanzai knew what the kick could do, he didn’t dare block it.

He avoided the kick and rushed to her side.

Slave Arrow!!

Hancock immediately put her hand on her lips, and a big pink heart appeared.

She pinched the heart with her hand and launched hundreds of arrows that will turn anything that touches them into stone.

Kanzai saw the hundreds of the love Arrow fired toward him, and his complexion changed a little. He didn’t dare block and started dodging the arrows.

However, Hancock already sealed off the area with nearly two hundred arrows.

An arrow shot Kanzai on his left tight, and it started to turn into stone.

Karzai’s face was hideous as the Petrification started spreading all over his body. He couldn’t deal with the Petrification completely, and if he doesn’t, he will turn to stone in ten seconds.

In three-second, his lower body was turned to stone, and he couldn’t delay anymore as he used Ren once again to fight against the Petrification.

Under the constant release of his Nen, the Petrification stopped, and layers of cement-like things fell to the ground.

After that, Kanzai was panting as he used too much Nen just now.

If he continues to fight, he will be hard-pressed as the amount of Nen needed to eliminate the Petrification wasn’t small.

But this wasn’t the worst of it at all. If that woman attacked him while he is using Ren, he would be hard-pressed to defend.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he will lose if this continues.

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At this moment, Hancock saw that Kanzai removed the Petrification twice and was about to attack him again.

Slave Arrow!

Once again, she formed the pink heart and was about to launch countless arrows at Kanzai, but seeing the situation turning for the worst, Allan finally said.

“Enough, Hancock.”

Hearing this, Hancock stopped and released the pink heart.

“This Empress wants to kill that guy,” Hancock said.

Although she can’t be arrogant in front of Allan, it doesn’t mean that her arrogance completely disappeared.

She will be arrogant to anyone but Allan.

Karzai’s rudeness made her unhappy, and she wanted to kill him.

“Get back here. Do you want to defy me?”

Allan said coldly, and finally, Hancock returned beside him. She was upset, but she didn’t want to experience Allan’s punishment again.

However, Kanzai didn’t feel that it was enough and didn’t want things to end this way, so he said: “President, didn’t you see? That woman is dangerous. I suggest that we catch her or drive her away from the association.”

Faced with Karzai’s Accusation, Hancock said arrogantly: “No matter what this Empress does, it will be forgiven. After all, this Empress is beautiful.”

After saying this, Hancock flicked her hair back, which made her dazzling.

Allan glanced at kanzai and found him blushing with everyone except the known freaks. Even the women were blushing.

Allan could only sigh.

Her most incredible power wasn’t her Mero Mero Fruit, but her beauty.

Only four people lacked a reaction at this time; they were Illumi, Hisoka, Chrollo, and pristine.

“Oh, what a dangerous woman.” Parkstone squinted.

As he said this, he looked at Allan and asked: Allan, can you tell us who she is? If you don’t, then we will ask her to leave.”

Allan thought about a response, but the system interrupted his thoughts.

[Ding! Make your choice!]

[1: Tell Paristone and the others that Hancock is your secretary. Reward: Increase amount of Nen by 5,000 Points.]

[2: Tell Paristone and the others that Hancock is your contract servant. Reward: Paramecia Explosion Fruit (Mr.5 from Alabasta’s arc).]

[3: Tell Paristone and the others that Hancock is your fiancé, and make the Empress kiss you in public. Reward: Logia Ice Ice Fruit.]
“Damn it, I’m getting serious,” Kanzai exclaimed.

Although he is fast to anger, he didn’t like to use force on a woman. If she didn’t force him, he wouldn’t have done it.

As Kanzai was about to fight back, his expression changed.

“What? What is this?”

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