Chapter 107 Impossible!?

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When I saw that slashing slash.

Maud didn’t even think about it, he just ran.

The surroundings are full of pirates with no intention to fight, as long as they mix in, they can get a lot of shields invisibly.

Standing with such a group of tall and sturdy pirates, with his and Sonny’s physique, he can’t be unlucky enough to be directly targeted, right?

With all these thoughts in mind, Maud rushed towards the crowd.

If nothing else, the most important thing is to go through the hole in the wall to the pig factory first.

Maud only ran a distance, and the group of pirates behind him were killed by the navy who used the Six Form.

The navy who chased the pirates here was Colonel Robbie.

Considering the deterrent power of Spooky Gun, only he and Gion entered Mad Hatter Town to pursue the pirates fleeing everywhere.

Even if he met a Wolf Rat in the middle, there were only three people with him.

In the case of limited manpower, they divided their troops and tried their best to kill the pirates in the town who only wanted to escape.

With the six styles, Robbie came all the way, and he couldn’t count how many pirates he killed.

Moreover, harvesting trash fish would not give him the slightest sense of combat pleasure.

After killing the group of pirates, Robbie turned to look at the wall mountain in the distance.

Dozens of pirates running out of the town incessantly flowed into the cave at the bottom of the wall like a stream.

“What’s the use of running there?”

Robbie sneered, but did not intend to provoke the many pirates who gathered at the bottom of the wall.

He is very confident in his own strength, but he is not blind enough to think that he can deal with so many pirates.

It’s a pity that Admiral Kuzan didn’t make a move. Otherwise, it would be a single trick to solve the group of pirates under the wall.

Robbie can ignore the pirates who have fled to the bottom of the wall, but can continue to hunt down the pirates who are still some distance away from the wall.

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He moved his eyes and looked at the pirates who were fleeing in front of him.

[Moon walk]

Robbie stepped into the sky with a single step, chasing the pirates ahead with killing intent.

Hearing the sound of gas explosions from behind, the pirates, who realized that the situation was not good, ran faster.

Maud was also among them, looking back at Robbie who was chasing after stepping on the moon step, and couldn’t help but curse.

Can only hope that the surrounding shields are strong enough.

Relying on the speed of the moon walk, Robbie quickly came over, and went directly with his feet twice.

The azure blue slashing waves knocked over a dozen pirates to the ground in an instant.

The escape team fell a dozen people in a few breaths, which made Maud’s presence a lot more prominent.

However, Robbie, as Maud thought before, would give priority to looking for tall pirates to start.

But as Robbie stepped down with Tempest Kick a few times, these pirates with empty muscles were not at all resistant to beatings, and they fell to the ground after being hit with Tempest Kick.

Soon, there were only a dozen or so people left in the escape team, including Maud.

After the number of targets dropped sharply, Robbie naturally saw Maud running with Sonny on his back.

Robbie didn’t care much. In his opinion, the dozen or so people in front of him were no doubt dead.

He took a few steps in succession and landed in front of Maud and the others.

Without pausing after landing, Robbie rushed straight to a nearby pirate.

[Finger Pistol]

Robbie stabbed the pirate’s heart with one finger.

One hit kill.

Pulling out his blood-stained fingers, Robbie turned to look at the remaining pirates.

He will not provoke the many pirates under the wall.

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Therefore, after killing the group of pirates in front of him, he would retreat to Mad Hatter Town and continue to hunt down those pirates who had not yet escaped to the wall.

Robbie’s indifferent gaze swept to the remaining pirates.

When passing over Maud’s face, his eyes suddenly stopped and stopped on Maud.


Robbie was surprised.

Seeing Robbie’s reaction, Maud instantly realized that the navy in front of him knew him.

Immediately, Maud stepped down and suddenly rushed to the left, trying to bypass Robbie.

Robbie has already recognized Maud’s identity at this time, so how can Maud get his wish.


Robbie dodged, came to Maud, and immediately stabbed Maud’s forehead.

Maud suddenly pulled out Chidori and slashed at the stabbing finger spear like a splash of water.

A faint blue curved moon-shaped sword light flashed away in front of him.

“What a quick response…”

Robbie’s eyes changed, and he withdrew his finger gun in time to avoid the sword that Maud cut out.

If he arrives a little later, most of his fingers will be cut off.

After the finger gun was blocked, Robbie retreated quickly, pulled out of Maud’s attack range, raised his foot and kicked two crossed slashing waves towards Maud.

Maud’s eyes became cold, and he forced his Armament Haki to dye Chidori’s blade black, and immediately slashed on the two waves of slashing waves that came together.

Immediately, the two slashing waves were smashed by a sword, and they spilled out like shards of glass, and then turned into a gust of wind and poured out towards the surroundings.

Maud, on the other hand, quickly regained his Armament Haki to prevent wasting excess energy.

It has only been a few days for him to awaken his Armament Haki, and the potential stock is really thin.

Fortunately, with a wealth of control skills, it is possible to simply attach the Armament Haki to the blade, thereby reducing the consumption of Haki.

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But it’s enough to break the two kicks that Robbie kicked out.

Watching Maud slash Tempest Kick with a sword, Robbie’s eyes showed surprise.

“In just a few months, you’ve grown from a pampered rich young master to… Hmph, no wonder Gion regards you as a dangerous person.”

“Good dogs don’t get in the way.”

Maud stood sideways and looked at Robbie coldly.

Robbie’s face turned cold when he heard the words, he stretched out his right foot and drew a short sand line in front of him.

“That’s really embarrassing, there’s no way this way.”

In the brief moment of the confrontation between Maud and Robbie, several other pirates who were lucky enough to escape took the opportunity to flee to the wall.

At this moment, the pirates who blocked the entrance of the wall to the mountain also noticed the confrontation between Maud and Robbie in the distance.

However, they didn’t pay too much attention, and they only wanted to squeeze into the pig factory as soon as possible, so as to seek the next escape route.

inside the field.

Robbie glanced at Sonny, who had Maud on his back, and glanced at the legs that were swollen and purple from the cold, and couldn’t help but be slightly startled.


This frostbite?

Was it the hand of Admiral Kuzan?

However, if Admiral Kuzan takes action, there is no reason for these two people to come here, right?

Robbie stared at Maud, and asked coldly: “You… have you met Admiral Kuzan?”

“Kuzan? Who is that?”

Maud mused about the escape route while talking nonsense.

Robbie frowned and said, “Then what happened to this woman’s frostbite?”

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“Frostbite? Oh, the you’re talking about, shouldn’t it be a tall and ugly man?”

“Huh? Sure enough, you have met Admiral Kuzan, but how is it possible…”

A look of doubt appeared on Robbie’s face.

In his cognition, once Admiral Kuzan made a move, how could it be possible for Maud and Sonny to escape.

But the fact was in front of him, so he couldn’t understand it and couldn’t believe it.

What’s going on here?

Maud narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: “So that man is called Kuzan. He is very strong. It took me a lot of effort to solve it.”

Sonny: “…”


Robbie was slightly absent-minded when he heard the words, and his eyes popped out.


Maud pulled out his flintlock pistol and pulled the trigger.


The top floor of the Mad Hatter auction.


Kuzan sneezed suddenly.

“It shouldn’t be cold.”

He raised his fingers and rubbed his nose, without the slightest sense of being a frozen fruit person.

Then, his attention was taken away from the fierce battle between Garp and Saul, and he looked at the distant block on the other side.

But the two young people whose legs were frozen were not seen.


A big question mark appeared on Kuzan’s head.

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