Chapter 110 Sense of Crisis

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The Sixth Navy is the existing intelligence that Maud is more familiar with.

Therefore, just getting Robbie’s name means that the information is sufficient.

And what to do now is to get Robbie’s experience points into the bag as soon as possible.

Glancing at Robbie who was dying, Maud quickly pulled out the quill at the spine of the book, opened the notebook and wrote Robbie’s name first.

During the battle, Maud thought about setting aside some time to write information.

Therefore, the last sword that stabbed Robbie, he deliberately avoided the key point.

It’s just that the attack with the Armament haki can break Robbie’s iron block, and at the same time, it will also cause Robbie to suffer more damage.

This led to that although Maud deliberately avoided the key point, the sword still caused huge damage to Robbie.

Seeing that Robbie was about to die, Maud was still a little anxious.

After all, he can write down the information of the Sixth Form in detail, and then get rich benefits from Robbie.

But if Robbie died before he had finished writing the information, it would be equivalent to letting most of the profits slip away from his fingers.

In a race against time, Maud can only pray that Robbie can hold on for a while longer, and at the same time write one word after another on the page at the fastest speed.

Robbie collapsed, unable to see Maud’s writing.

Robbie, who was about to take his last breath, never thought that Maud wanted him to hold on for a while longer.

When he was dying, Robbie regretted it except unwilling.

Obviously it only needs to restrict the movements of Maud and Sunny.

If that were the case, low-risk practices abounded, and it wouldn’t have to end up like this.

But why did you choose the most risky approach?

Is it because Gion sees Maud as a dangerous person?

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Or because of… jealousy?

“I, my future…”

Robbie’s mouth opened slowly, trying to speak, but nothing came out.

In front of him, a white mist suddenly spread out.

Then, a picture appeared in the white fog.

Robbie saw himself in the position of Admiral.

As if the light was returning, his lips twitched again, but the next second suddenly stopped.

Robbie is dead.

Maud removes the Hunter’s Note.

Three seconds ago, he had written down all the known information, so he could catch up in time.

At the moment when Robbie died, the huge profits came back in an instant.

Not only filling the last gap of the second star frame representing the constitution, making it a second star.

The overflowing profits even directly condensed the third star frame.

At the same time as the ascension is completed, the baptism also begins.

First, the warmth flowed through the limbs and bones, so that the exhaustion after using the Haki for many times was swept away.

Immediately afterwards, there was an indescribable feeling of comfort, like when the body was soaking in the hot spring, countless skillful hands in the warm water reached out and kneaded every part of the body.

Still the same formula, the same taste.

But Maud didn’t have the heart to enjoy the comfort brought by baptism at this time, but closed his eyes briefly to check the results.

[Physique: ★★☆]

[Sword Art: ☆]

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[Domineering: ☆]

After seeing the result in less than two seconds, Maud opened his eyes.

At this time, he was refreshed.

“In addition to filling up the second star frame, the third star frame is directly condensed. This guy’s experience value is really unexpectedly rich.”

Maud pulled out Chidori from the ground.

With a little force, the bloodstains on the Chidori Sword were thrown off, and it was immediately returned to its sheath.

Maud glanced at Robbie, who was restless, then ran towards Sunny.

The guy in the way has been solved,

And now it is still a race against time to go to the pig factory.

The pirates in front of the wall who were paying attention to Maud’s actions, even if they looked from the beginning to the end, were still confused about Maud’s fruit ability.

However, Maud killing Robbie is what they like to hear.

“Usopp, great job!”

Many pirates secretly said something in their hearts, and then hurriedly squeezed into the hole in the wall.

It’s more important to run for your life than to shout and cheer here.

Maud came up to Sunny and crouched down with his back to her.

Sonny naturally stretched out her arms around Maud’s neck.

Maud then supported Sonny to get up and ran towards the hole in the wall.

“What was that just now?”

Sunny leaned her chin on Maud’s shoulder, turned her head slightly, and looked at Maud’s beautiful profile.

“What that?”

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“The black notebook.”

“Oh, can’t you say no?”



After simply ending this innocuous topic, Maud looked back at Mad Hatter and said in a low voice, “I don’t know what happened to Saul.”

Sunny was silent for a while, and said, “Saul will be fine. Although his legs are short, he can run very fast, and he can run away at any time without a burden like me.”

Maud glanced at Sunny and said with emotion: “You really don’t even let yourself go when you speak up.”

“I’m just telling the truth.”


Maud didn’t know how to answer.

Soon, Maud was only about 300 meters away from the hole in the wall.

However, there are only three holes in the wall at the bottom of the wall, and they are one big and two small.

The big hole in the wall is normal, but the two small ones are more like two doors than holes.

Coupled with the pirates and people in the underground world who can come here, it is not the type that knows first come first served.

So, the front of the wall is very crowded.

Although people pass through the hole in the wall every moment, at the same time, there are also people who escaped from the town here.

Therefore, the number of people in front of the wall has shown no sign of decreasing.

Maud watched this scene and really wanted to throw a cannonball at the crowd.

“It’s troublesome now.”

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Maud whispered to himself.

He really wanted to kill a bloody path directly, and maybe he could get some experience points that had been registered in the notebook in advance by mistake.

But if you really do it, it will only become the target of public criticism in an instant.

This situation reflects the importance of the overlord color.

When Maud came to the back of the crowd, the nearby pirates saluted Maud.

That is the act of the weak looking at the strong.

In the pirate circle, it is also the norm.

Maud ignored the gazes from all around, frowning at the crowded crowd in front of him.

This is still waiting for an egg.

Maud resisted the urge to draw a sword and turned to look up at the wall.

Or climb a mountain?

Just when Maud had this idea, a harsh sound like a needle rubbing against glass came from behind him.

It’s the direction of Mad Hatter.

Maud looked subconsciously.

I saw that dozens of pirates who had just run out of Mad Hatter Town were beheaded by a sword that was five or six meters long.

“Sword Qi…”

Maud’s eyelids jumped.

“who is it?”

Even if his knowledge is not strong, he can still feel a strong crisis at this time.

In the face of Aokiji, there is not even this sense.

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