Chapter 12 Devil Fruit

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In the middle of the night.

I drank all the wine and finished the food.

Shanks and Yasopp left.

At the time of parting, Maude assured Yasopp that he would cherish the gun like a son.

Then, after Yasopp left, Morde silently chose a new name for the musket-Usopp.

As the night darkened, Maude, who had found the gun and bullets, lay on the bed contentedly, and his sleepiness gradually hit.

Vaguely, it seemed to be able to hear Saul’s cursing shouting that he was cheated, why the wine was gone.

But those are not important anymore.

The important thing is that I have guns and bullets, which is a big step towards the second hunt.

The next day.

Maude woke up early again.

First, I did a few sets of high-load exercises before going down to the first floor.

At this point in time, Sonny had already prepared a table of over-nutrient breakfast, and Saul went to Flower Street for morning exercises.

I have to say it again, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the food in the store is heavenly.

But what makes Maude feel strange is that the food is so good, and Sonny has eaten a lot, but why can she still be in shape… well, so thin.

Strange to strange, I can’t stop talking.

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After devouring breakfast, Maude cleaned up the table by himself without Sonny’s order, and then cleaned the shop routinely.

Seeing that there is still some time, he also cleaned the corridors.

After that, Sonny went downstairs and took out a fine ruler to measure the placement of the merchandise one by one.

After finishing these, the shop started a new day of business.

Of course, as yesterday, a few hours passed without a single guest.

However, when Yasopp bought two guns for five million Baileys yesterday, Maude had already changed the store.

This is obviously a weapon shop that takes the boutique route. It is a type that does not open for three days and eats for three years.

Having nothing to do, Maude, in addition to sorting out his memory, is doing a few sets of exercises.

Sonny was sitting at the counter and reading the daily newspaper.

She turned a blind eye to Morde’s exercise in the store, and did not excessively interfere.

Such a relaxed management attitude makes Moude happy instead.

Near noon, the store door was pushed open.

Maude thought it was Saul who came back from the morning exercise, and looked up, and it turned out that the funeral director Arthur came.

Arthur walked into the store, closed the door with his backhand, and immediately looked at Sonny and Maude, and asked, “Has Saul come back?”

“not yet.”

Sonny put down the newspaper and agreed.

Arthur said strangely: “It’s all this point, he hasn’t come back yet? He’s really getting younger and younger.”

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Sonny fell silent.

Arthur didn’t care either, and walked to the counter, leaning half of his body on the counter, complaining to himself.

“Yesterday, the pig factory killed and injured nearly a thousand slaves because of the gathering riots, but I was really exhausted. I don’t know what these slaves think. Isn’t it okay to live in peace? This is all right, there are so many deaths and injuries, the pig factory short-term production capacity can’t keep up, and it’s not the other slaves who are unlucky?”

Listening to Arthur taking a slave to the left and a slave to the right, Sonny’s expression gradually became cold.

Noting Sonny’s reaction, Arthur patted the mask on his face and apologized insincerely: “Sorry, sorry, I almost forgot that you didn’t like listening to this.”

Sonny snorted, too lazy to talk to Arthur again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little stiff, Arthur smiled indifferently, took out a plain booklet from his pocket, and put it on the counter.

“This is the booklet from the auction today. I think Saul will be very interested, and tell him by the way. I will wait for him at the gate of the auction at the end of the month.”


Sonny was indifferent.

Arthur shrugged and turned to leave.

Before leaving, he looked back at Maude, and said, “Little guy, it’s best not to run into the street during this time, so that you don’t get caught and go to the pig factory to make up the number.”

After that, Arthur pushed the door and left, but he didn’t forget to maintain the hidden rules in the store-cover up the store door.

After Arthur left, Maude leaned over to the counter and asked, “Sonny, where is the pig factory?”

“Some of the meat you eat in the morning comes from the pig factory. What place do you think it is?”

“But what does that have to do with slaves…”

Halfway through, Maude suddenly thought of some scenes that would be harmonized, his face changed immediately, and he lost his voice: “Should those meat be…?”

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Upon seeing Maude’s reaction, Sonny knew Maude must be crooked.

“What are you thinking about? There is just a food production base, with a sound animal husbandry and planting industry, but the people in charge of the work, most of them are ordinary people looted from various places by slave boats and pirates, and there are also A small number of navy soldiers were captured by pirates, so they were dubbed nicknames.”

After explaining this, Sonny suddenly glanced at the bandage that Maude had not removed, and pointedly said:

“In the eyes of that group of beasts, the most injured target is worthless goods. Sometimes considering the cost of transportation, it is impossible to send them to the black market for sale in a time-consuming and laborious manner. They are usually thrown directly into the sea for disposal.”

After a pause, Sonny said calmly: “So, Maude, you are very lucky.”

“Am I lucky…”

Maude glanced thoughtfully at the already disfigured scar on Sonny’s face, nodded and said: “Indeed, it is my luck to wake up here.”

“Actually you should thank Saul, he…”

Sonny opened the booklet left by Arthur, and stopped halfway through her words abruptly, her expression suddenly excited.

“Devil fruit, there is a devil fruit in this auction!”


Maude raised his brows, ignoring the consequences, walked into the counter and looked at the picture album in Sonny’s hand.

A fruit with strange ripples suddenly came into view.

Looking at the picture of the fruit, Maude’s eyes changed immediately.

Devil fruit, the shortcut that most people dream of becoming stronger!

It is a pity that with the current capital, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to get this devil fruit.

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Maude couldn’t even think about it, and soon calmed down.

He noticed Sonny’s fingers that were white due to excessive force while holding the album, and he could clearly feel Sonny’s excitement.

That kind of excitement stems from the eagerness to become stronger.

“It’s such a great benefit as the devil fruit, it doesn’t have anything to do with me for the time being.”

Maude looked away and stopped paying attention to the picture album.

Although the Devil Fruit can make him go on the path of hunting and becoming stronger at the fastest speed, he doesn’t have money now, and he has no strength to grab, so why bother to waste his feelings.

Thinking so, he is still a little interested in the auction held at the end of the month.

Although there is no money, it is always okay to join in the fun?

And, maybe there will be trouble in the auction house because of the existence of the devil fruit?

At that time, the aging [Usopp] had a fire accident, and then shot someone to death from a distance. It shouldn’t be a big move.

“There are more than twenty days before the end of the month, if you can hunt a few prey before then…”

Maude pondered the feasibility.

Suddenly, the store door was pushed open for the second time.

The person here is still not Saul, but a strange man with long blond hair and a blue hole mask on his face.

Maude looked at the man and recognized him at a glance.

Isn’t this Killer, one of the supernovas with Kidd?

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