Chapter 120 Five Rings

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Aokiji, who no longer paddled, revealed to Maud and the others his terrifying power as a Admiral in just one minute.

If Tatamu hadn’t threw Maud and Sabo out at the last moment, Aokiji’s attack this time would have been enough to freeze the three of them together.

Although they escaped, the threat from Aokiji always hangs over the heads of Maud and Sabo.


After Maud landed, he quickly adjusted his posture and looked at Tatamu, who was frozen into an ice sculpture by Kuzan.

He knew that people who were frozen by Aokiji’s ability would not be in danger as long as they were thawed in time.

However, if Kuzan smashes the ice sculpture, even the gods cannot save it.

Maud, who quickly considered this, took out his flintlock gun in order to prevent Kuzan from breaking the Tatamu, and aimed at Kuzan and pulled the trigger.


The lead projectile was shot at Kuzan.

Aokiji turned his head to the side, easily dodging the lead bullet, and looked at Maud and Sabo at the same time.

Also at this moment, Morley, who once again used her fruit ability to break free from the ice, rushed behind Aokiji.

Armament Haki covered trident stabbed Aokiji’s back suddenly.


Aokiji made a hole in his body in advance, allowing the trident to penetrate it.

Morley was no longer in the mood to be coquettish any longer, and both hands simultaneously exerted force and turned the long pole.

The end of the trident that pierced Kuzan suddenly turned like a fan, directly churning Kuzan’s body into crushed ice.

“Have you not met yet…”

A look of disappointment flashed in Morley’s eyes as he watched Kuzan retreat in elemental form.

He has to touch the entity in order to exert the ability to push fruit.

But Aokiji obviously noticed this, so he didn’t give him any chance.

Aokiji gathered his body again, looked at Morley, and said lightly, “Your ability is really troublesome.”

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As soon as the voice fell, Aokiji raised his hand, and four ice-made thorn spears condensed out of thin air beside him.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Aokiji, the ice-made thorn spear volleyed towards Morley.


Morley let out a sigh of relief, took the trident and thrust it towards the ice surface, and immediately kicked it forward with force.

Push Fruit ability to activate!

The large piece of ice suddenly softened, rushing forward like a wave, and after smashing the thorn spear from the flying, it continued to flock to Kuzan.

“Ah la la.”

Aokiji saw the drawbacks of the push ability at a glance, and jumped directly into the air, easily dodging the blow coming from the ground.

Morley, however, took advantage of Kuzan dodging the attack and ran to Tatamu, intending to use her abilities to push off the ice cubes on Tatamu’s body first.

How could Aokiji let Morley get her wish?

In the air, Kuzan’s palm seeped out cold smoke, and aimed at Morley and sprayed five icicles.

That icicle fell from the sky, directly trapping Morley in the middle.

“Stinky man!”

Morley was slightly angry and waved her trident, shattering icicles like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

Aokiji took advantage of the situation to get close, released cold air, and rushed towards Morley.

In a few breaths, Morley was once again frozen into an ice sculpture by Kuzan.

Aokiji couldn’t injure Morley in a short period of time, nor could it completely freeze Morley.

However, it was easy to restrict Morley’s movements.

The reason lies in Morley’s giant body.

Although the giant has many advantages, its huge body also means that the attack surface is also huge.

Therefore, Kuzan only needs to hit one point, and it can directly freeze the giant-shaped Morley.

After controlling Morley, Aokiji forced Sabo and Maud again.

It was Aokiji’s plan to leave the most powerful Morley at the end.

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Morley was frozen by Kuzan repeatedly and twice. Although she did not suffer any substantial damage, it also made Maud and Sabo realize that Morley alone could not contain Kuzan at all.

In such a situation, it is very unrealistic to escape.

The only option left is to face it head-on!

Maud and Sabo looked at each other.

Although they have known each other for a short time, at this moment they only used one look to reach a consensus.

Maud put away the flintlock gun, and immediately drew out Chidori, wielding the sword in front of him.

Sabo, on the other hand, clenched the pitted steel pipe and took an offensive stance.

It’s not that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but that defense is meaningless when faced with opponents whose strength is too great.

Before Kuzan approached, Sabo took the initiative to attack, and the steel pipe was wrapped in a Armament Haki.

“It’s really amazing to be young now.”

Looking at Armament Haki Sabo used, Aokiji couldn’t help but sigh.

Maud in the front, Sabo in the back.

They are all so young to master Armament Haki.


Kuzan seeped cold smoke, and what he thought in his heart was to freeze the two young men into ice sculptures in one round.

After the two sides got closer, Sabo suddenly made an unexpected move.

The steel pipe wrapped in Armament Haki was thrown directly by Sabo.


Aokiji was surprised by this flirting operation, and immediately turned it into an element, letting the steel pipe pass through it.

After dodging the flying steel pipe, Aokiji’s elementalized body returned to its physical form.

Also at this moment, Sabo came close, jumped up lightly, bent his fingers to dragon’s claws, and slashed towards Aokiji’s throat.

Aokiji suddenly stretched out his right hand and precisely controlled Sabo’s wrist.

In this way, Sabo was lifted in mid-air, and Aokiji immediately activated his ability and wanted to freeze Sabo directly.

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When the cold air seeped out, Maud endured the pain and came to help in time, slashing at Kuzan to restrain Sabo’s right hand.

Aokiji glanced sideways, and before the sword slashed, let the right arm be elementalized in advance.

Maud’s sword instantly cut through the air, but it also freed Sabo from Aokiji’s control.

After Sabo was free, the dragon’s claws, which had not yet been recruited, continued to hit Aokiji’s chest.

Aokiji still didn’t dodge, and after seeing the location of Sabo’s attack with Observation Haki, he made the chest part of the element one step ahead.

Sabo immediately inserted a claw into Aokiji’s chest, but it didn’t hurt at all.

“Nice fit.”

After Aokiji gave a heartfelt compliment, he folded his hands towards Sabo and Maud.

One hand clamped Sabo’s neck, and the other held Maud’s sword-wielding arm.

“Freezing time!”

After completing the control, Kuzan activated its ability, and the cold air quickly spread from the palm to Maud and Sabo.

Sabo’s eyes trembled, and his breathing became difficult in vain.

At the moment when his arm was restrained, Maud directly removed Armament Haki covering the Chidori sword, and immediately controlled the flow of haki, wanting to use the same trick to prevent the cold air of Kuzan.

At this moment, Aokiji gave Maud a meaningful look.

That look seemed to say, that’s what it is.

After that meaningful gaze, it was an undisguised appreciation.

Being so rewarded by a navy admiral, Maud was not happy at all, but his heart sank.

At this critical moment, four shots were fired successively.

Aokiji’s always calm expression changed suddenly.

Without any hesitation, Aokiji decisively let go of Maud and Sabo, and then quickly retreated several positions.

Two lead bullets from a distance passed through the afterimage left behind when Kuzan retreated, thus hit on the ice.


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The enormous power suddenly shattered a large piece of ice.

The other two buckshots were heading towards Wolf Rat and Gion.

Gion relied on Observation Haki to avoid this lead bullet coming at the vital point in time.

Wolf Rat was not so lucky. Although the animal instinct brought about by the animal system ability made him alert, he still did not have time to escape.

A blood hole was hit by a lead bullet directly in his abdomen, and he fell to the ground without saying a word.

Spooky gun!

The unusual power of the shot made Aokiji and Gion’s head pop out the name of Saul like a conditioned reflex.


A flash of joy flashed in Maud’s eyes.

When Aokiji’s attention was attracted by Saul, Maud shattered the residual ice on his arm, and immediately pulled Sabo, whose throat was frostbitten, and retreated.

Only after withdrawing more than ten meters, there was another gunshot in the distance.

And this bullet came at Maud.

However, the bullet did not hit Maud and was weak, only punching a shallow bullet hole in the ground in front of Maud.

Maud looked at the bullet hole on the ground, and his eyes flashed.

But at this moment, another sharp piercing sound came from the direction of Mad Hatter Town.

The crowd looked subconsciously.

I saw a dwarf figure falling like a meteor to the ice surface that Aokiji used his ability to freeze.

That figure is directly on the back!


The ice surface exploded like a cannonball.

Immediately, shattered ice splattered, and smoke and dust quickly spread out.


Landing like that…

It was called by someone!

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