Chapter 126 Robbery

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Three days later, in the evening.

Under the guidance of Sonny, the Red Foss finally arrived at the offshore area of ​​[Little Cutie].

At this moment, Saul is still in a coma.

It can be seen from this that Garp’s high-level Armament Haki is not pleasant.

However, Saul did not wake up, which is also something Shanks likes to see.

A group of people was left to guard the boat, and the rest of them landed on the island that Saul called [Little Cutie].

After the Mad Hatter Island incident, Sabo and others did not leave directly, but followed Red-hair pirates all the way to [Cutie].

In this regard, most of the Revolutionary army on the ship expressed puzzlement.

Sabo didn’t explain anything in particular, but Morley and Koala could vaguely sense the reason why Sabo insisted on following.

After boarding [Little Cutie], a group of pirates who were addicted to alcohol urged Sonny to lead the way.

Seeing this, Maud couldn’t help but look back at the Red Foss.

He thought to himself, if Saul woke up and found that [Little Cutie] had been spoiled by Shanks and the others, he wondered if he would faint again on the spot.

Under the leadership of Sonny, everyone came to a pile of stones, adjacent to the foot of the mountain.

There are a lot of stones, they should have fallen off the mountain and rolled down here.

Sonny led the crowd into the pile of stones and came to one of the boulders.

The stone is about six or seven meters high, and it is not the largest in the pile in terms of volume, but it is sufficiently conspicuous.

“It’s under this rock.”

Sonny pointed to the stone in front of her.

Although I’m sorry for Saul, she feels the need to bring some wine out to entertain Shanks and the others.

“Hide here.”

Shanks’ eyes lit up.

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Without waiting for Shanks to speak, Lucky Roo threw away the bones he had just eaten, and easily moved the boulder away, revealing an old wooden door leading to the cellar.


Shanks grinned.

After half an hour, night fell.

More than a dozen bonfires were raised on the flat ground, and a large amount of animal meat was placed on the fire, roasted to the point of sizzling grease.

Around the bonfire, there is a circle of stones filled with a wide variety of seafood.

The aroma of food mixed with the aroma of mellow wine spread to the distance along with bursts of laughter.

The hedonic moment that belongs to pirates is nothing more than a banquet with enough wine and meat.

Maud sat in front of one of the bonfires and glanced at Red-hair pirates who were drinking together.

The terrifying drinking momentum seemed to be pouring water.

Sonny sat next to Maud, recovering well from her injuries after three days of recuperation.

“Maud, I’m done.”

Sonny sighed over the campfire.

She had far underestimated Shanks’ drinking capacity.

If this trend continues, Saul intends to drink the wine before his death, and it is estimated that Shanks and the others will drink it up.

Thinking of this, Sonny had a headache.

“Well, I can see it.”

Maud smiled softly, crushed the huge crab claws, picked out the plump and sweet white meat, and handed it to Sonny.

Before Sonny could reach out, a big hand reached out and took the peeled crab claws away.

Maud was stunned for a moment, and looked at the owner of the big hand, Morley of the Giant Race.


Morley blinked at Maud.

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Maud: “…”

“Morley, this isn’t for you, is it?”

Koala, who was beside him, couldn’t see it anymore, and stood up on his hips and looked at Morley.

Morley immediately threw a bit of crab claws into her mouth, and immediately covered her cheeks with a girlish look on her face.


Koala patted her forehead, sat down helplessly, and apologized to Sonny next to her, “Sorry, Morley, he… occasionally becomes a nympho.”

“It’s okay, I don’t really like eating crab claw meat.”

Sonny smiled, but out of the corner of her eye, she was focusing on the second crab claws that Maud broke.

That’s the last one.

Sabo probed over, looked at Sonny strangely, and said, “The crab claws are delicious.”

Sonny: “Uh…”


Maud crushed the crab claws and picked out the steaming crab claws.

Sonny looked over and said seriously: “Although I don’t like it very much, I eat, eat occasionally…”

Before he could finish speaking, she saw Bailey jump up and take the crab claws from Maud’s hand.

“Sister, crab claw meat is really delicious, much better than those pork and rabbit meat!”

Bailey shoved the crab claws into his mouth, puffed out his cheeks, and mumbled.

Sonny looked at Bailey with a contented face, and said slowly, “Then eat more.”

Bailey shuddered inexplicably and didn’t think much about it. He turned to look at the many seafood on the stone and said regretfully, “But it’s gone.”

“I’ll go ask them to order.”

Maud got up and walked towards the bonfire not far away.

“Get more!”

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Sabo confessed.

“If you have lobsters, bring two by the way.”

Maud gave them an okay gesture.

When passing by Lafayette, Maud slowed down and asked suddenly, “Lafayette, do you still want wine?”

Lafayette looked up at Maud, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, nodded and said, “It’s work.”

Maud nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Lafayette immediately glanced at the empty wine glass in his hand, and the empty wine barrel lying on the ground beside him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

A few minutes later, Maud returned with a pile of crusty seafood and a barrel of wine.

Bailey jumped first, snapped off a crab claw, and put it in Maud’s hand.

Sonny took the crab claws from Maud’s hand and said, “I’ll do it.”


Bailey turned to stare at the crab claws in Sonny’s hand, saliva dripping from between his teeth.

After eating, she still prefers crab claw meat.

Under Bailey’s expectant gaze, Sonny broke the crab claws and picked out the plump crab meat.

“Thank you ma’am.”

Bailey’s eyes lit up and he stretched out his fleshy hands towards Sonny.

Sonny smiled softly at Bailey, then slowly put it into her mouth, chewed it a few times, and nodded, “It’s really delicious.”

“Elder sister…”

Bailey was stunned.

Maud glanced at Sonny, who was rarely funny, smiled softly, and put the wooden cup full of wine in front of Bailey.

“Don’t just eat meat, don’t you like drinking very much?”

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“But I’d rather eat meat.”

Bailey murmured softly, raised his glass and drank.

This drink, suddenly turned to Lafayette’s side.

Lafayette watched silently as Bailey, who was drinking heavily, walked in front of him.

Drunk-eyed Bailey raised his glass high, slammed the glass in Lafayette’s hand, and said boldly: “Done it!”

After speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine from the glass.

Lafayette didn’t drink, just stared curiously at Bailey, who suddenly became lively.

Bailey put the empty wine glass in front of Lafayette, imitating Saul’s tone, and said domineeringly: “Little thing, pour wine for Father.”


Lafayette was silent for a while, picked up the barrel, and filled Bailey with wine.

Bailey glanced at the wine in the glass and said with satisfaction: “Not bad, I will mix with Laozi in the future, hiccup…”


Lafayette chuckled.

Hearing this laughter, Bailey paused, trying to hold his eyelids to look at Lafayette’s face, and suddenly fell silent.

The other side of the bonfire.

Sabo raised his glass and touched Maud, and suddenly asked, “Maud, do you want to come to us?”

When Morley and Koala heard the words, they both put down what they were doing and looked over quietly.

Sonny also turned her head to look at Maud.

Sabo’s abruptness surprised Maud.

Just at this moment, Shanks and Yasopp came over.

“Maud, do you want to come to my boat?”


Sabo looked at Shanks.

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