Chapter 133 The Premise of the Wave

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The Don Quixote family’s business spreads all over the world, mainly engaged in arms, slave trading and other lucrative black industries.

Today, Doflamingo increasingly despises the slave trade, and the focus gradually shifts to the arms trade.

In his opinion, Mad Hatter Island is a good place to gather all kinds of black industries, but it lacks the most important arms.

So when he received Ralph’s cover letter a year ago, Doflamingo didn’t take it seriously.

And just two months ago, when Ralph introduced himself again with an arms channel, Doflamingo became interested.

What he didn’t expect was that, before the cooperation started, Mad Hatter suddenly ushered in disaster.

As an invisible black zone, he was a little interested in the destruction of Mad Hatter.

With his power, he got some more important information without much effort.

Thus, it is known that the main culprits in the destruction of Mad Hatter Town are navy hero Garp and Admiral Aokiji.

Doflamingo was surprised when he saw these two names.

At the same time, he became more and more interested in the matter.

Until today, a reward order has arrived as scheduled.

“The first reward is 68 million, furfur…”

Doflamingo raised his upper body, threw the reward in his hand, and immediately took the red wine glass handed over by the maid.

Diamanti, one of the top officials of the Don Quixote family, picked up the reward that Doflamingo had thrown away, and took a closer look.

“So young?”

Diamanti, who was wearing a raw-brimmed hat and had two lines on his face, couldn’t believe it.

“Doffy, is this guy related to the Mad Hatter Island incident you’ve been following recently?”


Doflamingo drank the red wine in his glass without answering Diamanti’s words.

The cadres who were drinking and having fun around the pool noticed the movement here and came over one after another.

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“Hey, this guy looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, right? The bounty is so high?”

“Bacardi Maud? Never heard of this character.”

“This is the first time a bounty is offered…”

“What did he do to get such a high bounty?”

“Hmph, fifty million more than me!”

“Dellinger, to be precise, you are 53 million more than you.”


Incompetent screams.

“Dellinger, you are still young after all, so it is normal for the bounty to be low.”

“But this guy is also very young?”


Doflamingo looked at the family members who were talking in silence.

Bacardi Maud.

The first reward was 68 million, and it had something to do with the Four Emperors Red-hair Pirates, and it would never be a generalist in the future.

Maybe a year, maybe two years.

The existence of this guy…


Grand Line, Baldigo, the island of white earth.

It is full of yellow sand and rocks. It is a very barren island, and it is also the base camp of the Revolutionary army.

Koala ran into Sabo’s room with a bounty.

“Sabo, Maud is wanted.”


Sabo came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of shorts.

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Koala slaps the bounty on Sabo.

Sabo picked up the reward token and looked at it, suddenly surprised.

Koala looked at Sabo’s reaction and sighed: “I was also shocked when I got the reward order. Maud didn’t seem to do anything, right? Why was the reward so high all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know.”

Sabo shook his head and said solemnly: “However, there must be good reasons for the Navy to set such a high reward amount.”

Koala nodded in agreement.

Sabo put the reward on the table and got dressed.

After a while, Sabo and Koala left the room together and headed towards the studio.

Soon, the two came to the studio.

In the studio, members of the Revolutionary army are working on the platform.

When they saw Sabo and Koala walk in, they greeted them habitually.

Immediately, they quickly noticed the bounty in Sabo’s hand, and couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

In their impression, Sabo has never paid attention to pirates, and it can even be said that he has no interest in pirates at all.

“Sabo, when did you become interested in pirates?”

“Ah, because this is a friend of mine.”

Sabo raised the bounty and walked to the window with Koala.

There, stood a man in a green coat.

The man silently looked at the rustling sand outside, his resolute face with red square tattoos was reflected in the mirror of the window.

This man is the leader of the Revolutionary army, Monkey D. Dragon.

Sabo came to the window, held the reward in front of Dragon, and said with a smile, “Dragon, this is the Maud I mentioned to you.”


After taking the reward, Dragon took a few glances, and his reaction was very indifferent.

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Sabo didn’t take it seriously, and continued: “It’s amazing. The first time he was wanted, there was such a high bounty. It would be great if he could join us.”

Dragon handed the reward to Koala beside him, while Sabo was still talking about Maud in high spirits.

Even members of the Revolutionary Army not far away can easily see Sabo’s strong desire to let Maud join the organization.

Listening to Sabo’s incessant words, Dragon’s face remained calm.

Compared with the strength factor, the Revolutionary army needs more like-minded people!

So, even if Sabo mentioned this person many times, Dragon was still not interested.


A certain area of ​​Grand Line.

The Red Firth of the Red-Hair Pirates moored here.

It was a violent storm late last night, but this morning it was clear skies.

On the deck, Yasopp took Maud’s reward and looked at it carefully.

“Tsk tsk, this kid is quite photogenic.”

“Is this what you care about?”

Lucky Roo leaned over and glanced at the reward order.

At first glance, he went for the reward amount, so he wouldn’t care about being photogenic.

Yasopp patted Lucky Roo’s belly with his backhand, and said meaningfully, “It’s hard to understand, right?”

Lucky Roo nodded.

“Ha ha!”

Yasopp laughed inexplicably and went to Shanks with a reward, leaving Lucky Roo who was confused.

After only a few steps, he was stopped by his companions.

“Is this Maud’s reward?”

A sharp-eyed crew member saw the photo of the bounty.


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Yasopp nodded.

“let me see.”

A crew member took the bounty from Yasopp and looked at it.

When the others saw this, they gathered behind the crew member and huddled together to watch the reward order.

“68 million, little Maud can do it!”

“Hey, this number is higher than mine.”

“Hahaha, it really is.”

“What are you laughing at? I remember your bounty wasn’t that high, right?”

“Oops, sorry, mine is 74 million.”


One of the crew members retreated, stumbling into the corner.

In the captain’s room, Shanks was lying on his back on the bed with a bottle of wine in his hand.

He could hear the movement from outside clearly.


He stared at the ceiling, his eyes deep, making it hard to see what he was thinking.


East Blue Sea, Manammu Island.

Maud did not know that he had been offered a reward, and it was still as high as 68 million.

Even if he knew, it wouldn’t make any sense.

Because he will not leave Manammu Island for a long time to come.

According to Saul, if you want to go outside, you must first learn some life-saving abilities.

Otherwise, once the waves fly, someone will inevitably break their legs.

So, Maud began a long training session on Manammu Island.

Well, about the moon step…

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